Accident insurance in Switzerland: what benefits are covered?

accident insurance

Accident insurance in Switzerland: what benefits are covered?

An accident is an event that cannot be predicted. It is all the more important to be well insured in the event of damage. Accident insurance in Switzerland therefore covers a large portfolio of services that are particularly important medically and financially. 

That is why the range of services offered by Swiss accident insurance companies includes the necessary support for medical treatment, necessary medical aids and aids, damages, rescue and transport costs, daily allowances as well as pensions and financial compensation.

accident insurance

Assumption of costs for care services

In order to minimize physical or psychological damage caused by an occupational disease or an accident at work, targeted and comprehensive treatment with the support of health insurance companies is always required. 

An important basis for occupational accident insurance is therefore Article 10 UVG (Federal Law for Accident Insurance), according to which the right to adequate treatment is unlimited in terms of costs or duration. This service includes treatments by doctors, chiropractors and stays in the hospital if necessary. 

In addition, thanks to the services provided by health insurers, those affected in Switzerland have the choice of which doctors and medical facilities they choose for treatment. The range of services includes the following services:

    1. outpatient or inpatient treatments
    2. dental therapies
    3. drugs
    4. analyzes
    5. cures
    6. Medical aids and aids (including prostheses, hearing aids)

In addition, the accident insurance covers up to a specified limit for any necessary transport and rescue costs as well as the transport costs for fatally injured policyholders and their burial. 

Assumption of cash benefits

In addition to benefits in kind, the Swiss Accident Insurance pays cash benefits such as daily allowances, compensation payments or disability and survivor's pensions. In Switzerland, the daily allowance has proven itself as a wage replacement benefit that comes into force if there are no pension entitlements or the insured are not fully able to work again. 

The reference figure is the last salary reached, from which policyholders receive a total of 80 percent of their last salary or partial amounts as daily allowance. Those affected are usually entitled to this right from the third day after their incapacity for work or the accident. The following example illustrates the entitlements to daily cash benefits:

    • Wages before an accident at work: CHF 2,670
    • of which full daily allowance (80 percent) or paid out (fully unable to work): CHF 2,136
    • of which paid (70 percent unable to work): CHF 1,495.20

Details on the disability and survivor's pension

However, occupational diseases and accidents at work are also regularly the reason why insured persons are no longer fully employable or can no longer work. That is why accident insurance guarantees pension benefits in order to compensate for the loss of wages. 

In order to assert these claims, insured persons are obliged to prove MdE - a reduction in their ability to work. The amount of the disability pension is based on the wages of the past twelve months. In the event of complete incapacity for work, there is a maximum pension claim of 80 percent of the assessment base.

Financial support for survivors

However, it is not only policyholders who benefit from Swiss accident insurance in the event of a claim. If the accident at work or occupational disability even leads to the death of the policyholder, spouses and surviving children may also claim the accident insurance under the law. 

To receive a widow's or widower's pension, the surviving spouses must meet certain conditions. For example, you are entitled to a lifelong pension if the spouses have pensionable children at the time of the widowhood or if pensionable children live in the household of the widowed spouse. 

In addition, the surviving children of the insured are entitled to a full or half-orphan's pension under Swiss law. The pension amounts are broken down into the following sentences:

    1. Widow's or widower's pension: 40 percent
    2. Orphan's pension: 25 percent
    3. Half-orphan's pension: 15 percent

However, the total amount of all pension claims must not exceed the maximum of over 70 percent of the total earnings of the deceased. Claims arising from divorced spouses are calculated at 20 percent of earnings and increase the maximum to up to 90 percent. However, the prerequisite for this is that the insured person would have had to pay maintenance during the insured event.

Who is automatically insured under accident insurance?

All employees are generally insured with accident insurance in Switzerland. This regulation also applies to homeworkers, apprentices, interns, volunteers, people working in apprenticeship or disability workshops, cleaning staff and domestic workers. In contrast, the self-employed or inactive people such as pensioners, housewives, students and children are not insured. 

For this reason, these groups of people are well advised to take out compulsory health insurance against accidents. If the weekly working time at an employer is less than eight hours, these workers are only covered against occupational diseases and accidents. In this case, non-occupational accidents are excluded from insurance cover. 

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An accident at work: Does the health insurance pay?

Nobody is immune from an accident at work, also known as an industrial accident. Inattention or a wrong hand movement is enough to cause serious injuries in the worst case. This is why employers in Switzerland are obliged to take out a policy with your health insurance against occupational accidents. 

If the employees work in the same company for at least eight hours a week, insurance against non-occupational accidents is also required.

family insurance

Differentiation between occupational accidents and non-occupational accidents

In Switzerland, insurance companies differentiate between so-called occupational accidents and non-occupational accidents. These two types of work accidents are characterized by the following special features:

    • Occupational accident: describes events that occur during work that are carried out on the instructions of the employer or in his interest
    • Non-occupational accident: accident that occurs on the way to work, while playing sports or otherwise in leisure time

An accident happened: and now?

After an occupational or non-occupational accident, employees are obliged to immediately inform the employer about the event. The employer then has the duty to report the accident to the insurance company immediately. 

Thereupon affected workers receive a form, which treating doctors have to fill out truthfully and completely. The insurance company is then immediately informed of the event, possibly via an online report. 

Accident insurance companies, public liability insurers, supplementary insurers of an employer or the casualty or disability insurance companies may be considered as potential service providers. Alternatively, providers for old-age and survivor insurance, pension insurance or liability insurance companies are available as potential service providers.

Are those affected entitled to continued payment of wages?

In Switzerland, employers are obliged to continue paying their employees 80 percent of their wages for a certain period after an accident. However, there are no clear rules regarding the duration of continued wages. 

For safety reasons, all employees in Switzerland are therefore compulsorily insured against the consequences of accidents. Only from the third day after the accident do those affected have a right to daily allowance that amounts to 80 percent of their wages. It is irrelevant whether the accident occurred during leisure time or during work.

Special regulations for employers with few hours of employment

Special regulations apply only to employees who work less than eight hours a week. These employees are only insured for accidents and occupational accidents that affect the way to work. Employers are obliged to pay the wages of these people in the amount of 80 percent for a certain period of time. 

In this case, too, the duration of continued payment of wages is not explicitly regulated by law. However, according to court practice, employers should consider a minimum of three weeks in the first year of service. 

However, if the employment relationship lasts longer, guidelines such as the Basler, Zürcher or Berner Skala come into force. These tables show the period over which employers have to pay wages depending on the number of years of service.

Can I be dismissed while unable to work?

After an accident, there is a high risk of being unable to work for a long period of time. Employers are then not entitled to dismiss their employees within a limited period of time. It is therefore all the more important to fully utilize the support provided by health insurance companies and to undergo the best possible therapy.

Are affected people allowed to work despite a medical certificate?

Those who are unable to work are also not allowed to work. Otherwise, workers run the risk that the Daily sickness insurance reclaims the daily sickness allowance. In the worst case, the insurance companies even file criminal charges.

Finding an accident insurance: A comparison helps

If employers want to take out accident insurance for their employees or if private individuals are interested in the policy, an insurance comparison in advance is highly recommended. 

Quotations from individual insurance companies differ significantly from one another. Anyone looking for the offer with the best price-performance ratio will receive a representative overview of the individual offers in an insurance comparison. 

These comparisons are now easily possible on the Internet. Entering a little information and data is enough to get detailed information about the insurance conditions and offers. 

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Which vaccinations does the basic insurance cover?

family insurance

Which vaccinations does the basic insurance cover?

In Switzerland, basic insurance covers all basic vaccinations recommended for children, adolescents and adults. All these vaccinations are recorded in writing in the Swiss vaccination plan. 

In order to always keep up to date with the latest medical developments, the Federal Commission for Vaccination Questions, the EKIF, regularly updates this plan in cooperation with the BAG or the Federal Office of Public Health.

family insurance

There are three categories of recommended vaccinations in Switzerland:

    • recommended basic vaccinations for all ages
    • recommended additional vaccinations
    • Vaccinations that are recommended for special risk groups or risk situations

In addition to the basic vaccinations, vaccinations in the second category prevent clearly defined risks such as meningococcal infection. These vaccinations are of little use to public health. 

However, these vaccinations are extremely beneficial for the individual. The third category includes vaccinations, which are aimed at protecting particularly vulnerable groups of people, such as people with insufficient immune protection or premature babies. 

In addition, these vaccinations are recommended for people who are often in contact with vulnerable or sick people. These risk groups include, for example, doctors or nursing staff.

The basic insurance covers these vaccinations

Basic insurance bears the costs for subsequent vaccinations in general, but less the deductible and deductible:

    • Chickenpox (varicella)
    • Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
    • Tetanus (re-vaccinated every ten years)
    • Diphtheria (re-vaccinated every ten years)
    • Haemophilus influenza type B
    • Whooping cough (pertussis)
    • Polio (poliomyelitis)
    • pneumococcal
    • Hepatitis B
    • Hepatitis A (only for special risk groups)
    • Cervical cancer (HPV or human papillomavirus): if vaccination is given as a result of a cantonal program, the costs for girls from 11 to 19 years will be reimbursed
    • Influenza: vaccination for people at increased risk of complicated flu and for people aged 65 and over

Tetanus vaccination will be covered by SUVA after an accident if, according to the vaccination plan, vaccination against whooping cough is also recommended.

The basic insurance covers these recommended additional vaccinations

Subsequent vaccinations are covered by basic insurance in Switzerland with certain restrictions, which are also listed. One example is the meningococcal vaccination, the cost of which is covered by basic insurance for children from two to five years of age and young people from 11 to 15 years of age. 

However, basic insurance only bears the associated costs less the deductible and deductible. In addition, the basic insurance covers the costs of vaccination against HPV for women from 20 to 26 years and for male patients from 11 to 26 years. 

The insurance covers these costs, exempt from the franchise within the framework of cantonal programs. However, it is important that the first vaccination of the vaccination schedule begins before the 27th birthday.

Vaccinations based on certain risk factors

The vaccination recommended for risk situations or risk groups is usually paid for by the employer or the compulsory health care insurance. In addition, the basic insurance covers the costs for TBE vaccinations for people aged six and above, less deductible and franchise. 

However, this vaccination is only guaranteed for people who are increasingly in regions with TBE vaccination recommendations. In these cases, too, employers are obliged to pay for the vaccination, and their employees are increasingly in these areas for professional reasons. 

In return, vaccinations are excluded from coverage by the basic insurance, which are necessary for vacation trips. Rabies, yellow fever and Japanese encephalitis fall into this category.

The vaccination week: a special event

Switzerland has once again participated in the European Immunization Week, which is organized by the World Health Organization. This event is intended to encourage more and more people to regularly check their vaccination status. 

This vaccination week offers all Swiss residents the opportunity to read the electronic vaccination book at to be validated. If the check leads to the fact that vaccinations are due or are missing completely, the owners will be informed via SMS or email. 

Switzerland also supports the initiative in staying or becoming measles-free. 

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Swiss health insurance companies: When do children have to be registered?

The birth of a child is a blessing for families. However, in order for the boys and girls to be able to lead a carefree life right from the start, their own health insurance is urgently required in Switzerland. But what deadlines do parents have to meet after the birth of their offspring? What happens when the children see the light of day already sick? The following guide provides information.

family insurance

Rules laid down by the Health Insurance Act

In Switzerland, the Health Insurance Act stipulates that parents are obliged to insure themselves with the health insurance within three months of the birth of the child. The health insurance companies guarantee coverage in the event of an accident or illness. 

Insurance protection is mandatory in Switzerland. By registering, the boys and girls are automatically reinsured at the time of their birth. If parents let this three-month period pass, a gap is automatically created. 

In this case, the basic insurance is obliged to take in the child despite the late registration. In this case, however, the insurance company is free to refuse the services previously used.

Play it safe: With a registration before the birth of the child

Parents are therefore on the safe side in Switzerland if they register their new earthly citizen for basic insurance before birth. After the birth of a child, many families are in a state of emergency. The little ones demand everything from their parents. Organizational tasks are quickly forgotten. In this case, early registration will help.

Sick children are also included in the basic insurance

In Switzerland, health insurance companies are obliged to include sick children in basic insurance without reservation. However, if the mothers and fathers would like to register sick children for additional insurance after the birth, the insurance company may refer to a reservation or reject the application completely. 

For this reason, parents are well advised to apply for supplementary insurance before the birth. However, not all health insurance companies offer this service.

Choose your choice of supplementary insurance wisely

Parents are of course free to decide which additional insurance to choose in each individual case. Nevertheless, current statistics show that more and more children are dependent on expensive tooth corrections. Taking out dental insurance is also recommended immediately after birth. 

At a later stage, most providers of supplementary insurance in Switzerland require a comprehensive dental examination before the children are admitted to Switzerland. The offers of individual insurance providers differ significantly in some cases. The following additional insurance policies are also possible:

    • Supplementary insurance to cover the costs of contact lenses and glasses
    • Supplementary insurance for alternative forms of treatment
    • hospital insurance

Check the price-performance ratio of individual insurance offers

It is therefore all the more important to examine offers in detail - with a particular focus on the price-performance ratio. Another important factor is that numerous dental insurance companies include a waiting period of several months in their insurance contracts. 

This regulation has drastic consequences for policyholders. Under these circumstances, it is entirely possible that no treatment costs will be covered from the individual point in time of taking out insurance until the deadline expires. 

In this case, policyholders would have to pay for the treatment despite the insurance being taken out.

Think carefully about the choice of the cash register

In general, young parents should keep in mind that the selected health insurance company does not necessarily have to be the same insurance company as that of the parents. A comparison is worthwhile. Finally, differences can amount to several hundred francs. 

In general, boys and girls in basic insurance do not have a mandatory franchise. This means that parents only pay a ten percent deductible up to a maximum of CHF 350 per year. However, if the parents opt for a franchise of CHF 100 to CHF 600, they receive a premium discount. 

However, the franchise model usually does not make sense for children, since toddlers are closely examined and treated by the doctor. 

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Children's glasses: What costs does the health insurance cover?

Many children rely on visual aids like glasses. Worldwide comparisons show that myopia is increasing rapidly everywhere. This development does not stop at children who are based in Switzerland either. 

But if you need visual aids like glasses, you have to expect relatively high costs. In Switzerland, it is entirely possible that health insurance companies support policyholders with financing. The insurance companies may even participate in the financing of contact lenses.

family insurance

The basic insurance includes a participation for visual aids for children

In general, the so-called basic insurance in Switzerland is obliged to provide visual aids for children and adolescents up to the age of 18. Disability insurance, IV. 

This policy covers the costs. This includes most medical services that are related to so-called birth defects. 

Since these services also include visual impairments, the insurance companies in this case bear the cost of visual aids up to the age of 20 without a deductible.

An annual share of CHF 180

In Switzerland, children and adolescents who rely on visual aids receive an annual share of CHF 180 from their basic health insurance for contact lenses or glasses. However, an annual ophthalmological prescription is required to bill the health insurance company for these costs. 

Those who meet these requirements will benefit from this amount paid by the insurance until they are 18 years of age. Experience has shown that insurance companies pay higher reimbursements for contact lenses or spectacle lenses if people even suffer from a particularly severe visual defect or a related illness.

 This case occurs among other things with the following diseases or under the following circumstances:

    • in diseases of the cornea
    • an adjustment necessary after an operation
    • in the event of a refractive change due to illness

In general, parents in Switzerland are well advised to have their children examined regularly for possible ametropia. After all, most visual defects require therapy as early as childhood so that visual acuity is not restricted in the future.

With basic insurance, the payment of a deductible is included

Experience has shown that parents still have to pay a deductible for the provision of contact lenses or glasses. If, however, parents have opted for a franchise for their children that is higher than zero francs, policyholders must assume the respective franchise amount and the deductible of 10 percent on their own. 

Insurance experts therefore advise you to generally opt for a franchise of zero francs. After all, the discount on a higher franchise is comparatively small.

Good supplementary insurance is often a sensible solution

It may also make sense for affected parents to save cash by taking out additional insurance. However, a look at the details is required, since the benefits for supplementary insurance vary considerably from one health insurance to another. 

This step is particularly worthwhile for children and adolescents who are permanently dependent on the support of a visual aid. Experience has shown that contact lenses and corrected glasses ultimately cost more than CHF 180 per year.

Is a franchise recommended for children?

Actually, the amount of the franchise does not affect the additional payment for the children's glasses. In general, experts in Swiss insurance law also suggest agreeing a franchise of CHF 0 for children and adolescents. 

The insurance specialists cite the reason that the prospects for a discount on a higher franchise in Switzerland are relatively slim. To make matters worse, children and adolescents need a medical consultation comparatively often. 

If adults are dependent on glasses and contact lenses, other regulations apply. The compulsory basic insurance valid for Switzerland only provides financial support for visual aids under certain conditions. 

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Anyone who is already resident in Switzerland or would like to settle in the country is subject to compulsory health care insurance. For Swiss citizens, this means that every family member must take out basic insurance.

life insurance

There are no family insurance schemes in Switzerland

Around 90 health insurers are located across the country, from which policyholders can choose their favorite insurance company.

The range of services offered by individual health insurance companies is no different. But if you want to upgrade the basic package by taking out additional insurance, you should take a close look at individual offers.

In line with the German system of private health insurance, policyholders pay non-income-related head premiums, which however vary from canton to canton and from health insurance to health insurance. However, in contrast to the German health insurance system, there are no family insurance schemes in Switzerland.

Reduced contribution rates for children and adolescents

Children and adolescents up to the age of 18 still have an advantage. In Switzerland, reduced contribution rates apply to certain groups of people. The following policyholders benefit from these regulations

    • children
    • youth
    • young adults
    • Low income people

A sample calculation provides information

A breakdown of the costs required for health insurance in Switzerland may seem confusing at first. But a look at the details reveals that this composition is still clearly subdivided. 

In general, insured people usually have to pay part of the treatment costs. The general contributions for health insurance are comparatively low. However, the cost contribution is also added to these costs, which in turn is calculated from a deductible of the invoice amount of 10 percent and the ordinary franchise. 

This model can be quickly explained using this calculation example.

There is no proper franchise for children and young people

In this example, policyholders have to pay a monthly contribution of 250 euros for the health insurance. The annual franchise is added to this, which in this example is CHF 300 per year for adults. 

This is where family-friendly Swiss politics comes into play. Because children and adolescents up to the age of 18 do not have to pay a regular franchise in Switzerland. This is offset by the deductible, which amounts to ten percent of the annual treatment costs. 

If treatment costs totaling CHF 2,000 have been incurred in the course of a year, the sum of the ordinary franchise is subtracted from the invoice amount. In addition, 10 percent of the deductible of the remaining 1,700 francs will be charged by the health insurance company. 

Based on this, a policyholder would only pay CHF 470 of the entire treatment fee, plus the monthly health insurance contributions. Accordingly, the maximum deductible is CHF 700 per year. 

For children and adolescents up to the age of 18, the share is reduced to CHF 350. If you want, you can also increase the proportion of the ordinary franchise in order to minimize the deductible if necessary.

Financial benefits for younger people

This example illustrates that there is no family insurance in Switzerland like in Germany. Nevertheless, children, adolescents and young adults benefit from some advantages that the Swiss health system offers them. 

Are there options for free health insurance membership? These options do not exist in Switzerland. Nevertheless, younger people are comparatively little asked to pay.

How children and young people join the health insurance system

Children up to the age of 18 are automatically covered by basic insurance after their birth. After the birth of a child, parents are obliged to register the newborn with a health insurance company no later than three months after the birth. 

When deciding for or against health insurance, potential policyholders are free to choose. The benefits of this basic insurance for children, adolescents and adults in the basic insurance are identical for all health insurance companies. 

However, the amount of the premiums differs significantly from provider to provider. If in doubt, it is advisable to compare offers from different providers online. 

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Swiss health insurance 2020: some premiums will decrease

Swiss health insurance 2020: some premiums will decrease

Premium payers from Switzerland can look forward to good news. Several health insurance companies have announced in the past few days that the bills for the health insurance company will be somewhat lower from 2020. 

For example, Helsana boss Daniel Schmutz told NZZ that a large part of all customers will have to pay a lower premium than in 2019 from next year. In addition, CSS - Switzerland's second largest health insurance company - has meanwhile announced that premiums in certain cantons will be reduced or at least not increased.

Six of the nine largest insurance companies confirm stable premium levels

According to initial surveys, six of the nine largest health insurers in Switzerland expect a stable development of the premium amount in 2020. The most important reason given by insurance companies is health care costs, which have grown exceptionally moderately in the past. 

The first insurance companies speak of a rethinking of policyholders, which is increasingly affecting the scope of services offered by health insurance companies. According to statements by Helsana chairman Schmutz, fewer and fewer policyholders are turning "at every trifle" to a doctor.

Saving money: by opting for alternative insurance models

It is also a relief for insurance companies that insureds are increasingly opting for alternative insurance models. These types of insurance are cheaper and more efficient at the same time. Dirt also mentions the Federal Council's support in the Tarmed medical tariff. This change will also benefit insurance companies and policyholders.

The financial turnaround is probably already decided

Although the Federal Council has yet to approve the health insurance premium proposals, the financial turnaround for some large health insurance companies seems to have been decided. However, while Helsana boss Schmutz speaks of a lower premium, the CSS limits the zero rounds and falling premiums to certain cantons. 

However, the health insurance companies are not yet allowed to publicly announce which cantons or regions are being discussed. This final decision will probably not be announced until the end of September after the Federal Council has approved the proposals.

Premium cuts in individual cantons: initial assumptions

Nevertheless, specialists such as Felix Schneuwly from the Comparis comparison service make a first forecast. According to his statements, premiums are likely to decrease primarily in the cantons, which have particularly moderate hospital costs. 

According to an analysis of the so-called BAG monitoring, the cantons and regions of Aargau, Appenzell, Basel-Land, Basel-Stadt, Bern, Glarus, Graubünden, Neuenburg, Nidwalden, Schwyz, Uri, Schaffhausen, Solothurn, Ticino and Valais could benefit from this forecast to be affected.

Not all insurance models are affected by the premium reduction

Currently, it can only be speculated as to which insurance models are affected by the premium reduction. But Schneuwly also makes a first forecast in this context. In his opinion, a reduction of the telemedicine, HMW and family doctor models is relatively likely. 

However, a look at the development of the total costs shows that the premiums for health insurance in Switzerland will nevertheless rise on average. In this context, the CSS has already confirmed that a slight increase of less than 1.5 percent is expected. 

Helsana goes one step further and predicts an increase in premiums of less than 1.2 percent in 2020. With these values, the cost increase for 2019 would have been undercut.

The beginning of a turnaround?

Could this adjustment of premiums for health insurance companies in Switzerland herald a turnaround? Insurance expert Felix Schneuwly has not yet assumed this. In his opinion, the supervisory law is a relatively big hurdle. 

According to Schneuwly, the supervisory law focuses on short-term cost development. In the past, these circumstances often ensured that fluctuations in premiums were much stronger than for the comparatively steady cost development.

The main reason for the price increase: the use of medical offers

As early as the summer, the comparison service assumed that the premiums for basic insurance from Swiss health insurance companies would increase by two to three percent in 2020. Comparis based this thesis on the fact that it is not the prices, but the use of medical services that drives up the premium. This assertion does not seem to have been confirmed now, as the current development shows.

A financial relief for families and cantons

Many policyholders from Switzerland should be particularly pleased with this price development. For many families, increased health insurance premiums represent a high financial burden, which family budgets are above average. 

This means that families are no longer able to make the premium payments. These missing payments in turn represent a high burden for the cantons. In general, cantons take on 55 percent of all services that are incurred for patients for hospital treatment in hospitals. 

In addition, the development harbors another risk. If the reduction in premiums goes hand in hand with less frequent use of medical services, the risk increases that serious illnesses of policyholders remain untreated.

Premium reduction vs. saving model

Despite the reduction in premiums, policyholders need to consider basic insurance offers carefully. Because although numerous insurance companies have announced reductions in premiums, policyholders still pay quite high fees in a direct comparison. 

For this reason, premiums from insurance companies with the highest price reductions are usually still many percentage points more expensive than offers from other insurance companies. One example is the Philos family doctor insured in Zurich with a franchise of CHF 2,500. Anyone who decides to switch to Assura in this region saves over CHF 600. 

In addition, well-known health insurance companies such as Helsana or CSS are also not among the associations with the highest premium reductions. 

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How many citizens change health insurance in Switzerland every year and why?

How many citizens change health insurance in Switzerland every year and why?

It is a recognized creed for Swiss people: regularly change your health insurance, or at least change your basic insurance! Many stick to it because they know that this can save a few hundred francs and more. However, convenience often wins and the notice period is missed.

In 2018, the health insurance premiums only increased by 1.2% and so a change is not worth the effort. But is that really true? How many Swiss actually change health insurance and why? The following article answers this question.

Why does a change make sense?

Already at a young age, people in Switzerland learn that they should check annually whether a change of insurance would pay off financially. But since this can be associated with a small amount of bureaucratic but nerve-racking effort, the question is rightly asked why a change makes sense at all.

The health insurance premiums are recalculated each year and increase in different amounts from canton to canton at the various insurance companies. Therefore, the costs for the monthly insurance premiums are always recalculated. 

At the end of October, the Swiss health insurance companies are obliged to inform their insured of the amount of premiums for the next year and to make them aware of their right to switch.

Attention: Anyone who changes does not make themselves unpopular, because insurers treat regular customers no differently than new customers.

How does the change go?

For basic insurance, there is a notice period of 30 days at the end of each year. This means that the written notice of cancellation must have been received by the cash register by November 30 at best. It is important to be careful:

    • The actual receipt of the cancellation counts and not the postmark.
    • The insurance number and the date must be stated on the cancellation.

Supplementary insurance has a longer notice period of three months, which is why the notice of cancellation must be received by the fund by September 30th. Pay attention here as well: wait for the written confirmation of the new cash register for your admission before you quit. 

Supplementary insurance providers are not legally obliged to accept you, but can decide depending on the health check.

How many citizens change?

The reasons are seeping through and more and more citizens change their health insurance every year. In 2016 there were around one million insured who used the services of a new fund for 2017. It is important to distinguish that around half a million of them were forced to switch because their previous health insurance companies merged with a new one.

Every year, the BAG publishes the? Statistics on compulsory health insurance ?:



Percent of insured



11,5 %



7,2 %



5,4 %



6,9 %




The importance of a change and the financial benefits are causing more and more Swiss people to change health insurance. The BAG data can be used to identify trends and to respond to the needs of Swiss citizens. 

Last but not least, the increase in the number of people changing is most likely due to the savings potential and the low cost of termination formalities.

Change health insurance: a comparison helps

Anyone looking for a new health insurance company can of course use various methods. But one of the most straightforward solutions is to compare offers from different insurance companies online, such as ours health insurance comparison.

On the Internet, it only takes a few mouse clicks to compare the offers of the health insurance companies and thus to select the best offer for your own needs. This free service makes it much easier to change insurance providers. 

In addition, it only takes a little time to check these offers and thus select the tailor-made service package for your own needs. 

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SWICA health insurance - Number 1 in Switzerland?

SWICA once again came first in terms of customer satisfaction among health insurance companies in Switzerland. Why is SWICA the number 1 health insurance company in Switzerland and what distinguishes it from other insurers? The following article examines whether there are alternatives or serious competitors.

SWICA's self-image

With around 1.5 million insured, SWICA is one of the leading health insurance companies in Switzerland, and it also has around 27,000 corporate customers under contract. 

It sees itself as a health organization, not just as an insurer, and advertises with permanent financial security and optimal medical care in the event of illness, accident and maternity. It is also the only organization that offers an integral service chain for health issues.

Private customers can choose between three models:

    • Standard model (basic insurance)
    • several alternative insurance models
    • individual choice franchise

Customer friendly, customer friendly, SWICA

Both conventional medicine and complementary medicine are supported by SWICA. Many Swiss people like to benefit from holistic and sustainable care during their illness.

The offer is supported by the Medbase Medical Center and the partner practices of SWICA, which offer access to the network of doctors and therapists. For smartphone-loving people, they also offer the BENECURA app, which can be used to call up further recommendations for action using a symptom checker.

The fitter the lower the premiums

SWICA also offers the option of collecting fitness points with a bonus point program, which can be used to reduce premiums. The BENEVITA platform is intended to track the activities and help to increase health literacy. If the insured regularly invest in health and fitness, the corresponding activities can be rewarded with up to CHF 800 a year from supplementary insurance.

Advantages through customer loyalty

As a rule, hospital insurance premiums increase every five years, which can result in a high financial burden in old age. For this problem, SWICA offers the so-called final age tariff, with the help of which SWIA allows the previous insurance period to be included in the calculation of the premium and rewards customer loyalty.

SWICA and PROVITA are also the only health insurers to deduct the cost sharing of basic insurance from that of SWICA supplementary care. As a result, the annual cost sharing is significantly lower than that of other health insurers. Loyal customers have advantages with which they can save a few Swiss francs.

SWICA and competition

in the Compromised health insurance comparison The following points of dissatisfaction were most frequently insured in 2019: Bills paid too late or not paid, annoying inquiries, too complicated paperwork, administrative problems. In 2018, Sanitas took first place just ahead of SWICA, but SWICA has now recaptured the top. 

But despite this positive development, a rather descending turn can be observed. The average customer satisfaction at all health insurance companies lost. In the last comparison result it dropped from 5,02% to 4,89%. A total of 60% Swiss citizens are satisfied with their insurer. 

Three quarters of SWICA customers are satisfied with the service. It is therefore worth taking a look at the test leaders, as the focus is not only on the price-performance ratio, but also factors such as the satisfaction and franchise of the health insurers.

Same benefits, different premiums

SWICA is one of the leading health insurance companies in Switzerland that impresses with its particularly harmonious price-performance ratio. Nevertheless, health insurance has to make a comparison with many other institutions that offer the same services. 

But SWICA differs from these providers, for example, in the amount of its premiums. The health insurance companies also vary from one another through other services such as the service. Anyone looking for a provider with particularly favorable terms is usually well advised to sign a contract with SWICA. 

Alternatively, it is also advisable to compare the offers of this health insurance company with those of other regional health insurance companies. 

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Comparison portals in comparison (,,,

Comparison portals in comparison (,,,

It is not easy to keep track of all the comparison portals, health insurance companies and various premiums. With the top pages, you are already a good deal further on your way to the perfect offer and the health insurance company that is tailored to you.

The individual comparison portals

In this article we give you an optimal overview of the 4 most important comparison portals. Who offers which services, which criticisms are there? You can find the answers below in our comparison to:

    • and
    • was founded in 1996 as a GmbH and is currently the largest online comparison portal in Switzerland. currently has almost 200 employees and a headquarters in Zurich. The company has also been an official stock corporation (AG) under the direction of Paul Kummer since 2000. is a comparison portal focusing on car insurance, household insurance, health insurance and supplementary insurance, mortgages and personal loans. The comparison portal was founded in 2004 and then quickly gained popularity in Switzerland. The customer orientation of this platform is particularly evident in its efforts to demonstrate savings for customers in every area.

Of the health insurance comparison is especially popular because it lists and compares all health insurance companies in Switzerland. The name of also shows the main focus of the company: The detailed overview of all health insurance companies should make it easy to switch to the ideal partner. As a result, the website says: ?? Swupp? and is it already done? is a Swiss start-up based in Zug. The comparison portal specializes in all topics relating to insurance and banking and is rated positively by customers, particularly through personal and individual advice right through to the perfect offer.

The comparison portals in comparison - who offers you what?

The most popular Swiss comparison portals,, and primarily have in common that the very customer-friendly and detailed health insurance companies compare. 

They differ mainly in the range of topics and special extra services. For example, in addition to detailed articles, also offers video reviews of health insurance companies and a chatbot that can calculate all health insurance premiums. 

The change should be made easy, especially at In general, however, it can be said that each comparison portal tries to relieve customers of as much effort as possible. The top comparison portals are also characterized by objectivity and neutrality. !

Competition from our own ranks

In the meantime, several other comparison portals have established themselves on the Swiss market. One example is the German company Verivox, which presents health insurance comparisons in a particularly clear manner and also lists all health insurance companies. However, this provider could provide detailed information on the individual health insurance plans. 

This example shows that the competition among comparison portals in Switzerland is not at rest. On the contrary: if you want to assert yourself, you have to address the needs of users even more comprehensively and in more detail. In this competition, is setting a good example. 

Conclusion: An overview of the comparison portals

It is not easy to keep track of all the comparison portals, health insurance companies and various premiums. With the top pages, you are already a good deal further on your way to the perfect offer and the health insurance company that is tailored to you. 

When comparing, you should make sure that you get a comprehensive overview of several products, that you understand the structure and function of the website without effort and that you find exactly what you are looking for and need thematically. 

Finally, we have put together a brief overview of the comparison portals in comparison:


very good


very good, all Swiss health insurance companies listed

very good



very good


very good

Comparison possible without personal information



very good

Health insurance topics are limited


very detailed



represented on many networks

many other topics


Video ratings

Chatbot for calculating health insurance premiums

Personal advice

It's worth comparing! Now here click and save 1,000 francs!


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