When is supplementary health care insurance worthwhile?

The range of benefits of compulsory health care insurance in Switzerland is quite extensive; as the basic insurance for the Swiss, it covers many costs in the event of illness. 

When is supplementary health care insurance worthwhile?

However, areas such as dentistry or geriatric care are not included in the cost of basic insurance and must be covered by supplementary insurance. 

Since these can tear a hole in the monthly household budget, it is advisable to ask yourself: Is additional health insurance worthwhile?

Basic insurance only covers part of the costs

The compulsory health care insurance in Switzerland provides these benefits:

    • Hospital stays (in the canton of residence)
    • maternity
    • Outpatient examinations and treatments by doctors, chiropractors, midwives
    • prescribed medication and laboratory tests
    • 50% up to max. 5000 euros patient transport for rescues and 50% up to max. 500 for medically required patient transports
    • dental treatment after an accident or serious general illness
    • Maternity: seven control examinations, two ultrasound examinations and a follow-up examination, three breastfeeding consultations and a maximum of 100 euros for the preparatory course
    • Vaccinations (except travel vaccinations), gynecological examinations (every three years), mammograms
    • Alternative medicine
    • Care costs for outpatient (Spitex) or inpatient care, Caution: none Takeover of the nursing home or domestic help

The premiums for basic insurance are quite low, but insured persons are obliged to pay the treatment costs. The general deductible of ten percent of the treatment costs applies. 

A max. A contribution of CHF 700 is permitted, but for children this amount amounts to CHF 350. The insured can also choose between the costs of the franchise, which are between CHF 300 and CHF 2500, children do not pay anything.

Why additional health care insurance?

Basic insurance covers some, but not all, of the costs that can arise from treatment by a doctor. It is therefore advisable to take out some supplementary outpatient insurance.

Basic benefits of supplementary nursing care insurance

High-priced supplementary health insurance benefits

- visual aids

- medication

- flu shots

- Psychotherapeutic treatment by people without training

- Protection abroad

- fitness classes

- yoga

- Dental treatment (mostly as additional dental insurance)

- travel vaccinations

- Etc.

Depending on how much you are willing to pay, you can top up your insurance package. But keep in mind that insurers are not forced to include you in insurance coverage. 

Because unlike the basic insurance, you have to do a health check, after which the health insurance companies decide whether to accept you or not.

Change nursing supplementary insurance

If you plan to change your supplementary insurer, caution is advised. If you want to change the basic insurance, cancellation is sufficient 30 days before the end of the year, i.e. by November 30 of the calendar year. 

However, supplementary insurance usually has three months' notice. The notice of cancellation must be received by September 30, whereby the postmark is not sufficient, but the actual receipt by the insurance company counts. Also, wait for your new insurer's approval before you cancel. 

The same applies here: unlike basic insurance, there must be a written promise before you have your place.

You have to check for yourself which additional health insurance is worthwhile for you. Most Swiss have dental insurance, travel vaccination and insurance for non-cash medication.

Additional insurance for the hospital or fitness subscriptions are not absolutely necessary. However, the individual must also be decided here: those who regularly go to training can definitely consider this insurance.

Supplementary nursing care insurance in Switzerland: the main differences

In principle, nursing care insurance in Switzerland is differentiated between inpatient and outpatient care models. Inpatient hospital insurance is primarily suitable for the following groups of people: 

    • resident in rural areas
    • Patients requesting treatment in university hospitals
    • People from big cities with high comfort requirements

If the choice is a semi-private policy, policyholders are entitled to a free choice of doctor and a twin room. The private variant comes into consideration for all policyholders with even greater comfort requirements. 

The outpatient supplementary insurance, on the other hand, specializes in services in the fields of complementary and alternative medicine. The service of this policy also includes funding for medicinal products excluded by basic insurance. 

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