What does household insurance cover?

Household insurance covers the damage caused by various damage events to personal things and objects, which in turn are in the self-inhabited household.

What does household insurance cover?

Basic insurance, which covers the following damage, can be seen as fundamental:

Damage from fire

Not only pure fire damage is insured here, but also damage caused by fire and smoke or by implosion and explosion. This point also includes damage caused by lightning or meteorites, as well as falling aircraft and spacecraft, as well as parts of these vehicles.

natural hazards

Damage caused by flooding or flooding is also covered by the household contents insurance, as are storm, hail and avalanche damage. There is also damage from landslides, rockfalls, snow pressure and rockfalls. The deductible is usually higher for this damage and is set at at least 500 Swiss francs per claim.

Water damage

Various water damage fall under this point: melt and groundwater damage, damage from snow, rainwater and similar liquids are covered here. The damage can be caused, for example, by a backwater, it can also occur due to leaking aquariums and water beds or due to a line break and is insured accordingly. However, if water enters the house through the windows or through open skylights and causes damage there, this is not insured.

Theft in the house

This item includes damage caused by burglary and robbery or simple theft at home. The theft abroad can be included in the home contents insurance with an additional product.

glass breakage

Insurance against broken glass is only possible in addition and is therefore not automatically included in the household contents insurance. Damage to broken glass on the furniture as well as on the windows or doors of the building is insured. However, screens of electrical devices, lighting fixtures, fluorescent tubes and light bulbs are not insurable.

The household insurance is calculated according to the values of the household and can therefore vary depending on the equipment of the apartment. The insurer will use a general calculation to calculate the sum insured, taking into account, for example, the number of square meters of the apartment and the number of people living in it. In addition, the values are determined which influence the amount of the insurance sum through special assets, jewelry and other things.

Conclusion: This covers household insurance

The general insurance conditions define the scope of household insurance for individual providers. In general, damage from fire, water and theft as well as natural hazards are included in the insurance. This damage can be supplemented by various additional options so that, for example, broken glass must also be insured. However, every household insurance has its limits and so the services of the insurance providers vary in scope. In principle, the entire contents of the home are insured, which also includes clothing and shoes as well as food. Particularly high-quality items should be reported separately to the insurance company so that there is sufficient insurance protection.

Here you can find the offers for household and personal liability insurance in household and Check liability insurance comparisonbefore you decide on a provider. Please check the services as well as any performance restrictions!


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