Life Insurance Glossary

family insurance

Life insurance glossary - technical terms clearly explained

family insurance

Present value

The present value is the value of the total premium payments over the agreed term of the insurance contract. A fixed percentage is used for the calculation, over which all future payments can be discounted at any time.
The present value shows how much money has to be invested so that the premiums still in the future can be paid, whereby this calculation assumes a constant interest rate. The method is the basis for comparing different insurance products from different providers.


Beneficiaries are the persons named in the insurance contract and who receive the agreed benefits in the event of the insured event occurring. In the event of the death of the policyholder, life insurance can take the form of a one-off payment or a regular pension payment, whereby the type of payment must be contractually agreed in advance.
Beneficiaries can be different people who can be freely determined. The beneficiaries can be changed during the term of the contract, it does not have to remain with the originally named persons. There is one restriction, however, if life insurance is carried out under the 3a pillar, the beneficiaries cannot be changed easily.

policy reserve

Of the premiums that go into the Life insurance Switzerland are paid in, administrative costs will be charged. These are freely defined by the insurer and can relate, for example, to the agency commission or to the administration of the policies. The remaining amount is the savings part of the premiums. This in turn earns interest and accumulates over the course of the contract period. One then speaks of the so-called cover capital. The capital is also a provision and is intended to help secure future liabilities or to be able to settle them later. The reserve capital is therefore usually lower than the premiums paid.

scope of coverage

The insurance contract describes benefits that are to be paid out if the insured event occurs. These benefits are paid to the beneficiary. They are also known as the scope of coverage. In the case of life insurance, the scope of coverage can therefore relate to one-off payments in the event of an insured event or to monthly pension payments if these have been contractually agreed.

Entry age at the start of insurance

The insurance policy speaks of the insured person's entry age. It is the actual age of the person who is insured here. Life insurance policies are usually limited in this regard and no longer provide old people with an insurance contract. The maximum age is often 60 years, in some cases 65 or 70 years is the maximum possible age. At the same time, there are downward restrictions on life insurance policies, usually requiring majority of majority. In the case of insurance that pays into the 3a pillar, the age limit of 16 to 18 years applies, which depends on the respective insurer. In the case of death insurance in the 3b pillar, on the other hand, the prescribed entry age is lower.

The age of entry is of great importance for determining the amount of the premium, because the older a policyholder is, the higher the premiums that he has to pay. This in turn means that very young and healthy policyholders are faced with comparatively low premiums. The premiums are also calculated from other factors, including the gender of the policyholder, the agreed sum insured, the desired term of the contract and various health factors (smokers, athletes, overweight people, etc.).

Unit-linked life insurance

On the one hand there is the classic risk life insurance that covers the risk of death and, depending on the contract, the risk of disability. On the other hand, there is unit-linked insurance, which also enables capital to be saved. The savings portion is linked to an investment fund or the savings portion is based on the course of the investment price. The unit-linked insurance is therefore more risky, but also offers the chance of a higher return and thus a higher benefit in the insured event of damage. The policyholder chooses from a wide range of products in which investment fund he would like to invest. There is still a risk of loss here, but it is limited by various safety precautions.

Guaranteed sum insured

A guaranteed sum insured is stated in the insurance contract. This is the sum that is paid out in any case if the insured event of damage occurs. However, the sum insured can increase if the insurance company has a great financial success. Since the policyholder participates in the insurance company's profit through the profit sharing, he also benefits directly from success and thus from higher returns. In the best case, these ensure that the insurance sum paid out is significantly higher than the guaranteed insurance sum that was agreed in the insurance contract.

Mixed life insurance

The mixed life insurance is a combination of different insurance components. On the one hand, this provides the financial security of the surviving dependents in the event of death, and on the other hand, the disability can also be insured. In addition, it is possible to include a savings portion through which the creation of an asset is possible. At the end of the contract term, the agreed amount will be paid to the policyholder. He then receives the saved amount, which consists of premiums, interest and profit sharing.
The main advantage of mixed life insurance is that the insured person can determine who the beneficiary is in the event of his death. The inheritance law must be observed! The disadvantage is that if the contract is terminated prematurely, a loss must be factored in because the surrender value is less than the amount actually currently in the contract. Furthermore, the surplus share increases the saved capital, but the exact amount of the surplus share cannot be guaranteed and can therefore be unexpectedly low or very high.

Life insurance 3a

Life insurance 3a is a tied pension plan, which may also include life insurance. The policyholder can benefit from the tax advantages here. Important: In the event of the policyholder's death, inheritance restrictions apply when it comes to paying the insurance benefit to beneficiaries. This is an important difference from a 3a account.
Fixed premiums are payable each year throughout the life of life insurance 3a, although early termination is possible, but this entails considerable financial losses. You should therefore carefully check the surrender value of the life insurance policy before the planned termination or termination. Also important: The return on 3a life insurance is significantly reduced if administration fees have to be offset.

Dissolve / pay out life insurance

If it is a risk life insurance, the amount paid out upon termination is very small or nonexistent. The reason: No money is saved here that would be available for payment again. In the event of cancellation of insurance, only a small credit can be paid out, if there should be any from profit sharing. The surrender value of the insurance is decisive for the amount that can be paid out.

Cancel / change life insurance

It is possible to cancel the life insurance policy, but this is usually associated with a financial loss. The insurance companies therefore protect themselves against frequent and rash layoffs. In the case of life insurance that is run as risk insurance, termination or termination is usually possible after the first year of insurance.
Switching from one insurance company to the other is only possible through the buyback, which entails financial losses: however, fees have to be deducted from the amount that has been paid in, because the insurer usually retains these, but charges them from the first premium. This means that only that part of the paid-in premiums that is left minus the fees will be paid out.

Life insurance risk assessment / health assessment

If you want to insure yourself against certain risks in a life insurance policy, you must have a health check carried out. It is important for the insurer what health status the insured person has at the time the contract is concluded, because this will make the scope of an insurance policy clear. The health check usually takes place by answering individual questions in a questionnaire. This form is filled out by the person to be insured and must be signed by the person to be insured. A more detailed examination takes place if a very high sum insured is to be agreed or if there are already health concerns. Then the treating doctor is usually interviewed or a medical opinion is requested. To do this, however, the doctor must be released from his duty of confidentiality.


The post-insurance guarantee is an advantage for the policyholder, who can have additional benefits included in an existing contract. It is also possible to improve the terms of the existing contract or to adjust the insured benefits upwards. Some insurers offer to increase the sum insured later without having to carry out a new risk assessment.

Waiver of premium

The insured has the option of being exempt from paying his premiums. This is possible, for example, if you become disabled. He is then no longer able to raise the premiums, which is taken into account from the outset when the contract is concluded. However, the insurance value can decrease because many insurers only pay part of the premium or even the entire premium if a previously defined degree of disability has been proven. Without this evidence, the value of the insurance will remain at the level it was at when the premium exemption began.

premium warranty

At the start of the insurance contract, the insurance company offers a fixed premium that remains in effect for the entire term of the contract. The premium guarantee does not depend on how successfully the insurer operates and what financial success he achieves himself.

product feature

An insurance product always has certain key features that are referred to as the product expression. Death insurance, for example, differentiates between a constant and a decreasing sum insured as a product. The constant sum insured is determined from the beginning and remains at this sum over the entire term of the contract. A change or adjustment is not possible. With a decreasing insurance sum, on the other hand, the sum is fixed at the beginning, but then the amount decreases annually. This is the case, for example, with risk insurance policies that secure a loan. To the extent that the loan amount is reduced, the insurance amount is also reduced.


A credit rating is used to assess the creditworthiness of a company or a private individual, whereby an independent institution must carry out this rating. Insurance companies are also subject to a rating. This is used to make one company financially comparable to another and to establish a certain ranking. Ratings can also be an indicator of a company's probability of default or insolvency. A distinction is usually made between a very low default risk (AAA), a very low default risk (AA +, AA, AA-) and security that exists when the industry or the overall economy is not influenced by certain events (a +, A , A-). If problems are to be expected if the economic situation deteriorates, the letters BBB +, BBB or BBB- are assigned. This is followed by the BB + rating if there is a risk of default. The letter rating comes from the agency? Standard and Poor? S? and is generally used for a rating.

risk Disclosure

Insurers are trying to protect themselves too and are taking various hazards out of a contract. This means that if such a circumstance occurs, no liability is possible and the insurer does not have to provide any benefits. This is known as risk exclusion, one of the most important means of limiting liability risks for the insurer.
If death insurance is taken out, the risk of suicide is usually removed from the insurance. This can be the case for the entire term of the contract, but it can also refer to a predefined period (e.g. three years). If the policyholder kills himself within this time, the surviving dependents will no longer receive any insurance benefits and the sum insured will not be paid out. Other insurers do not completely take a risk out of the scope of benefits, but only insure certain risks with a lower coverage amount. Again there are restrictions, because if z. For example, if the suicide was committed in a state of demonstrable mental disorder, the insurance company must be liable. In this regard, the general insurance conditions must be read very carefully before a contract is signed, because such a risk exclusion also applies to other risks to be insured.

Buyback ability

Not every insurance policy is redeemable. It only has this property if it also has a surrender value. In this case, the policyholder can terminate the policy prematurely and have the previously saved amount paid out. This is calculated from the premiums paid minus all fees.

Cash surrender value

If the policyholder requests payment of his life insurance, this is only possible at the currently applicable surrender value. This represents the value of life insurance at a fixed point in time. The amount of the surrender value depends, among other things, on the previous term of the contract, on premiums paid and deductible closing fees. Insurance companies once again differentiate between guaranteed surrender values and surrender values with surpluses. The latter depend on how the insurer's business results looked last year. Before taking out life insurance, you should therefore also compare the closing and administrative costs, as these significantly reduce the surrender value if the insurance contract is terminated prematurely.

retirement age

The final age for life insurance is the age of the policyholder or the insured person when the end of the contract term has been reached. It is also known as the final age and represents, for example, the time at which the agreed benefit is due in the case of a life insurance policy. With 3a life insurance, the final age is often set at 64 for women, for men it is 65. This corresponds to the final age with the current standard retirement age. In contrast, in the case of death insurance in 3b provision, the final age is significantly higher and is usually between 75 and 80 years.

Tax life insurance

Both the 3a and 3b pillar payments offer tax advantages. When paying into the 3a pillar, the premium to be paid can be deducted directly from taxable income, for which there are certain maximum amounts. Anyone who is in a second pillar occupational pension scheme can deduct a maximum of CHF 6,682. For all others, the rate of 20 percent applies, which can be deducted as a maximum. At most, it can be CHF 33,408 here. On the other hand, a lump sum is claimed for a payment into the free pension plan.
In the case of a death insurance policy that is part of the tied pension plan, no taxes are incurred during the term. In the case of the 3b pillar death insurance, wealth and withholding taxes are payable; under certain conditions, income taxes also apply.
If it is a mixed life insurance with capital formation, the benefits in the bound pension plan must be taxed as income, for which a special tax rate applies. The payment of the insurance amount in the free pension plan is tax-free. However, certain conditions apply.

Technical interest rate

The so-called technical interest rate is used to calculate the premiums for life insurance. It can also be found in the insurance contract. The upper limit of the technical interest rate can change, it is redefined from time to time by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority and then used by the insurance companies in Switzerland. A technical interest rate, which was used when the insurance contract was concluded, applies for the entire term of the contract and will not be adjusted later.
The technical interest rate can be used to calculate the present value of the insurance, which in turn gives the opportunity to determine the amount of future death benefit. It is therefore possible to precisely determine the capital to be paid out when the death occurs. In the case of a life insurance policy, the interest is paid not on the premium that is paid in, but on the risk premium that results from the amounts paid in minus the cost premium. The cost premium in turn includes fees and administrative costs. The risk premium is the amount that represents the insured person's credit once all costs have been deducted from the premiums paid.


If the insured person dies within the term of the insurance contract, this event is considered a death in terms of insurance. The insurer must now be informed immediately. He usually requires an official death certificate and a certificate of the cause of the death. If it is an accident death, the police report is often used to prove the death or to clarify the cause.
The insurer must then clarify the eligibility. The clarification of eligibility can take a long time, especially in cases where several beneficiaries have to be taken into account. Only when all the necessary documents are available can the insurer provide the contractually guaranteed benefit. He has four weeks to do this. In most cases, however, the payout is much faster.

Death benefit

The sum insured, which is determined at the beginning of the insurance contract, corresponds to the so-called death benefit. The amount defined here is paid to the beneficiary when the loss event occurs (death of the policyholder).

conversion value

Each insurance policy has a countervalue, which is called the conversion value. It can be used to convert the insurance into an insurance that is exempt from premiums. The transfer to a completely different insurance product is also possible at the conversion value. Many insurers equate the conversion value with the surrender value.

Profit sharing

If the insurers generate a surplus in the insurance year, the insured participates in it. The profit sharing is considered an additional insurance benefit and is added to the guaranteed sum insured. Most insurers tend to calculate their profits carefully, so profit sharing is often surprisingly high. Changes in mortality, low overall costs or a good interest rate development have a positive effect.


A fixed sum of benefits is defined in the insurance contract, which is referred to as the sum insured. This sum is used to assign an amount to the insurer's benefit, which is the maximum amount. In the case of constant death insurance, the sum insured in the event of damage is paid to the beneficiary. With a decreasing death insurance, on the other hand, the amount that the beneficiary receives in the event of a claim decreases each year.
Life insurers generally have a minimum amount, which is to be defined as the sum insured and which often amounts to 10,000 Swiss francs. In some cases, the insurance sums are capped, and some providers also offer free insurance sums.

Contract duration

A certain period of time for which insurance cover applies is set for an insurance contract. In insurance, this period is called the term of the contract.

Contract period

The term of the contract is also referred to as the term of the contract and means the period of time that is relevant for insurance protection. Most insurance companies can choose their term, but there are certain limits that relate, for example, to age. The minimum terms are short and only amount to a few years, while the maximum terms are usually between 10 and 35 years.
The contract term should be adjusted so that it corresponds to the purpose of the insurance. Risk life insurance is therefore only taken out for the duration of the period in which the risk in question also exists. If there are small children in the house, life insurance will usually only have to exist until the children are likely to have their own income.
If the insured event occurs within the term of the contract, the beneficiaries receive the agreed cash benefit. If the insured event of damage does not occur, the contract ends on the intended date.


The policyholder is granted the right to cancel the insurance contract within a period that has been contractually agreed. The cancellation is not to be confused with the cancellation!
Usually, a period of seven or fourteen days is provided as the cancellation period, the exact period is stated in the insurance contract and here in the general terms and conditions. In order to safeguard his rights, the policyholder must send a letter to the insurer by registered letter with the contract and his application. It is important that the letter is received by the insurer within this period, the date of the postmark is not relevant.


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Three steps to paying out life insurance!

The amount paid to the surviving dependents in the event of death is precisely determined by the policyholder and the insurance company when the contract is concluded. The following three steps can be used to find out how much money is actually paid out of life insurance.

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1. Clarify the type of life insurance

Two types of life insurance are possible, both are treated differently under inheritance law. On the one hand, there is pure death insurance, which financially covers death as risk life insurance. This type of insurance only serves to protect the surviving dependents. The insurance amount is not paid out during the insured person's lifetime. If the survivor receives a payment due to the death, current tax or inheritance regulations do not play a role. At the conclusion of the policy, premium exemption is also possible in the event of disability.

There are also life insurance policies that build capital and therefore have a savings portion. In this case, provision is linked to death insurance. Relatives are financially privileged in the event of death or if the policyholder is unable to work. Mixed life insurance and life-long life insurance are part of this type of life insurance, both have a surrender value and both are included in the inheritance.

2. Clarify beneficiaries

In the event of premature death, the life insurance pays the beneficiary the sum insured specified in the policy. In the case of a life insurance, the beneficiaries can be freely determined, which is why such an insurance usually covers cohabiting partners. Statutory heirs can also benefit from pure death insurance. 

If the policy is a surrender value, the beneficiary must consider the mandatory inheritance rights. If the heirs have not turned down the inheritance due to over-indebtedness, the heirs can claim their shares. The insurer is obliged to inform them of the total surrender value of the insurance.

3. Consider the terms of the payment

First, the insurance company must be informed of the policyholder's death. Whoever is entitled to claim must also be able to present the corresponding policies, it must be possible to prove the claim. After that, the insured benefits are carefully checked before they are paid out. It is helpful if the necessary documents have already been prepared for the insurer. This includes, among other things, a letter that should be sent to the insurer by registered letter and in which your own claim is announced. 

Important: state the number of the policies and the membership number! In addition, the letter should be accompanied by a copy of the death certificate that is issued to the registry office at the place of death. A copy of the family booklet can also be used and a copy can be attached. It is also important that a premium refund is requested. The premiums that have already been paid in advance should be reimbursed; they will no longer be included in the sum insured after the policyholder's death.

Before you take out life insurance, familiarize yourself with the procedure for paying out the insurance premium and talk to the beneficiaries about it. In the event that the policyholder dies, hardly anyone has had to deal with the modalities of the insurance, and so it is helpful if everyone already knows and knows how to proceed.

Now it means for you that you now have the best life insurance for Switzerland should find! Compare the offers here and pay attention to the premiums as well as the benefits.



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Save taxes with life insurance!

It is no longer a question of wanting, but of having to do it: in these times, old-age provision must be taken into your own hands. In view of the declining benefits through occupational and statutory old-age provision, everyone must ensure that the standard of living can be maintained in old age and that there is no poverty in old age. With life insurance, in addition to the formation of fixed capital, there is the possibility of saving taxes.

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Saving in pillars

The third pillar of old-age provision is divided into the bound and the free pillars (3a and 3b). Both offer tax benefits, albeit of different types:

    • 3a-column

      The insurance premium can be deducted from taxable income for tied pension plans. However, statutory maximum rates apply for this. The deduction for people who are covered by the second pillar (occupational pension scheme) is 6,682 Swiss Francs. Those who are not affiliated to this pillar may claim a maximum of 20 percent of their taxable income (net) for tax purposes, the maximum amount being limited to 33,408 Swiss Francs.

    • 3b column

      The premiums are generally applied to this pillar; there are no specific tax deductions.

Further tax considerations

Life insurance that has been taken out as death insurance and is part of the 3a pillar is exempt from income, wealth and withholding tax. Life insurance under the 3b pillar, on the other hand, is subject to wealth and withholding tax and in some cases even has to be taken into account when calculating income tax.

A capital benefit from mixed life insurance must be taxed as income when paid into the 3a pillar. However, a special rate applies as a rule, which is considered to be tax privileged. If a 3b pillar life insurance is paid out, certain tax requirements apply.

In summary it can be said that mixed life insurance, life annuity and risk life insurance are deductible from taxable income up to the statutory maximum. If the amounts saved in the 3a pillar are paid out, a reduced tax rate is due.

If savings are made in the 3b pillar, which is also possible with mixed life insurance, with risk life insurance or with a life annuity for all Swiss adults, the payments are not tax deductible. The current surrender values are then viewed as assets and taxed accordingly. If the respective insured sums are paid out, the tax liability is settled and no more taxes are required.

Note differences

If you want to take out life insurance, you should know and take into account differences in the tax treatment of the individual variants. Get comprehensive advice on what a professional tax adviser should do. He will find the solution that suits you best. 

You can still use the best life insurance Switzerland by comparing the premiums and services of the individual providers with each other!


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Dissolve or pay out life insurance

Dissolve or pay out life insurance

Dissolve or pay out life insurance?

Many policyholders feel like this: they have taken out life insurance and are no longer comfortable with it a few years later. Perhaps the premium chosen was too high or something has changed in the circumstances. Perhaps the bonus share is not as high as expected. In any case, the cancellation and payment of life insurance is now in the room. But that needs to be considered carefully!

Dissolve or pay out life insurance

Costs eat up the savings portion

The individual insurance companies can determine themselves how high their final fees for life insurance are. Usually, one percent of the sum insured is assumed. If this is 100,000 Swiss francs, the share of the fees is 1,000 francs. These are first offset against the paid-in premiums, then the savings amount is calculated. 

With a premium of CHF 250 per year, the first four years are only used to repay the fees. A fee is also due for one-off payments, which are then deducted directly from this payment. Interest is formed from the remaining amount, which ultimately increases the savings amount. However, this results in a lower surrender value! This loss can only be made up if you invest the money alternatively and make a profit there.

Remember that interest income from life insurance may be tax free, which is not the case with other investments. From this point of view, the cancellation and payment of life insurance only makes sense if a profitable alternative investment is available, in which the losses can be offset again. Otherwise you should speak to the insurance company and ask for a reduction in the premiums. A life insurance contract may also be suspended, so that you do not have to consider terminating the contract if you have financial problems.

New insurance protection problematic

If you have canceled a policy and want to take out new insurance cover, you may be unlucky with this project. If some time has passed in the meantime, you may reject some insurance policies for reasons of age or charge very high premiums. If you are in poor health, you may not get a new contract at all. In addition, many insurers simply do not like to see life insurance simply canceled? If the question about previously concluded insurance contracts is answered by the fact that such a contract has been terminated or terminated, this can be an exclusion criterion for you.

Conclusion: canceling or terminating life insurance is not always sensible

There may certainly be cases where it makes sense to terminate the insurance contract. However, given that this can result in high financial losses, the project should be given alternatives. This means that it may be better to let the contract rest indefinitely in agreement with the insurer. In particular, termination within a few years of taking out life insurance is lossy since the insurer first deducts all of its fees. The surrender value of life insurance is therefore much lower.

If you would like to take out life insurance, please inform yourself precisely about the current providers and their conditions. You should also consider the possibilities of termination or a change in the comparison.

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Mixed life insurance

Mixed life insurance

In the case of a mixed life insurance policy, both the death and the disability of the policyholder should be covered. At the same time, there is a savings component with which a fortune is formed. This part is described as capital building. If the policy expires, the policyholder receives the agreed amount. This amount is made up of the savings amount that has been paid up to date through own contributions, the surplus share and the guaranteed return. The surplus share is determined by the business results that the insurance company calculates each year.

Advantages and disadvantages of mixed life insurance

The mixed life insurance seems to cover every aspect and presents itself as a very advantageous variant of personal provision:

    • The insured person determines who receives the insurance benefit in the event of his death. This is interesting, among other things, for couples in the cohabitation, because the legal succession would not apply here. Nevertheless, inheritance law plays a role, because it at least limits the possibility of preferential treatment.
    • Families are well insured with the mixed life insurance. The credit that is paid out of the life insurance goes first to the family, then any creditors are serviced. The prerequisite for this is that the children or spouse are named as beneficiaries.
    • By taking out life insurance, it is imperative to pay an annual premium. This is known as compulsory savings and ensures a fixed amount for your own pension.

But mixed life insurance also has disadvantages: For example, financial losses can arise if a contract is terminated prematurely. The surrender value is generally lower than the premiums, interest and profit sharing previously paid. Furthermore, the mixed life insurance contract is often not very transparent and fees are payable that were not recognizable from the start. 

The surplus share is not guaranteed: it is usually paid out, but there is no legal entitlement to it. If the insurance company has not generated a surplus, the policyholder cannot receive one.

How is the mixed life insurance funded?

As a policyholder, you regularly pay into mixed life insurance. This can be the case with a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual premium. Single premiums are also possible, but stamp duty of 2.5 percent is payable.
The premiums paid are divided into death risk insurance, savings capital and fees. In general, one percent of the sum insured is assumed as the acquisition and administration costs. 

However, the insurance company can determine these costs itself, so it is worth taking a close look and comparing this point before concluding an insurance contract.

Important: If you cancel your life insurance, you have to accept severe losses. Because the fees still apply, they are deducted from the premiums paid to date. Only when the final costs have been financed can the savings capital begin to be built. This has a negative impact on the surrender value.

If you would like to take out a mixed life insurance policy, take a close look at the conditions and premiums offered as well as the fees. The insurance professional must be able to break down the charges that apply. Also consider whether mixed insurance is the right choice for you. If that is the case, here is the one best life insurance Switzerland to find!


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When do I need life insurance?

When do I need life insurance?

There a life insurance in Switzerland costs a lot of money due to the premiums and over the duration of the term, the question is justified whether it really makes sense for everyone. Not every Swiss person actually needs life insurance and there may well be alternatives that make more sense in individual cases. However, in some cases, life insurance is appropriate.

When do I need life insurance?
    • To secure a loan

      Risk life insurance can be used to hedge a loan or mortgage. The insurance amounts to the loan amount and is adjusted accordingly as the loan amount falls. This ensures that the amount that is currently still open at the bank is secured. In the event of death, the survivors are covered because the loan is repaid. At least financial worries are over for now.

    • As death insurance for surviving dependents

      If you have a family to look after and are possibly still the main earner, you should ensure that the family is covered in the event of your own death. This is possible with a life insurance policy that covers the death. A fixed sum is agreed, which is paid to the surviving dependents in the event of death. This allows burial costs to be met as well as living expenses, although the latter will certainly not be possible for life. However, depending on the amount paid out of life insurance, financial security is provided for at least some time.

    • To secure your own pension

      The pension benefits that can be expected from occupational and statutory AHV are extremely low and the trend is even falling. This means that there is not enough retirement provision. If you want to close the supply gap between statutory or professional benefits and actual needs, you have to resort to private provision. This can be achieved through life insurance. A premium is paid over the agreed term in the case of capital-forming life insurance or mixed life insurance. The amount saved is paid out together with interest and profit sharing as a one-off payment or as a pension.

    • To take advantage of tax benefits

      Life insurance can also be useful if tax benefits are to be used. The premiums that must be paid in annually must be deducted in full from taxable income.

Conclusion: In these cases you need life insurance

Life insurance is less necessary for one person himself, unless it is about private retirement provision. Rather, life insurance is a good choice as a way to protect survivors from financial burdens. In the event of death or in the event of the policyholder becoming unable to work, the agreed amount is paid out as a pension or a one-off payment, thus ensuring the financial existence of the surviving dependents or relatives of an invalid. 

As a purely wealth-building measure, life insurance is not necessarily the first choice, because here it is possible, among other things, to open a 3a account with the bank that does not require annual payments.

If you are considering taking out life insurance, it is definitely advisable to compare the providers in question. Pay attention to a reasonable term and not too high premiums as well as exclusions and termination options. You can Find the best life insurance nowby making a comparison with us!


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Why is private provision important?

Why is private provision important?

In view of the fact that the life expectancy of the Swiss is increasing, but the pension benefits from occupational and statutory pensions are falling, it is clear why private provision is becoming increasingly important. Statistically speaking, men in Switzerland are 81.4 years old today, women on average 85.4 years.

Why is private provision important?

It is assumed that everyone between the ages of 70 and 80 percent of their current income needs to maintain their accustomed standard of living. In individual cases, the actual need also depends on whether there is home ownership or rent is paid and whether someone lives alone or can share the costs that may arise with another person.

It doesn't work without private provision

Experts have calculated that the actual income that workers can expect later today will only be around 60 percent of their current income. This results in a gap between 10 and 20 percent of the theoretically calculated demand. It doesn't sound like much at first, but it becomes noticeable too quickly in everyday life! If you want to maintain the usual standard of living, you live permanently above your means and can quickly fall into the debt trap because the required money has to be obtained elsewhere.

The gap can only be closed by private provision, because this is not possible legally or professionally. A variant is the mixed life insurance, with which you and your relatives are to be insured. If something should happen to you, your relatives are financially covered by life insurance, which is particularly necessary if you are the sole earner or if the owner-occupied home has not yet been paid for. Protection is possible in these variants:

    • Life insurance with coverage of death
    • Life insurance with coverage of death and disability
    • mixed life insurance with capital formation

The mixed life insurance thus provides protection for the surviving dependents and for the event of disability. At the same time, capital formation can ensure that a fixed amount is paid at the end of the agreed term to secure income in old age. In addition, there are attractive tax advantages if life insurance is managed in pillar 3a. The annual premiums to be paid here can be deducted from taxable income up to the statutory maximum.

Conclusion: That is why private provision is indispensable

The declining occupational and legal precautionary measures have made it indispensable to make private provision for old age. If the usual standard of living is to be maintained in old age and it is also important to protect the survivors in the event of death, a mixed life insurance policy is a very good choice. 

It insures the policyholder in the event of disability as well as in the event of death and can still be taken out as a capital-building insurance policy. The capital is available at the end of the agreed term. Without private provision, severe losses have to be accepted later, which can lead to poverty in old age and debt.

Are you interested in a private pension? Then you can now the best life insurance in Switzerland by using our comparison offer!


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These articles might also interest you:

How do I find the best life insurance?

How do I find the best life insurance

How do I find the best life insurance?

The range of life insurance policies is large and therefore very confusing. It is difficult for a layperson to find the really best offer here!  Therefore, consult the following tips when you want to find the best life insurance.

How do I find the best life insurance

Check your financial position

You should be aware that you have to pay life insurance premiums not only now, but in ten, twenty or thirty years. Think about how much money you have available each month and what amount you can realistically do without. You should avoid contracts with a payment obligation! It is better to have insurance companies that allow you to take a break from paying in and leave your premiums on hold.

Note the duration

A life insurance contract is long-term. If for whatever reason you want to get out of this contract before the term ends, you will lose a lot of money. So be careful with life insurance policies that are taken out over a very long period of time.

Compare different variants

Some providers advertise with high tax advantages, others with very good returns. It remains to be seen what is ultimately true. Consider the alternatives: You can also save taxes by opening a 3a account with the bank. There it is also possible to invest money in securities. You have chosen the cheaper option and do not even have to pay a fixed annual amount.

However, if you need to secure someone financially, if something should happen to you, life insurance is a good and inexpensive choice. Think about whether you need pure risk insurance or whether a pension should be included if you are unable to work. Risk life insurance is more flexible than mixed life insurance for capital formation and to cover death.

Don't be pushed

The financial advisor often wants to go home with a signed contract in his pocket. Do not let yourself be pushed to take out life insurance, but always ask for time. You should sleep at least one night on the offer! After all, you commit yourself to the contract in the long term, from which you can only get out with financial losses.

Get a second opinion

It is always good to know different views. It is therefore best to get a second opinion from an independent financial advisor that can be used for comparison.

Do not pass on any data

Insurance advisors often ask for the addresses of your friends and colleagues. Do not pass them on! The data transfer has nothing to do with your contract. In such a case, it is better to contact another consultant.

Conclusion: How to find the best contract

The best life insurance contract for you can only be found after a precise comparison. The offers are too different, the conditions of the providers too different. Do not be forced to rush to sign the insurance contract and do not pass on unnecessary data. Ask for time to think and look above all for the price-performance ratio and not just for the premiums. 

You can Find the best life insurance nowby doing our comparison!


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These articles might also interest you:

For whom is life insurance useful?

For whom does life insurance make sense?

For whom is life insurance useful?

Whether or not life insurance makes sense can only be decided individually and depends on personal life circumstances. However, the following questions can help you assess the usefulness of life insurance.

For whom does life insurance make sense?

Would you like to be able to maintain the usual standard of living in old age?

The expected benefits from statutory and occupational pensions will continue to decrease, so that the pension is no longer really secured. Today, experts assume that only around 60 percent of today's income can be expected as a pension benefit in the future. The trend is even decreasing, so you can roughly assume that you will have to make do with about half of your current income in old age. On the other hand, there is the need, which is between 70 and 80 percent of income. Mixed life insurance can help close this gap.

Would you like to be insured in the event of disability?

Do you have a family that draws capital from home ownership funds? Then you should know that pension funds can severely limit benefits if there is a coverage gap due to death or disability benefits. Survivors or you yourself can be severely disadvantaged. The risk life insurance provides for this case.

Would you like to make private provision for old age?

The contributions to the pension funds are often cut sharply if employed people only work part-time or are unemployed for some time. You may have filled this time well with childcare, but contributions to occupational pensions are still missing. Life insurance can close such a gap through the third pillar of old-age provision.

Do you live in concubinage?

Anyone living together in a cohabitation cannot count as a survivor on the right to pension benefits from the deceased person's AHV. There is also no pension from the second pillar. Life insurance secures the partner in the cohabitation and is particularly recommended if there is a common home or children.

Do you own a home?

Life insurance is a very good way to pay off a mortgage. In addition, there are attractive tax advantages, because interest on debt and the annual premium can be deducted from the annual taxable income. The pillar 3a credit is pledged to the lender. In the event of incapacity to work, savings capital can be guaranteed, even if there is an exemption from the premiums.

Are you servicing an ongoing loan?

Life insurance can secure the loan or mortgage so that the bereaved do not have to accept a financial loss in addition to the personal one. The loan can be redeemed through life insurance by paying out an agreed amount of capital in the event of death.

Do you work independently?

Mixed life insurance is your way to provide for old age. It is therefore a replacement for the otherwise usual occupational pension scheme through the pension fund.

Conclusion: do I need life insurance?

If you answer any of the above questions with? Yes? have answered, it makes sense for you to take out life insurance. Receive different offers and compare the conditions exactly. Pay attention to possible restrictions in performance and the mentioned exclusions.
You can now do the best life insurance in Switzerland by comparing the providers and not just looking at the premiums!


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These articles might also interest you:

What is life insurance?

What is life insurance

What is life insurance?

Life insurance is one way of providing for an emergency. There are various options for the policyholder and he can choose, for example, between capital-forming and term life insurance.

What is life insurance

These life insurance policies exist

The following types of life insurance must be taken out in Switzerland:

    • Risk life insurance with death insurance

      This type of life insurance pays a fixed benefit if the policyholder dies within the agreed term. The benefit is paid in cash and serves to protect the surviving dependents. The amount of the insurance amount can be freely determined. An extension to cover disability is possible.
    • Risk life insurance with disability

      The benefits that are provided as part of accident insurance or from occupational pension schemes for disability are often inadequate. Private life insurance can supplement these benefits and is paid in the event of illness or accident-related incapacity for work. Protection against death can also be included.
    • Mixed life insurance

      Death and incapacity for work are covered, as are old-age provision. This means that a capital-building life insurance is integrated to build wealth. After the agreed term has expired, the policyholder will receive the saved capital plus interest and profit sharing. A minimum interest rate is guaranteed.
    • Unit-linked life insurance

      It is a form of mixed life insurance. The savings capital is either invested in full or at least in part in investment funds. The risk to capital increases, but at the same time the opportunities for returns also increase.

Life insurance as a pension plan?

Pension provision in Switzerland is based on the three-pillar principle, whereby life insurance can be included in the third pillar. To this end, it is taken out as pure risk life insurance or as a mixed life insurance. The capital is paid out in the event of death or when the agreed insurance term is reached. In addition, the pension can be included in the event of disability. A distinction is made between two pillars:

    • Pillar 3a

      Mixed life insurance, life insurance and life annuity come into consideration as insurance products. The contributions are deductible from taxable income up to the statutory maximum, and a reduced tax rate is applied to this capital upon payment. This variant is possible for all employed persons with their main residence in Switzerland and thus for all taxable employees and the self-employed.
    • Pillar 3b

      Mixed life insurance as well as risk life insurance and life annuity are also to be insured here. The deposits are not subject to deduction and therefore there are no tax advantages. During the term, the surrender values are taxed as assets. On the other hand, the capital saved is tax-free upon payment. This variant is possible for all Swiss adults.

Conclusion on life insurance

Life insurance can perform different functions. It can be both pension provision and risk protection in the event of death. In addition, life insurance can be taken out as a mixed insurance and thus provides for death and possible disability. From a tax point of view, the different variants have advantages.

Please compare carefully before signing the life insurance contract! The providers differ very much in terms of the conditions offered. You can Find the best life insurance nowby using our comparison!


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