When do you need household insurance?

Household contents insurance, like private liability insurance, is not a compulsory insurance in Switzerland. Nevertheless, it is advisable to take out the insurance if you cannot or do not want to pay for the damage yourself in the event of damage. Because: If no such insurance is taken out, you remain at your own expense if, for example, the bathtub overflows and the water drips through the tenant's ceiling below you. You have to pay for the damage yourself. Fire damage can also quickly become expensive.

When do you need household insurance

The household contents insurance also reimburses you for the damage that occurs if burglars break into your apartment or house and steal the good jewelry. Or if you are on the go and your notebook is stolen, although this point is not automatically included in every household insurance. Separate protection via an additional module is required here, which can be? Simple theft abroad? referred and jumps in cases of stolen handbags, laptops or bicycles.

Home contents insurance covers, among other things, damage to the following items:

    • Furniture
    • electronic equipment
    • dress
    • stolen things

The damage can be caused by fire, water, smoke, burglary, theft or vandalism. Without a household insurance with sufficient coverage, it is not possible to get the damage compensated.

Home insurance usually insures at replacement value, which means that you can get your belongings replaced at the price of a new, comparable item. If, for example, the television is destroyed by implosion, you get the value for an equivalent device replaced. In addition, other costs are included in the insurance, for example costs for an overnight stay in a hotel because your own apartment has become uninhabitable, or costs for replacing the door locks because the old ones were destroyed in the event of a break-in.

In order to be fully covered, however, a little caution is required when drafting the contract. Normally, all items that are in the household are included in the household insurance. Household insurance also protects things that are out of the office at short notice, for example when moving from A to B. However, go for a walk and take your smartphone with you, which unfortunately will be stolen, it is not insured. Unless you have the above-mentioned module? Simple theft abroad? included in the policy. Burglary and robbery, on the other hand, are automatically included in the insurance contract.

Conclusion: when is home insurance necessary?

Household insurance should always be taken out if you live or have rented your own apartment. It is important to have a sufficient amount of insurance, because with underinsurance you will not be able to get sufficient compensation for possible damage. If the damage is greater than the amount insured, you will have to pay the rest yourself. Please also consider including possible additional options in the insurance policy, for example to have sufficient insurance for the bike you use to get to work.

Here you can find the offers for household contents and personal liability insurance in Check home contents and liability insurance comparison and find the best offer for you. Together with our information, you will soon be in the picture and on the best way to be optimally insured!


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