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Every company is unique

Small and medium-sized companies may be similar in terms of size or number of employees. But basically every company is unique! Different industries, different orientations, various services and above all other entrepreneurs make a company unique.

The risk of every company is also different. While some as entrepreneurs put everything on one card and used their entire capital to build up the company, others still had reserves. This in turn means that various smaller risks can also be absorbed if these actually show up as a damage event. However, if you no longer have any reserves or are faced with a major loss, you often have to give up your entrepreneurial existence and are also in debt.

Various insurance policies, which are specifically geared to the needs of SMEs, help to avoid the case described above in the event of a loss event. The aim is to cover individual risks with the right insurance, which includes both personal risks and operational risks. An entrepreneur must protect himself against illness and incapacity for work, the company itself must be protected against liability claims or a possible loss of business.

The company can only continue to operate in a targeted manner if it is aware of adequate security.

Does advice make sense for SMEs?

The question in the heading can be answered with a very specific and simple? Yes? answer clearly. The reason: Very few entrepreneurs know exactly what insurance protection they need both personally and for their company. In the context of comprehensive advice, sensible insurance protection is shown.

After the entire consultation has been evaluated, it is up to the operator to decide whether this will ultimately be noticed or whether the entrepreneur will opt for less protection.

But not only the comprehensive overview of possible insurance for SMEs is an advantage of advice from the experts. Overall, a perfectly tailored company insurance policy can minimize your own risk in the event of damage, precisely because the right protection is available for the respective risk.

At the same time, only what is really insured is insured; there is no need to worry about over-protection. Double insurance is also avoided. This often consists of taking out several insurance policies that overlap in the scope of coverage. Overall, entrepreneurs save a lot of money if they opt for advice and only take out insurance based on this information.

It is not for nothing that the consultants are true experts in their field and can provide professional information in every respect. This specialist knowledge cannot be read in passing, so there is no alternative to professional advice on insurance for SMEs.

What are social security funds?

Entrepreneurs in Switzerland are obliged to take out social insurance for themselves and their employees. Which insurance policies are specific also depends on the legal form. In general, entrepreneurs who run their company as sole proprietorships, limited partnerships or collective companies are seen as self-employed and are largely responsible for their own provision. On the other hand, anyone founding a public limited company or GmbH is both the owner and the company's own employee. Most insurance companies are compulsory for this group of entrepreneurs.
Social security in Switzerland is divided into state, company and individual pensions. There is also the three-pillar model:

    • 1st pillar
      This pillar is financed equally by employees and employers. Both pay contributions to old-age and survivors' insurance (AHV) and disability insurance (IV).
      The first pillar is compulsory, the entrepreneur must contact the relevant compensation office when founding the company.

    • 2nd pillar
      This is about the pension fund, which stands in after working hours and is supposed to ensure the previous standard of living. Insurance is compulsory, minimum earnings are required (CHF 21? 330 in 2019). The contributions are calculated on the basis of wages.

    • 3rd pillar
      The self-employed can make provisions in the third pillar, which is Pillar 3a, into which up to CHF 34? 128 can be paid in per year. Important: Entrepreneurs may not belong to the pension fund if they want to pay into the third pillar.

Social security also includes unemployment insurance, which must be taken out for every employee if it is a non-self-employed activity. In addition, occupational accident insurance and non-occupational accident insurance are to be mentioned, whereby coverage against occupational accidents is mandatory in Switzerland. Employees who work in the home office must also be insured here!

Health insurances should not be forgotten here, they also differentiate between self-employed and non-self-employed entrepreneurs. Health insurance consists of basic insurance and additional benefits that can be paid voluntarily.

What are company insurance policies?

Each entrepreneur decides on possible company insurance. It makes sense and is advisable to take out certain insurance policies, but they are not mandatory.
Business liability insurance, which protects the company against third-party claims, is particularly important. The risks that should be included differ depending on the industry. It is therefore important to have detailed advice, such as here via, and to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the risk at hand.

The investment risk (damage resulting from the property as owner or tenant of real estate and the resulting liability), the operating risk (damage resulting from processes within the company) and the product risk (damage caused by constructional or structural There are also various special risks that can be hedged.

Further business insurance for SMEs

Property insurance is divided into driving insurance and building insurance, both of which are useful for companies in small and medium-sized companies. If damage occurs due to a necessary business interruption and, for example, profits have been lost, the business interruption insurance comes into effect. In the course of this, legal protection insurance should also be considered, which may be necessary, for example, for legal advice and legal proceedings.

Another company insurance is the machine insurance, which is also referred to as insurance for technical systems. It covers damage to all of the company's electronic equipment if it stems from its own or someone else's fault. The insurance is also called EDP insurance.

Various criteria can be used to determine whether one of the other company insurance policies is necessary at all. If the company has sufficient financial cushion to replace defective devices and bridge the downtime, insurance is not required. Public liability insurance, however, should be available in any case. If personal injury occurs in the company, the compensation payments can run into the millions. However, the entrepreneur is liable with his entire business and private assets for possible damage, which can mean financial ruin. Liability insurance for companies protects against this.

Which social security schemes for entrepreneurs are voluntary, which are mandatory?

Entrepreneurs in Switzerland are considered self-employed if they operate under their own name and for their own account and if they are in an independent position. You have to bear the economic risk of your company yourself. The compensation office will check whether a person wishing to join the social security system is self-employed or not. It does this by making individual decisions.

In general, the following applies: Anyone who runs a sole proprietorship or is the founder of a general or limited partnership is considered to be self-employed. Most of the provisions have to be taken care of by yourself. However, if you run a GmbH or AG, you are an entrepreneur, but at the same time you are managed as a separate employee. He is considered to be a self-employed person, most insurance policies are compulsory.
Below you will find a list of compulsory and voluntary insurance according to the respective legal form:

    • one-man business
      Old-age and survivors' insurance as well as disability insurance (AHV, IV), family allowances and the income replacement scheme (EO) are mandatory.
      On the other hand, occupational disability insurance, accident insurance for non-occupational accidents, occupational pensions (from an annual wage of CHF 21? 330) and daily sickness benefits are voluntary.

    • Collective society
      The AHV and IV are mandatory, plus family allowances and EO.
      As with a sole proprietorship, occupational disability insurance, accident insurance for non-occupational accidents, occupational benefits (from an annual wage of CHF 21,330) and daily sickness benefits are voluntary.

    • GmbH
      Significantly more insurance policies are compulsory here: the entrepreneur must take out AHV and IV, unemployment insurance, family allowances, EO and accident insurance for occupational accidents. Anyone who works more than eight hours a week must also take out accident insurance for non-occupational accidents. Occupational pensions are required from an annual wage of CHF 21-330.
      Daily sickness insurance can be taken out voluntarily.

    • Corporation
      The same rules apply to stock corporations as to a GmbH!

Overview of insurance for Swiss entrepreneurs

The types of insurance that must be taken out and which are not, are precisely stipulated in Switzerland for the self-employed. Real compulsory insurance is the AHV and IV, and the contributions to the income replacement scheme must be paid. Among other things, the EO pays when maternity benefits are required.

Health insurance must be able to be proven by all Swiss. At least one basic insurance with a health insurance company of your own choice must be shown. The benefits are the same for all providers, but the premiums are very different. It is therefore worthwhile to carry out a comparison at

However, insurance against accidents is voluntary, but it is worth thinking about taking out such insurance, especially since family members who are working can also be insured. The insurance bears the costs for the hospital and also covers medical costs and daily allowance for accidents. In the event of disability, an invalidity pension is paid, the benefits of which remain for a lifetime.

The basic insurance of the health insurance covers the healing costs, but not the continued payment of wages. It can quickly look very bad for the self-employed if they have no further income. Daily sickness insurance pays the previous average wage for a period of two years.

Which insurance policies should be taken out in individual cases must be clarified individually. Various criteria are important for this, such as: B. Finances still available after deducting contributions to compulsory insurance.

These SME insurance policies are mandatory

Not only the entrepreneur, but also the company should have some insurance. But not all reasonable insurance policies are also mandatory. The following insurance policies are common in Switzerland and are mandatory for these companies:

    • Professional liability insurance
      In view of the possible level of claims for liability claims, professional liability insurance must be taken out in many industries in order to enable victims to receive the benefits they are entitled to.

    • building insurance
      Fire and natural damage insurance is mandatory for owners of commercial buildings. This applies regardless of the chosen legal form of the company.

    • Motor vehicle insurance
      Liability insurance is compulsory, without which the vehicle will not be approved for use in road traffic.

As you can see from this, there are only a few small and medium-sized companies in Switzerland that are really compulsory. Liability insurance should be emphasized here in particular, because even if they should not be mandatory for a specific industry, they are always recommended.

The possible amount of damage, especially in the case of personal injury and financial loss, is so high that it can lead to financial ruin if a third party is damaged and makes claims. The person causing the damage is also liable with his private assets.

These SME insurance policies are recommended

Not all insurance policies that can be taken out voluntarily are also recommended. At the same time, some of the voluntary insurance policies are so important that they can almost be described as mandatory. The three liability insurances are to be mentioned here: Professional, company and building liability are voluntary insurances (with the exception of individual sectors for which professional liability insurance is compulsory).

Possible damage claims can mean financial ruin.
It is also advisable to extend motor vehicle insurance to include comprehensive insurance. This also pays if the damage was caused (full coverage) or if a wild animal ran into the car (partial coverage).
Business interruption insurance is recommended if a closure of the company can lead to financial bottlenecks or even bankruptcy. The contributions to the insurance are comparatively low, the benefit can be used, for example, if the company's computers are defective due to lightning strikes and therefore no more order processing can take place.

To decide whether this insurance is useful or not, the answer to the question of whether a liquidity bottleneck can arise due to a lack of payments from customers and, if so, how quickly this would occur is sufficient.

Assembly, travel or transport insurance are also optional: however, it is only really advisable to take out insurance in a few cases.

Without the right insurance for an SME, it can quickly become very expensive

Each company is unique and is subject to an individual risk of damage. Several factors play into the consideration of whether or not insurance should be taken out (if it is not mandatory). However, numerous practical examples show how it can quickly become very tight financially for SMEs if there is no adequate insurance.

Take the example of the lack of liability insurance: a company owns an administration building that has been covered with bricks. On a day when there was a strong wind, customer XY went into the building or was about to enter it. A brick came off the roof and fell on the customer's head.

He suffered serious injuries and was unable to work for months. He made the possible demands on the company he wanted to visit on the day of the accident. With success: His liability claims have been confirmed. On the one hand, it was about the existing personal injury, which included treatment in the hospital, rehabilitation measures and compensation for pain and suffering. On the other hand, it was about the financial loss, because customer XY could not work and therefore did not receive any wages.

All these claims in the high six-figure range had to be made to the company, which would have had to file for bankruptcy without the insurance. So the claims of the business liability insurance were reported, which checked their legality. As a result, the insurance company pays the sums requested.

Expensive waiver of comprehensive protection

Young companies in particular are looking for ways to save as much money as possible. They quickly come to the conclusion that insurance premiums seem so high in the year. So prefer not to take out insurance? This may only work well at first glance, because if a damage occurs, the person who caused it must pay in full. But it's not always about liability claims. In light of the ever-increasing weather frenzy, lightning strikes are also more common, which in turn means that electronic devices in the company are broken.

Or the lightning strike leads to a fire in the building. All this damage is very costly and can lead to the closure of the company. Insurance premiums may appear as a monthly or yearly charge. However, they are nothing compared to a possible loss in the event of an insurance claim. Even if a resourceful entrepreneur sets aside a certain amount each month to be able to access it in an emergency, the damage amounts usually exceed such an amount saved many times over. Anyone who foregoes the necessary protection takes a high risk. This relates to the continued existence of the entire company!

Comparison is important

It goes without saying that the compulsory insurance is taken out. However, the same applies to this as to the voluntary (and recommended) insurance: Before concluding an insurance comparison, it is essential to make an insurance comparison. Here at you have the opportunity to compare different insurance providers with their services and premiums and find the right offer for you. Invest only a few minutes and get the insurance that suits your needs and requirements!

Who offers SME insurance in Switzerland?

Almost all insurers also offer special insurance for small and medium-sized companies. Individual providers such as Allianz Suisse even offer bundled insurance policies that include business liability and other insurance policies. The policyholder receives a package containing all the important insurance policies. The disadvantage, however, is that it may also include insurance benefits that are not relevant to the company in question.

They still have to be paid. In many cases it is therefore advisable to compare the individual insurance policies on and prefer to take out exactly the insurance policies that are personally relevant for the entrepreneur. The following insurers offer insurance for SMEs in Switzerland:

Examples of SME insurance in Switzerland

Basically, almost all major insurers offer policies for SMEs. One example is Helvetia: it combines the most important insurance policies in one contract, but also offers them separately. Entrepreneurs can take out business liability and environmental liability insurance here, opt for business content, electronics, trade or loss of earnings insurance.

If you want complete all-round protection, select different insurance areas, which are summarized in a contract.
Similar to Helvetia, other insurers also handle it. Some examples are:

    • Generali
    • Axa
    • furnishings
    • Vaudoise
    • Zurich
    • Baloise

However, not all of these SME insurance companies offer coverage for every area. While business liability insurance is the standard product that is available from almost all providers that cover the commercial sector, loss of income insurance cannot always be booked. Important: Even if it may be more practical, since only one contact person has to be consulted for all insurance questions, it is not recommended in every case. Sometimes it makes more sense to commission different insurers because it can save enormous costs.

An insurance comparison like here at is therefore absolutely advisable.
Tip: Online insurance should also be included in the comparison. They also offer very good protection and are often the cheaper option with regard to their premiums. Prospective buyers should therefore be completely impartial before a comparison and include not only the big, well-known insurers, but also smaller providers. Ultimately, it is not the name that is important, but the scope of services in connection with the awards!

One step further

Zurich has a special offer, which it has been offering since 2017. It offers classic business insurance for SMEs, which can also be taken out from other insurers. However, Zurich goes one step further and offers special protection for the failure of the entrepreneur. Many entrepreneurs see themselves or their failure as the greatest risk for their own company. If they fail, some companies even face bankruptcy because the most important decisions are usually made by the owner, who also receives all the information.

With Zurich's insurance offer, an emergency plan is drawn up in advance. If the entrepreneur then fails, the plan is activated and the representative of the company owner is briefed on his new role by SME consultants. Whether and to what extent such products are now also offered by other insurance companies should be asked individually.

Business liability insurance for SMEs

Text 2 certain risk associated. If a damage occurs, the entrepreneur can be held liable. This applies, for example, to damage to people, objects or third party assets. Entrepreneurs should adequately protect themselves and their company against the often very high claims arising from such a damage event, which is only possible through business liability insurance. This insurance is even mandatory in some sectors, but is definitely recommended in others. Public liability insurance also assumes a passive legal protection function and fends off unjustified claims.

Benefits from business liability insurance

Depending on the insurer and the scope of the insurance, the liability insurance benefits vary. As a rule, however, the costs that are incurred as a result of injury, illness, health problems or the death of a person and which are borne by the entrepreneur are covered. Damage and loss to third party property are also covered.

Added to this is environmental pollution: damage to the environment and for which the entrepreneur is responsible can be very expensive!
In addition to the standard policies, individual contracts can also be concluded. Some insurers offer their own insurance products with tailor-made solutions. They are specially tailored to the needs of the policyholder and cannot be transferred to other entrepreneurs without adaptation. However, these products are generally significantly more expensive than standard policies.

Property insurance for SMEs

Property insurance covers damage to things, hence the name. They are also known as company insurance policies and are the counterpart to personal insurance policies. Property insurance thus protects everything that is part of the business content and can be taken out in different versions.

Policyholders can choose whether to commission a complete package with the most important insurance policies or whether to choose individual modules and combine their individual insurance cover with them. For most entrepreneurs, vehicle insurance will be particularly relevant when it comes to property insurance, although this can be individually upgraded with comprehensive insurance.

These property insurance policies are important for SMEs

If there are not enough reserves, periods of business interruption, e.g. B. be bridged because of flood damage. Business interruption insurance jumps in. Electronics insurance is also helpful and useful because it replaces damage to electronic devices. A business content insurance is similar, it also steps in if lightning strikes or vandalism have caused damage to electronic devices.

Other examples are machine insurance or transport insurance. Building insurance is also part of property insurance, some of which is only available as fire insurance. Important: Individual insurance such as building insurance must be taken out if the building is used for business purposes and is owned by the entrepreneur.

Business interruption insurance for SMEs

Companies live from the fact that they generate regular income. If these break away, ongoing costs still have to be paid. Employees must continue to be paid, social security contributions paid and rents and leases paid. If there is a business interruption because, for example, a burglar has damaged the production facilities, no income is possible. For other reasons, such as illness of the entrepreneur or damage caused by natural events, the operation may have to be interrupted. This is where business interruption insurance for SMEs comes in.

Business interruption insurance benefits

Business interruption insurance covers the financial consequences of business interruption. It is about the direct costs as well as lost profits. Insurance must be taken out for almost all risks and is particularly recommended for companies that have no alternative options for their production or who are dependent on their location.

In addition, SMEs belong to the target group of business interruption insurers who do not have sufficient financial reserves to bridge short-term bottlenecks. Experts recommend comparing the premiums for such insurance policies well (for example here on and also think about legal expenses insurance. This can ideally supplement the business interruption insurance with regard to possible legal advice costs.

Machine and IT insurance for SMEs

Machine and IT insurance, which is also commonly referred to as insurance for technical systems, is particularly important for many SMEs. It protects against damage to machines and systems, apparatus and instruments and other technical systems in the company. A distinction is made between own and third-party fault, but most insurers pay in both cases.

Inattentiveness is also insured: if, for example, the wrong fuel is poured into the forklift tank and the forklift can no longer do its job due to the defective engine, the insurance will cover the damage caused.

Then machine and IT insurance is important

Machine and IT insurance is always important if damage to machines and systems is to be covered in any case. The insurance also pays for the damage if it was caused by the company's employees. If, for example, morning coffee is poured onto the computer keyboard and the ongoing operations are restricted or even brought to a standstill, the insurance company takes over for the damage that has occurred.

The machine and IT insurance extends to stationary systems and machines as well as to mobile devices. For companies that cannot afford to forego their production for a few days or only generate limited income, the machine and IT insurance is definitely recommended.

Insurance against health risks

Anyone who plunges into their plan to bring out a large SME as a start-up rarely assumes that health problems could put an end to this wish. Such difficulties are often underestimated, which usually turns out to be a mistake. Entrepreneurs should therefore definitely protect themselves against the major risks of illness, accident, disability and death.

Your own incapacity to work should also be covered in any case, which is possible with daily sickness benefits. This insurance is not compulsory, but is considered to be a recommended insurance. The maximum benefit period for daily sickness insurance is two years. If the continuation of your own work is not possible due to the consequences of an accident, the accident insurance will step in and start paying.

Protect various risks well

It does not have to be special insurance products from individual providers that apply to the continuation of the company in the event of illness. The previously known insurance such as accident insurance, disability insurance or life insurance are usually sufficient.

Important: If an entrepreneur not only cares for himself and his company, but also has to support a family, he should remember to ensure that they are properly covered. Single people can get basic protection, but entrepreneurs who have to look after a family should be better protected. The main focus should therefore be on the AHV and IV.

The Swiss export risk insurance (SERV) for SMEs

Companies that export goods to other countries need special insurance. Swiss export risk insurance, SERV for short, covers all risks that arise for a company in connection with the export of goods.

This is primarily about financial risks, which become apparent, for example, when the customer becomes insolvent. Political risks in the country to which the goods are to be exported can also have serious economic consequences for the export company.

Various offers from Swiss export risk insurance

For example, SERV offers insurance for supplier credits. This hedge is even the most in demand within Swiss export risk insurance and it hedges possible risks for claims from export business. In addition, the manufacturing risk insurance is to be seen as particularly important, it protects the executing company against the risk of the production being stopped.

Furthermore, insurance solutions are offered that are relevant for the maintenance of liquidity. The manufacturing credit insurance and the bond guarantee are worth mentioning.

Swiss export risk insurance is a very good example of tailor-made insurance that only a few companies need. It should therefore not be included in an insurance package, but should only be booked when it is actually needed.

Building insurance for SMEs

Even though building insurance is not a compulsory insurance, it is suitable for every company that manages owner-occupied buildings in its fixed assets. These represent an important part of business assets and should be insured accordingly.

Building insurance protects, for example, in the event of damage to property caused by storms, fire or natural events on the building. If the building or parts of the building are rented out and there is damage that leads to rental losses, these are also covered by the building insurance.

This protects building insurance

The buildings of the company as well as structural systems, as well as the technology and infrastructure on the property in question are insured under the building insurance. It is also possible to protect the parts of the building that are not covered by the cantonal building insurance by taking out the building insurance, so the building insurance is an addition to the cantonal form.

Costs that arise in connection with a line break, follow-up costs and costs for damage prevention are also covered by the insurance. Also protected are gardens and facilities that belong to the building environment and are owned by the company.

Important: Damage caused by sprayers or vandalism on the building is also adequately covered by the building insurance.

Building liability insurance for SMEs

Building liability insurance is important for property owners and therefore for entrepreneurs who use their own buildings for their company. The insurance covers damage to people or property if the damage is caused by the impact of the building.

If roof tiles fall and injure people or damage objects, the owner is as liable as if someone is injured on a broken fence.

The business liability insurance covers part of the possible risk, whether this is sufficient must be checked in each individual case.

This ensures building liability insurance

The owner of the building or the property is always insured; all damage that third parties suffer on this property or in or through the building is covered. The damage caused by maintenance and repair work is also insured. Is your own damage not insured? if the roof tile mentioned falls on the entrepreneur's head himself, the insurance does not pay.

In addition, building liability insurance only comes into effect if no other liability insurance pays. If the damage is already covered under a private liability insurance, the building liability insurance does not regulate this damage in addition or as an alternative. This also applies if a building is rebuilt and any damage would fall within the scope of the building owner's liability insurance.

Business and professional liability for SMEs

In some industries, business and professional liability insurance is mandatory, in other industries it is at least recommendable. The company and professional liability insurance protects against high claims, which can be in the high six to even seven-digit range due to damage to people or financial loss.

The professional liability insurance is z. B. expected from doctors and pharmacists as well as from other members of the professions, they can voluntarily complete these. Company and professional liability insurance cover the defense against unjustified claims and thus fulfill a passive legal protection function.

Protection under public liability insurance

Business liability insurance covers, for example, so-called investment risks. These result from ownership of buildings and other real estate. Another point that is insured here is the operational risk.

This arises from the normal processes within the company. If an employee of the company damages a customer's property, the insurance company steps in and pays the costs. Product risk is the third major point that is covered by public liability insurance. It protects against damage caused by a defective or unsafe product.

Professional liability insurance, on the other hand, protects against profession-specific damage, such as incorrect treatment by the doctor. If such health impairments result, the doctor is liable for them. The professional liability insurance covers the financial damage.

Legal protection insurance for SMEs

Legal protection insurance for commercial customers offers protection in the event of necessary legal advice and legal disputes. The protection here refers to the sometimes very high costs for the legal services. Companies are fully protected with legal protection insurance, but usually they have to pay their own share.

With legal protection insurance, significantly more entrepreneurs insure their own legal situation and do not forego legal advice for cost reasons.

That covers legal expenses insurance

A legal protection insurance protects an entrepreneur and can take advantage of legal advice as well as litigation compensation. The legal advice relates to all legal areas mentioned in the insurance contract, the choice of lawyer is not specified.

Legal protection insurance can, however, also recommend a lawyer or forward it directly to them.
Important: Before the lawyer is commissioned, the insurance company must be informed of the present case, it must provide a cover letter. If this is not available and the insurance company decides against the assumption of costs, the entrepreneur must assume the costs for the lawyer, legal advice and, if necessary, for the process support.

Overall, legal protection insurance thus protects against the high costs that can arise from a legal dispute and can ensure that what remains right remains what is right.

The assistance insurance for SMEs

Assistance insurance is part of travel insurance and covers various risks. For example, the trip is terminated, which is necessary due to accident, illness or death. Interruption of a trip because a war, strike or civil unrest broke out in the destination country is also part of the insurance coverage. In addition, travel interruptions due to elementary events are insured.

Earthquakes and volcanic activity are usually not included! Assistance insurance also reimburses return trips that are necessary because the deputy in the company is ill or has an accident. If means of transport have failed, the costs will be borne, and a necessary return trip due to a break-in at home can also be processed cost-effectively via the assistance insurance.

Insurance for vehicles in SMEs

Entrepreneurs sometimes use their private cars to be professionally mobile. Others drive many different vehicles, others still need both trucks and cars in their fleet. Car insurance is therefore not to be taken out as a lump sum, but is always based on the individual needs of the entrepreneur.

Fleet insurance, for example, is cheaper than individual insurance from five vehicles to be insured. Here it is true that a precise insurance comparison is essential if the cheapest offer is to be found. This comparison is possible on!

Various insurance for vehicles

In addition to the fact that no vehicle may be moved on the road that does not have liability insurance, there are a number of other points that speak for special vehicle insurance. It is possible to take out several lines of insurance at the same time, with which passenger or commercial vehicles can be insured.

The most important part of vehicle insurance is liability, followed by full and partial coverage. At the same time, accident protection and 24-hour car assistance protection can also be taken out. However, anyone who is in an automobile club generally does not need an additional protective letter for the vehicle in the company.

Important: With the appropriate insurance, not only the entrepreneur himself, but also his employees are protected.

Accident insurance for SMEs

In Switzerland it is mandatory that every entrepreneur has to insure his employees: Accident insurance is required from eight working hours per week. This also applies if the employees work outside the company premises. The occupational accident insurance protects employees against accidents that occur in the workplace and against accidents during leisure time. The latter are referred to as non-occupational accidents. Suva is responsible for all companies in the industrial and construction sectors as well as for federal companies. Private insurance is available for all other companies.

Accident insurance provides these benefits

The benefits that the individual insurance companies must provide in the context of accident insurance are required by law and therefore do not differ. In the event of illness, no deductibles or franchises are required.

This covers all accidental costs, daily allowances for days of incapacity for work and a lifelong pension should an invalidity be ascertained. This pension relates to a maximum of 80 percent of the previous wage. In addition, the accident insurance grants a widow's and orphan's pension if the insured person dies. Insurance coverage can be improved through additional insurance, but then additional costs for the company are incurred through more extensive premiums.

The contributions for non-occupational accident insurance are ten to fifteen times higher than for occupational accident insurance; the contributions for this are mostly to be paid by the employee.

Daily sickness insurance for entrepreneurs

The same applies to all entrepreneurs: It is highly recommended to take out daily sickness benefit insurance. This insurance covers the loss of wages that will inevitably occur in the event of a long illness.

At best, a disability insurance should be combined. The reason: Daily sickness insurance only pays a maximum of two years. Those who cannot work fully again afterwards and have to claim a pension go away empty-handed without disability insurance.

Daily sickness insurance in SMEs

Every entrepreneur is obliged to continue to pay his employees' wages in the event of illness, if only for a limited time. The minimum duration of this continued payment of wages is generally set at three weeks in the first year of service, even if there are no specific legal regulations.

The Zurich, Basler and Berner scale is the yardstick here. This point is made much easier to pay through daily sickness insurance. It steps in when an employee is unable to work, whereby the contributions for the insurance of the employees can be imposed on them themselves.

It is generally assumed that half of the bonuses will be charged to the employee. However, the entrepreneur cannot set the premiums for their own daily sickness benefit insurance in this way.

Health prevention in SMEs

In small and medium-sized companies, people are protected by basic insurance, but not all preventive measures can be billed through this. Basic insurance includes, for example, vaccinations against diseases that are listed in the Swiss vaccination plan. The basic insurance also includes flu vaccinations for members of a risk group and for people over the age of 65. Furthermore, cancer prevention measures can be taken over within certain specifications. A cost sharing is often charged for preventive medical examinations.

Additional insurance is necessary for this

Additional insurance is required for a number of preventive measures. This includes, for example, the check-up, which can be carried out regularly, even if it is not absolutely necessary. Travel vaccinations are also paid by the supplementary insurance; basic insurance does not cover such vaccinations.

The individual insurers offer very different services here, so a comparison of the services like here via is highly recommended. In addition, not all costs are covered by supplementary insurance; in some cases, a deductible of 10 to 50 percent of the total costs remains. Most health insurers also set a financial limit and, for example, only carry out preventive measures of up to CHF 1,000 per year.

On the other hand, for example, fitness training and participation in the back school are financed by supplementary insurance.

Cyber risk insurance for SMEs

For most companies, the proper functioning of IT is essential, and at the same time more and more companies are becoming victims of cyber attacks. Whether or not a cyber risk insurance is necessary for this also depends on the industry.

Anyone who is threatened by a hacker as a software company has to fear significantly greater damage than someone who presents their small roofing company on their company website. Most companies today have some basic protection against cyber attacks, but real insurance against such threats is still the exception.

Protection through cyber risk insurance

Cyber risk insurance protects against the consequences that a cyber attack can have for the company. Nevertheless: A company must not assume that it is protected by insurance, because it must take appropriate security measures in every case.

The insurance only protects against the consequences and provides a certain financial compensation in the event of damage. The actual protection must start much sooner and be initiated by appropriate firewalls and other security measures.

Possible examples of services provided by cyber risk insurance include sales compensation for the necessary business interruption, the assumption of costs for the restoration of the operating systems and programs and also the assumption of costs for the restoration of the lost data.