The neotralo VR App: Virtual insurance comparison

The neotralo VR App: Virtual insurance comparison

Virtual Reality may have calmed down, but the revolutionary approach remains. Digital content is presented in a tangible way to the consumer and global corporations bring their products closer to their customers with VR. This is where joins and presents a whole new world of insurance comparisons with the neotralo VP app.

Promo video for the innovation award of the Swiss insurance industry

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What does virtual reality actually mean?

The world was enthusiastic about the innovations around virtual reality and the huge potential of technology for communication, entertainment, education, research and medicine is undisputed. Thanks to special hardware and software, it is possible to create an artificial reality, which was not possible with the previous 3D possibilities.

The core of the VR hardware is the glasses of the same name, which are used to display artificial images to the user. In order to record the location and position of the user, the glasses are equipped with special sensors. Thanks to sensors and the display of the images, the user gets the impression of being present in virtual reality.

We at neotralo have made use of this approach and developed a special application. We enable insurance comparisons in a new dimension!

Who invented it?

Everyone knows the saying from advertising for herbal sweets. But the answer to the question is also correct in our case! ?The Swiss? we are from neotralo and we are the first to have developed such an app for comparing insurance.

You only need the right hardware, which is offered in different versions by the company Oculus, for example. The app runs on the headset and you can now compare different insurance policies. ? neotralo VR? is the name of the app that is so far unique and that is not available on any other comparison portal.

Why should comparing insurance policies remain as boring as usual? Why always enter the same numbers and data in order to find the best provider before every new insurance or after a premium increase? Thanks to neotralo VR, it is now possible to combine comparing insurance with the fun of new technology.

Each user gets access to his own virtual world, in which it is really fun to compare the insurance companies with each other. Turn a chore into a game you'll want to play over and over again. You will soon be wondering when the next reason to compare the insurance companies will finally come.

How does the neotralo VR app work?

Imagine: you live in the real world and need to take out new insurance. Perhaps you also received an insurance notice stating an increase in premiums.

Now it's time to quickly find another provider who offers far better conditions.To do this, you go into the virtual world and compare the various insurance companies with fun and effortlessly. You can even take out the selected insurance there and return from the virtual to the real world. You counter this with your new insurance, which of course applies in the real world. Implementing this idea doesn't cost you much.

First you need the headset and the neotralo VR app. No more, because now the fun can already begin.

The prices that are shown to you as part of the comparison are always up-to-date and are calculated in real time. Here you can compare your insurances for yourself, for the protection of valuables, vehicles or business assets. A comparison could hardly be easier and certainly not more entertaining.

Gone are the days of stubborn data entry, today the insurance comparison is carried out virtually! You then use the results in the real world, because the insurance you choose virtually also applies here, of course.

What is special about the neotralo VR app?

If the points mentioned above are not enough for you, we have another special feature to offer you. These will be fans of the film? Minority Report? know and therefore appreciate them all the more. But all other users will soon be convinced: We are talking about using the app without a joystick. It recognizes the movements of the hand directly and implements them. The app is very easy to control.

What's next?

We are currently in the process of registering the neotralo VR app for the Swiss Insurance Award. With this innovation award, the winners and the other participants have the opportunity to present themselves as an innovative company and to position themselves as a modern provider to customers.

We are very excited to see how the app will be received there and what feedback we will receive! We will of course keep you up to date on developments and will also present the outcome of our application here.

In view of the very positive criticism so far, however, we also expect positive feedback from the Swiss Insurance Award. After all, the app has been so well received so far that we are already developing a new version of it.

Because: Improvements are of course always possible, and since we have set ourselves the goal of revolutionizing the world of Swiss insurance and their products, we are constantly looking for innovations and changes in your favor.

We will incorporate these changes in the second version of the application, which you will soon receive free of charge as well as the first version.

Where can the app be tested?

Anyone interested in the app can visit us in Zurich Altstetten and test the neotralo VR app. Free of charge, of course! Simply write us an e-mail to so that we can also advise you when you are with us for your test appointment. We look forward to you and your test.


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