Animal insurance: Swiss providers in comparison

Animal insurance in comparison

Animal insurance: Swiss providers compared

Insurers have discovered the animal insurance market as a lucrative market that is demonstrably growing. More and more dog and cat owners want their four-legged friends to be well protected and take out animal insurance accordingly. Very important: You should definitely use the offers for Compare pet insurancebefore you decide on a provider! This overview can serve as a guide:

Animal insurance in comparison

Swiss providers in comparison:

Uninsured benefits
Assumption of costs until
Accidents and chronic illnesses, costs for veterinarian and medication, complementary medicine, emergency transportation, hospital accommodation, accommodation of the animal owner when the animal is hospitalized, special services, vaccinations, hereditary diseases, congenital diseases
Pre-existing illnesses and consequences of accidents before the start of the contract, plastic surgery, microchips, general dental services, damage intentionally caused by the responsible person, dietary treatments, treatments related to pregnancy, birth defects, veterinary reports
90 percent in unlimited amounts after deducting the deductible
Costs for veterinarian and laboratory, surgical interventions, radiological and imaging procedures, homeopathic applications by the veterinarian, acupuncture by the veterinarian, osteopathy, vaccinations, accommodation in the practice, medicines and medicines, transport costs in an emergency, hospitalization, costs for sleep, depending on the tariff, additional services for diet feed, physiotherapy and treatment of hereditary diseases
Veterinary reports, microchips, dental services, plastic surgery, accidents and illnesses before the start of the contract or during the waiting period, treatment of behavioral disorders, treatment of competition-related (animal to animal) illnesses or injuries, spa stays, damage to the animal by the owner, psychotherapy, treatment of contagious diseases ( if animals have not been vaccinated)
Depending on the tariff, 1000, 5000 or 50,000 CHF maximum
Treatment measures, diagnoses, imaging procedures, surgical interventions, hospital costs, physiotherapy, acupuncture, osteopathy, rescue / salvage and emergency transport, additional services such as alternative treatments and treatment for cancer or hereditary diseases can be insured via additional products
Diseases from before the contract or within the waiting period, damage to the animal by the owner, competition-related illnesses and consequences of accidents (animal to animal), vaccinations and prophylactic measures, disability, malformations, hereditary diseases, chronic diseases, birth, castration, contagious diseases in the absence of Vaccination protection, alternative and complementary medicine, psychotherapy
Depending on the tariff, 1000 or 5000 CHF or unlimited


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10 questions and answers about animal insurance

Animal welfare dogs and cats neotralo

10 questions and answers about animal insurance

The following questions and answers provide you with important information about the Animal insurance theme and give you a decision-making aid. You should still use the offers for Compare pet insurance, so that you and your animal are properly protected!

Animal welfare dogs and cats neotralo

1. What does animal insurance cover?

Animal insurance operates within the agreed performance framework and covers insured events per year. For this, a maximum coverage amount is determined, which applies per event or per year. Among other things, the costs for the veterinarian and his work, for medication administered, hospital stays, surgical interventions, some homeopathic and alternative treatments as well as for radiological examinations and other therapeutic measures are covered.

2. At what age can I insure my animal?

Most insurers accept dogs and cats from the age of three months. In many cases, the maximum age is seven years. However, if the animal is already covered by this provider, it will not be excluded from the insurance once the maximum age limit has been reached. The maximum age usually only applies to new admissions.

3. Which animals can I insure?

Most providers offer insurance contracts for dogs and cats. Individual insurers offer animal insurance for horses, few also include pet birds, llamas and other pets in the insurance. Small rodents and exotic animals are usually excluded from the insurance.

4. Which is better: individual animal insurance or combination product?

Some insurers offer animal insurance as an additional product in household insurance. This is fundamentally possible and can have a favorable effect on the premiums for both insurance companies. Basically, there is nothing against one or the other option of insurance, and taking out animal insurance as an additional product can also make financial sense. A precise comparison is important!

5. What do I do in the event of damage?

In the event of damage (illness or accident to the insured animal), the insurer must be informed immediately. He is also entitled to the delivery of medical documents and reports. The assumption of costs should be clarified before deciding on expensive treatment measures.

6. How much are the contributions for animal insurance?

The premiums depend on the scope of the animal insurance benefits and the deductible. Very good insurance is available for premiums between CHF 300 and CHF 500 a year. With an increase in the deductible, equivalent products can be saved up to CHF 100 a year.

7. Can the animal insurance be canceled by the insurer in the event of damage?

Yes, as with any other insurance, the provider can terminate the contract after settling a claim. As a pet owner and policyholder, however, you also have the special right of termination.

8. Are there any surcharges for certain animal species?

In general, the premiums are based on the scope of services agreed for the animal insurance. However, for some animal species, special risks are insured separately. For fallow deer and red deer or llamas, fire and lightning, disappearance and theft are treated as additional risks and increase the premiums accordingly.

9. Is the insurance worth it at all?

Those who barely make ends meet on a monthly basis and have to keep to a tight budget are well advised with animal insurance because they cover the important and, above all, expensive treatment costs. However, if you can save a fixed amount each month for possible treatment costs, you do not necessarily have to take out animal insurance. Particularly high-quality animals should always be insured separately (including guide dogs and tracking dogs).

10. Can I also insure a sick animal?

This is usually not possible because animals with previous illnesses, chronic illnesses or diseases are excluded from insurance. This protects insurers from high costs that cannot be recovered by paying the premiums.


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These articles might also interest you:

Animal insurance: What does a cat cost me?

Animal insurance costs cat

Animal insurance: what does a cat cost me?

Cats are cheap pets! They may be very inexpensive to buy because some of them can even be obtained free of charge if acquaintances or neighbors want to have young cats well accommodated. But in the course of their lives, which can take up to 20 years, up to 20,000 Swiss Francs can be incurred for a single cat. This includes the cost of food and vaccinations, worming and occasional visits to the vet. But what if the animal really gets sick or gets injured as a result of an accident?

Animal insurance costs cat

Common diseases in cats

If cats are vaccinated and thus protected, for example, from the dreaded cat sniffing, they are amazingly robust animals. But they don't always fall on their paws, as in the proverb, but sometimes need veterinary help because of an accident or illness. The following diseases and accidents are particularly common in cats and cause these costs:

    • Broken bones: up to 2,700 Swiss francs
    • Abscess: up to 500 Swiss francs
    • Infection of the teeth: up to 1000 Swiss francs
    • swallowed foreign objects: up to 2000 Swiss Francs

The diseases mentioned can spread. After a broken bone, physiotherapy that makes the entire musculoskeletal system functional and resilient again can make sense. The cost of a tooth infection can only be roughly estimated because it depends on the extent of the infection. If only one tooth is affected, the costs are of course significantly lower than if several teeth have to be treated or even removed.

In addition, the animal owner may face additional costs. If the cat needs special food because it has a food intolerance or a metabolic system disorder, this can be expensive. No animal insurance usually covers these costs! It is a good thing that you then have at least other costs covered and in the event of illness or injury you do not have to do without treatment of your four-legged friend for cost reasons.

Conclusion: this is how much a cat costs

Especially with cats, the costs that arise in the course of the animal's life are often underestimated. They are already relatively high for regular veterinary visits, which is also due to the comparatively old age of some cats of up to 20 years. If there are additional costs due to injuries or illnesses, the household budget is burdened enormously. Well if then by a Animal insurance provided has been! Adapt the scope of the benefits of such an animal insurance to your financial possibilities. 

If you have enough reserves, the amount of coverage secured can certainly be a little lower, but the prices will also drop. However, if you are dependent on the fact that all costs of a treatment are covered by the animal insurance, set the coverage amount higher.

We recommend that you check out the deals Compare pet insurancebefore you complete one. Here you have the opportunity and quickly find the ideal insurance partner for you.


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What does a dog cost me?

Pet insurance costs dog

Animal insurance: what does a dog cost me?

Anyone who is already considering how expensive a purchase with several hundred or even a thousand francs is when buying a dog should not buy an animal. Because: The costs that a dog causes in the course of its life are many times higher than the purchase price! In general, it is assumed that at least 25,000 to 30,000 Swiss francs a dog costs up to the age of 15.

Pet insurance costs dog

Certainly not every animal gets so old, but others get older. Still others need special feed due to an allergy or intolerance to feed, some seem to magically attract accidents and seem to be more often at the vet than at home. Of course, you can be lucky and your dog only costs vaccinations, worming and food in his life, but you cannot know it. Better, you are covered for an emergency!

Examples of common diseases and accidents in dogs

Many diseases are typical of the breed and therefore occur frequently within this breed. Many Chihuahuas and hybrids of these breeds suffer from a patellar luxation, i.e. from a kind of "jumping kneecap". Boxers often have problems with the respiratory tract, which has occurred due to the breeding of particularly short snouts. 

Hip dysplasias decrease in numbers in German shepherds, because breeding has reoriented itself and dogs with straight backs, but with fewer joint problems, are being bred again. Still, are there common diseases in many dogs? regardless of race? can occur and cause corresponding costs. Here are a few examples:

    • Broken leg: up to 2700 Swiss Francs
    • Poisoning: up to 3000 Swiss francs
    • swallowed foreign objects: between 1000 and 2500 Swiss Francs
    • Stomach rotation: up to 3000 Swiss Francs
    • Chemotherapy: up to 3000 Swiss francs

These costs do not spill over to the owner of the sick animal, but are due at once. Some veterinarians or hospitals can certainly be negotiated and an agreement on payment in installments is possible. Nevertheless: The high expenses remain and burden the household budget of owners.

In addition, there are often other costs that are not caused by the Pet insurance covered which are nevertheless necessary. One example of this is feed costs. If the dog needs a special diet food because he is not allowed to eat his usual food after the operation and until full recovery or because he has developed an intolerance in the meantime, this can mean up to 100 Swiss francs a month. 

In addition, no complications are considered in the examples mentioned above, because this is not always done with the usual treatment. The costs for the veterinarian and medication then understandably increase.

Conclusion: this is how much a dog costs

If you find out exactly how many thousands of francs the dog will cost before you buy a pet, you may shy away from buying it. However, many of the costs can be covered by animal insurance if the case should actually occur and the dog breaks a leg, suffers from a megaesophagus or swallows the children's toy and must be treated accordingly. Appropriate risk protection is recommended in any case, if such expenditure could not be covered from the available financial reserves.

Here you have the opportunity to do this and the offers for one Compare pet insurance, Do not only look at the annual premiums, but also at the scope of services of the individual providers!


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What costs does animal insurance cover?

What costs does animal insurance cover?

What costs does animal insurance cover?

Depending on the provider, the scope of services is the Animal insurance different. It can be a cover in the event of an accident or injury, and illnesses are usually included in the insurer's scope of benefits. A distinction is made between animal insurance, which only pays the costs in special cases, and that which is similar to health insurance. The latter also bears the costs for worming and vaccinations as well as for the annual check-up of older animals. Health insurance is of course much more expensive than pure treatment insurance in the event of accidents and illnesses.

What costs does animal insurance cover?

These costs are covered

Depending on the policy, the providers of animal insurance cover treatment costs after accidents or illnesses of dogs or cats. Poisoning is also generally considered an accident and is covered accordingly in animal insurance.
The following costs are usually also covered by the insurance:

    • Fees for veterinarians and physiotherapists
    • Surgical fees
    • Emergency transportation and stay in hospital
    • necessary sleep
    • necessary medication
    • dental treatments
    • depending on the provider: homeopathic applications and products
    • depending on the provider: further alternative treatment measures

Costs for the treatment of diseases are not covered. For some symptoms, it is therefore first examined whether they are based on an inherited disease and are therefore excluded from insurance. This can be the case especially with problems with the hip or knee joint (for example hip dysplasia in the German Shepherd or patella luxation in the Chihuahua). The animal owner must bear the costs for this.

Important: note the maximum amount

No insurer pays the cost of veterinary treatment for an unlimited amount. To this end, maximum coverage amounts are set in the insurance contract, which represent the maximum limits for a benefit per year. For a dog, 6000 Swiss francs are considered sufficient, because veterinary bills over 5000 francs are rather rare. 

Treatment costs usually range from 300 to 500 francs a year. However, if you want to cover yourself completely, you should consider that a longer stay in the hospital can also be in the five-digit cost range. This is then only covered up to the agreed coverage amount, the rest must be financed yourself. However, the likelihood of this is low, so it is worth considering the risk yourself if you have sufficient reserves.

Conclusion: These costs are borne

No animal insurance is an all-rounder at a low price. This means that the premiums increase with the scope of the service and each pet owner must decide which risks should definitely be hedged and which may be dispensable. The costs of veterinary services, medication administered and surgical interventions should always be covered. 

Each pet owner must decide whether the insurance should cover the costs for worming and vaccinations as well as regular preventive examinations, or make it dependent on the budget available to them. However, it is possible to insure the dog or cat completely and to settle all costs with the corresponding health insurance coverage.

Before you choose an insurer, you should consider the offers for one here Compare pet insurance! Find out which provider has the ideal product for you at the cheapest price and only then decide for or against an offer.


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These articles might also interest you:

Why do I need animal insurance?

Why do I need animal insurance?

Why do I need animal insurance?

In the best case, dogs and cats will be fine for a lifetime and they only need regular vaccinations and worming. In old age maybe a dental treatment and nothing more. But many pet owners find their four-legged friend all too often at the veterinarian because Bello has fallen and a leg has broken or because the kitty has a nasty virus that makes her sick every day. The cost of treatment quickly reaches four-figure amounts, because usually it does not remain with a visit to the veterinarian. Many accidents and illnesses result in numerous follow-up treatments that can quickly cost money.

Why do I need animal insurance?

Animal insurance helps

Animals today have a much higher status and are seen as full family members. Obviously, they should receive appropriate treatment in an emergency! Given the cost, many pet owners shy away from such treatment because they simply cannot afford it. 

You better take precautions! The offers of the individual insurers for special animal insurance are better than ever today, the scope of services is significantly larger and the premiums are comparatively low. It is possible that Pet insurance to be adjusted in individual cases, which of course depends on the insurance provider and his scope of services.

For example, only treatment costs in the event of illness or after accidents can be included in the contract. However, it is also possible to insure preventive measures and alternative treatments. The bonuses are adjusted according to the benefits.

Who needs animal insurance?

If you are wondering whether animal insurance is necessary, you should take a closer look at the following questions:

    • Do you have a dog or a cat?
    • Can't or don't want to afford high treatment costs?
    • Would you like your animal to be well protected and treated for life?
    • Would you like to be able to use all medical options to save the animal?

If you answer these questions? Yes? Answer, animal insurance is the right choice for you. You can be sure that you will leave no stone unturned to provide the best possible help to your dog or cat in the event of illness or injury.

Conclusion: That's why you need animal insurance

In summary, it can be said that you always need animal insurance if you want to be insured for urgently needed treatment of a dog or cat. The premiums to be paid monthly or annually are much easier to raise than many thousands of francs in the event of important emergency treatment or for the subsequent treatment that will be necessary later.

Before you sign the contract, you should read the offers for Compare pet insurance, because the insurers' premiums and scope of benefits differ greatly in some cases.


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These articles might also interest you:

What is animal insurance?

Animal welfare dogs and cats neotralo

What is animal insurance?

Around half a million dogs live in households in Switzerland, as well as around a million cats. The four-legged friends should make everyday life easier and are buddies, comforters, playmates and best friends all rolled into one. Do you enrich life? just unfortunately not the wallet. In view of expensive operations due to illness or accident, this can be made much easier. Quite a few pet owners have the feeling that they can at least finance the vet's next vacation with the money the dog or cat costs! An animal insurance but protects against such high expenses.

Animal welfare dogs and cats neotralo

Protection against high costs through animal insurance

It is assumed that a cat costs up to 20,000 Swiss Francs in its life and special feed, extravagant treatments or other excessive costs are not included. A dog is understandably more expensive. Still, less than ten percent of domestic animals in Switzerland are still adequately insured, which is surprising given the general level of insurance in Switzerland. Animal insurance can protect against high costs and in return must be taken out at a comparatively low fee. The benefits that are borne by animal insurance vary depending on the provider. As a rule, these costs are covered:

    • Post-accident surgery costs
    • Treatment costs after poisoning
    • Treatment costs for diseases
    • partial coverage of prevention costs (vaccinations, worming, etc.)

Animal insurance can be taken out especially for dogs or cats. Many insurers set age limits, usually animals are only insured from the age of three months. Often seven years are the upper limit for the admission of animals, but some providers have no age limit. The premium will then be more expensive, at least for new animals to be insured with a higher entry age.

New opportunities require higher costs

While in the past many animals were put to sleep because they could not be adequately treated, veterinary medicine now has extensive treatment options. These include operations that would have been unthinkable in the past: kidneys have already been transplanted in cats in the USA! 

The sense and nonsense of some treatments can certainly be disputed, but it is good for every pet owner to know that the wallet does not have to decide on a life-saving or at least life-prolonging treatment measure. Animal insurance pays for the most important costs and, depending on the provider, also pays for alternative treatment methods and for the physiotherapy of the animal. The four-legged family members are thus treated on an equal footing with the other members of the family and do not have to forego important treatment for financial reasons.

Conclusion on animal insurance

Given the importance that many dogs and cats have for their owners, it is good to know that thanks to comprehensive animal insurance, important treatment measures can be carried out and do not become a financial burden. For comparatively low premiums of less than CHF 10 per month, the costs of treatment after accidents, injuries and illness are covered.

It is important, however, that you take the offers for one Compare pet insurance! Premiums and benefits are very different and thanks to the insurance comparison, you separate the overpriced providers from the really good offers.


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10 tips for the best household and personal liability insurance

10 tips household and personal liability insurance

10 tips for the best household and personal liability insurance

The following tips will help you find the best household and personal liability insurance for you!

10 tips household and personal liability insurance

1. Define insurance requirements

If you do not live in one of the cantons of Jura, Nidwalden, Vaud or Freiburg, you do not have to take out household contents and personal liability insurance. However, it is recommended if you own high-quality furniture or cannot or cannot afford to pay the damage yourself if the glass breaks or is stolen. It is always advisable to take out private liability insurance anyway, because this insurance protects against high financial burdens due to damage that you have inflicted on third parties.

2. Optimize premiums

Adjust the possible additions to your insurance needs. Do not insure anything that you definitely do not need and save premiums. By agreeing a higher deductible in the event of damage, you reduce the premium burden again. Do not underestimate the guaranteed amounts in the event of a claim, because if you are underinsured, you will have to bear the remaining damage yourself. You can also optimize the premiums by paying annually and by combining household and liability insurance in one product.

3. Do not select any unnecessary blocks

Don't pay for anything you don't need! Add-ons such as simple theft abroad or elementary insurance are important. If you live in a rented apartment on the upper floor, have no children and no furniture with glazing, it is not worth taking out glass breakage insurance. This will save you premiums if you adjust the insurance exactly to your needs and check this adjustment regularly.

4. Change insurance

Check your insurance coverage regularly. You should also check out the deals with the help of a Home contents and liability insurance comparison filter out so that you always find the cheapest provider. When choosing a new insurer, be sure to pay attention to its benefits, which have to match your claims, and observe the notice periods. But be careful: Those who change too often are often viewed with skepticism by the insurers and are not always accepted.

5. Use discounts

Many insurers offer discounts to their customers. For example, the annual payment method, which comes with a few percent less premium, is possible. A monthly payment method is up to five percent more expensive on average. Multi-year contracts can also be worthwhile, because discounts are also granted here. However, it is disadvantageous that the termination is only possible after the long contractual relationship has expired.

6. Observe notice periods

Many insurers offer their customers notice periods of up to three months at the end of the insurance year. This time is quickly missed! Therefore, if you want to switch, be sure to send the cancellation in good time. However, in the short term you can terminate a claim after it has been paid (or not paid) and after an increase in the premiums.

7. Make short-term contracts

Don't tie yourself to an insurer just because of the lower premiums. With a contract of three or even five years, there is a chance that significantly better offers will open up in the meantime. You should therefore only conclude contracts for one year in order to remain flexible. Alternatively, you can negotiate an annual right of termination.

8. Avoid underinsurance

With underinsurance, you benefit from lower premiums. However, in the event of damage, you will not be granted adequate coverage by the household insurance! Your damage will then be greater than the sum insured that will be paid out to you, and the difference is usually significantly more than the previous savings from lower premiums. Overinsurance is also not sensible, because you pay unnecessarily high premiums. In the event of damage, you will only get the replacement value of your household items and no more.

9. Report damage directly

Insurers generally set certain deadlines within which damage must be reported. Anyone who gives notice later can expect to see reductions in benefits, even if these cannot be fully withheld. Especially if you have already had the damage repaired by the insurance company before it can be assessed, there may be problems in settling the damage. In general, insurance companies decide how to proceed in the event of a claim.

10. Pay premiums on time

If premiums are not paid on time, many insurers respond quickly with reminders or even exclude the insured. In this case, it can be difficult to find new insurance, because other insurance companies do not like the termination of an insurance policy. To avoid penalties and annoyance, it is therefore advisable to always pay the premiums on time.


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Without home insurance, it can be very expensive

Without home insurance, it can be very expensive

Without home insurance, it can be very expensive!

The Household insurance is in Switzerland not mandatory to complete. This means that it is theoretically possible to get by without this insurance, unless you live in a canton that at least requires fire damage insurance. Landlords can also ask for household insurance or proof of the existence of such insurance in order to be protected against damage typical of tenants. Just think of the overflowing bathtub with the damage it caused!

Without home insurance, it can be very expensive

If household insurance does not exist, it can be very expensive.

If, for example, the entire furniture is destroyed in a fire and the fire does not stop at assets and electrical appliances, all of these must be replaced. The costs for this are usually in the five-digit range. Household insurance has the advantage that it insures at replacement value. This means that you can expect to get equivalent devices or their value replaced. 

The insurance covers damage caused by fire and water, theft and elementary influences. Burglary damage is also insured.

Protection outside the home

Insurance companies are all too often concerned with replacing the value of stolen bicycles. Anyone who travels by bike more often and also connects it to a public place would do well to use the building block - simple theft abroad? to be included in the insurance. Because: With this it is possible that the carefully connected but stolen bike is replaced in terms of value. 

Many bike owners have bought a new bike after theft, which was immediately stolen from them. This could get expensive!
Protection outside the home also applies to handbags and notebooks or other devices and valuables.

Burglaries are increasing

Police and insurance companies complain equally that the damage caused by break-ins continues to increase. Such cases occur again and again in places or areas that were previously considered to be very safe. Nobody is really protected against burglary! In the event of a break-in, there is often great damage. The perpetrators have no regard for the furniture and are often extremely ruthless when looking for valuables. They willfully destroy everything that gets in their way. 

The financial and personal damage is thus much higher and cannot be quantified by the amount of the goods actually stolen.
In view of the fact that such crimes are on the rise, household insurance is almost mandatory. In the event of an emergency, it protects against the costs of burglary and partial vandalism and at least offsets the financial loss.

Conclusion: It is better not to do without household insurance!

Understandable if someone wants to save on insurance costs. However, it is completely incomprehensible when it comes to household insurance! Anyone who has ever experienced such a damage event and was not insured will agree to it. After all, household insurance also protects against lightning and the risk of damage due to a lightning strike grows in view of the constantly increasing weather phenomena. 

However, you should first look at the offers for household and personal liability insurance in the Compare household and liability insurance comparisonbefore you contact an insurer and are asked to sign the contract.


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Without personal liability insurance, it can be very expensive!

Without private liability, it can be expensive

Without personal liability insurance, it can be very expensive!

Anyone who thinks that private liability insurance is completely unnecessary is making a huge mistake and hopefully will never be able to pay for damage caused to a third party. It can be quick: in winter, the sidewalk is smooth and a passerby falls as he passes. He breaks his leg and has to be treated for a long time or a lengthy rehabilitation follows the treatment. During this time, the person concerned cannot work and has to accept a high level of financial loss. A case for personal liability insurance, if there is one!

Without private liability, it can be expensive

Bankruptcy without personal liability insurance?

Many underestimate the danger that non-existent personal liability insurance poses. Because: Personal injury and financial loss can cost many thousands of francs, whereby five to six-digit amounts have to be assumed. However, anyone who is liable must pay for all of their current and future assets. It can actually be threatened by personal bankruptcy, even if this may sound strange at first. The person causing the damage is liable with all his belongings and, if necessary, is even forced to sell valuables and pledge his salary. With a private liability insurance, such considerations are superfluous, because it protects against such claims.

Adequate coverage is important

It is important that the amount of cover is calculated accordingly. At least five million francs should be agreed for personal injury and financial loss, and in some cases the insurers even recommend increasing it to ten million. It is always the insurance sums that are paid for each claim. Other amounts are assumed for individual liability cases. Damage to a rented vehicle is only covered with CHF 100,000, and a loaned and used horse is covered by some insurers with CHF 10,000. It is advisable to check the coverage levels from time to time and to determine them according to the current recommendations.

Reasons for personal liability insurance

The following reasons speak in favor of taking out private liability insurance:

    • Protection against claims of injured parties
    • Assumption of property damage, personal injury and financial loss
    • Defense against unjustified claims
    • worldwide protection

Experts say that personal liability insurance is absolutely necessary, especially for pedestrians and cyclists. A little carelessness often causes an accident for which they are liable. Such damage can be expensive without appropriate insurance! Therefore always one Carry out liability insurance comparison.

Conclusion: Better not to do without private liability insurance!

Anyone who does not literally swim in the money should take out private liability insurance. The reason is that a damage event that may involve personal injury or financial loss can be very expensive. This can go so far that the entire existence is threatened because the person causing the damage is liable with his entire assets. The injured party is entitled to the settlement of his claims, therefore the future income must be used to settle the debt. If you want to avoid this, you should definitely take out private liability insurance!

Here you can see the offers in household items and Assess liability insurance comparison. Find out more, because the individual providers differ greatly in terms of services and the amount of premiums.


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