Health insurance premiums by canton: The new premiums are here!
The health insurance premiums by canton for 2020 have been known since the end of September 2019. You can find out what you need to know about it and how the health insurance system in Switzerland works in general here.

Health insurance premiums by canton 2020: The new values have been announced
As every autumn, the health insurance companies in Switzerland publish the health insurance premiums by canton for the coming year. There are big differences and it is therefore worthwhile for you to compare and plan anew every year. This is definitely associated with a certain amount of effort, but it pays off in the long term. From time to time, find out about other insurers and insurance models. Everyone who wants to switch should do so by the end of November. The premiums are not only tied to the insurer and age, but are also tied to the canton: health insurance premiums according to canton
For orientation: in 2019 the premium increased by an average of 1.2 percent. However, this value is made up of the figures for all cantons. If you take a closer look at the health insurance premiums for 2020, you will see that there are sometimes big differences from canton to canton. Some Swiss could be happy about 1.5 percent less, but others received an increase of 3.6 percent.
Health insurance premiums 2020 for 2020 amount to an average increase of just 0.2 percent. However, the following applies again: There may be differences in the health insurance premiums by canton. The mean value for the health insurance premiums for 2020 results from a range of -1.5 percent and +2.9 percent. According to the Federal Office of Public Health, the Swiss must expect an average of CHF 314.50 more to spend on health insurance premiums in 2020.
Health insurance premiums by canton: This is how it looks in the individual cantons
The Federal Office of Public Health, or BAG for short, published the premiums for the coming year in September 2019, staggered according to age group and cantons. So it looks like this for adults over 26 years of age:
Canton | Francs in 2019 | Francs in 2020 | Percent change |
AG | 345,5 | 345,8 | 0,1 |
AI | 263,5 | 266,4 | 1,1 |
AR | 312,1 | 319,7 | 2,4 |
BE | 381,3 | 381,3 | 0,0 |
BL | 416,5 | 419,7 | 0,8 |
BS | 483,5 | 483,2 | -0,1 |
FR | 352,1 | 356,7 | 1,3 |
GE | 482.2 | 483,1 | 0,2 |
GL | 332,4 | 333,9 | 0,5 |
GR | 320,6 | 326,2 | 1,8 |
JU | 405,9 | 406,5 | 0,2 |
LU | 326,3 | 321,9 | -1,3 |
NE | 416,3 | 426,5 | 2,5 |
northwest | 293,1 | 297,3 | 1,4 |
OW | 304,9 | 305,7 | 0,3 |
SG | 328,6 | 331,7 | 0,9 |
SH | 364,3 | 360,9 | -0,9 |
SO | 371,8 | 372,1 | 0,1 |
SZ | 321,3 | 320,0 | -0,4 |
TG | 322,1 | 327,6 | 1,7 |
TI | 410,6 | 421,0 | 2,5 |
UR | 288,7 | 290,0 | 0,5 |
VD | 421,3 | 418,0 | -0,8 |
VS | 351,7 | 359,3 | 2,2 |
ZG | 300,1 | 299,9 | -0,1 |
ZH | 364,8 | 364,0 | -0,2 |
CH | 373,3 | 374,4 | 0,3 |
According to forecasts for the health insurance premiums by canton, citizens from the cantons (AG, BE, BS, LU, SH, SO, SZ, VD, ZG, ZH) can be particularly happy? The cantons of Appenzell Ausserhoden, Graubünden, Neuchâtel, Ticino and Valais have to pay more.
Health insurance premiums 2020 by canton: What do the rewards bring?
Basic insurance is the same for all citizens in Switzerland. Further services can be used individually. These offers vary from health insurer to health insurer, so a comparison is definitely worthwhile at this point. Not every offer and every reward makes sense in the same way for everyone. Consider your own situation and your requirements and then make a personal comparison. The health insurance premiums 2020 in combination with the basic insurance should give you the best overall picture. Please also note that the health insurance premiums vary by canton.
The premiums vary
- depending on the canton.
- depending on the franchise.
- depending on the age group.
- depending on the health insurance company.
Health insurance premiums 2020: High financial relief for young adults
On average, Swiss policyholders will have to pay a monthly premium of CHF 315.40 from 2020. Young people who pay two percent less than in the previous year can look forward to a special relief from the 2020 health insurance premiums.
The average monthly health insurance premium for 2020 for 19 to 25-year-old policyholders is thus a total of 265.3 francs. While the premium for adults increased by an average of 0.3 percent to 374.40 francs, premiums for children remained constant at 98.7 francs.
Your health insurance company can also finance your fitness subscription.
According to the BAG, however, health costs will gradually increase due to demographic developments and medical and technical advances.
Your health insurance company can also finance your fitness subscription. See how it works here. Your health insurance company can also cover yours Fitness subscription finance. See how it works here.
It's worth comparing! Click here now and see all health insurance premiums 2020 in Find health insurance comparison!
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