Legal expenses insurer: The wave of lawsuits continues

Legal expenses insurer: The wave of lawsuits continues

Legal protection insurers have been unable to save themselves from inquiries since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. Above all, legal questions about the workplace, canceled trips and shopping on the Internet are right at the top of the inquiry list.

Enormous increase in the need for legal clarification

The Axa Group stated that there were around 20 percent more inquiries in the first eight months of 2020. The legal expenses insurer Axa-Arag, as the largest insurer of its kind in Switzerland, named this figure. In March alone there was an increase of around 42 percent. The Touring Club Switzerland also feels an enormous need for clarification, and inquiries are also increasing here. Around every tenth request is related to legal issues relating to the corona pandemic.

Often the inquiries concern labor law, with short-time working being the focus of interest. Can short-time work be ordered, what about the wages and how do I get back to my normal working hours? These and other questions need to be clarified, whereby the focus was also on incorrect accounting for short-time work.

Many companies fired their employees and justified the termination with an in-house decline in orders due to Corona. The instruction to work in the home office also led to numerous inquiries from insurers. Many workers wanted to know if their employer could force them to work in the office when they were so afraid of infection. Others wanted to achieve the opposite and go back to work, although the boss advised against it. What is legal and what rights does the boss have in this regard?

Great need for clarification in the travel sector

Many people had booked a vacation that had to be canceled thanks to Corona. Here, too, Axa-Arag stated that inquiries about travel rights had actually doubled compared to the previous year. The Touring Club Switzerland even stated that inquiries had increased by around 60 percent. Some vacationers want to cancel their flight themselves, but have been warned not to. In that case, they could be left at their expense. Any claims will not be paid to those who cancel a flight on their own!

Other topics included canceled hotel and package tour bookings, overnight stays booked through Airbnb and possible refunds.

In addition to the travel sector, shopping on the Internet was more frequently affected by inquiries, and the courts were concerned with numerous lawsuits against sellers. It was about money losses due to paid and not delivered goods and about defective or defective goods deliveries. Tip from the experts: Avoid dubious shops and be sure to find out about the seriousness of the retailer first via known rating platforms.

Conclusion: complaints about complaints in the corona crisis

The corona crisis is very preoccupying for people in Switzerland and is leading to extreme uncertainties with regard to work, travel or online shopping. Legal expenses insurers are currently confronted with a flood of inquiries that will continue to grow. In addition, a wave of lawsuits is rolling towards the courts, which has so far received little attention as a by-product of the Corona crisis.


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Canceling life insurance: does it make sense or not?

Canceling life insurance: does it make sense or not?

Life insurance is often regarded as a standard insurance that "you just have to have". But it often tears a deep hole in the household budget when the premiums are debited. Therefore, the question arises for many insured persons as to whether life insurance should not be terminated after all?

Protection for death and old age

The mixed life insurance should not only protect the surviving dependents in the event of death, but should also serve as financial provision for one's own old age. In addition, the risk of disability can be insured. Such mixed life insurance policies are often sold within the 3a pillar and have a very long term. Usually the retirement age is given as the end of the contract.
However, it is also possible to take out pure term life insurance, in which there is no savings component and which also counts as a pension under the 3a pillar.

However, one's own life situation can also change and those who have previously been well insured are no longer dependent on the protection of the insurance. Or your own financial situation deteriorates so much that money becomes scarce and could be used otherwise. The contributions for life insurance seem pointless and are simply no longer affordable.
With a pure term life insurance, termination is not a problem, as this can usually be terminated three years after the conclusion of the contract. It is even possible to re-enter insurance at a later date, but then the premiums are higher due to the increased age at which the insurance company can join.

Termination: sensible or not?

The termination of a mixed life insurance policy can be very expensive, because the surrender value of the same is at least zero in the first few years. The reason is that insurers want to recoup all of their costs first. You deduct administration fees and the commission for the insurance contract by your insurance agent from the savings amount, so that the policy can even be negative at first.

Only then will the majority of the premiums paid be used to build up the assets and the interest on the capital will begin. This in turn consists of the guaranteed interest rate and the profit sharing. The participation itself is determined by the success of the insurance company and its amount is often difficult to understand.

In order to decide whether it makes sense to terminate life insurance or not, an alternative form of investment must be carefully analyzed. Does it make up for the cost of high life insurance buyback? If life insurance is in the 3a pillar, the only sensible alternative is to order another 3a solution from a bank. The reason is that the assets cannot be withdrawn from the 3a pillar, but must remain there up to five years before retirement age. The tax authorities do not care, they are not interested in transactions within the 3a pillar. The income there is only taxed when it is paid out and not before.

Smart alternatives to life insurance?

It is not only important that life insurance can be terminated at all, but also what the alternative to termination is. As an alternative, many life insurers offer exemption from premium payments so that the contract is suspended for the time being. The assets saved so far remain with the insurance company until the policy has properly expired.

The insurance company invests the capital for the insured. However, not only are the premium payments omitted, but also insurance cover. There is also a catch: If the insured is to be exempted from the premiums, the surrender value of the policy is determined first. The losses must also be taken into account. This amount is then used for the new policy, which is exempt from the premiums. The released assets do not correspond to the capital that has been paid up until then!

Conclusion: Don't just cancel, think carefully beforehand

The mixed life insurance was intended as long-term insurance protection and was managed as such, a termination is therefore not intended. If it is nevertheless to be carried out, it sometimes costs a lot of money because the insurers first deduct their own costs from the current balance of the insurance policy. Tip: If you take out life insurance, you should calculate in advance at what point in time a termination would make economic sense.


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Mortgage landscape in Switzerland: Swiss banks will survive Corona well

Mortgage landscape in Switzerland: Swiss banks will survive Corona well

Corona also has Switzerland firmly under control and yet the economic consequences here could be more bearable than in many other countries. Nevertheless, new dangers are already in sight that could ultimately have a significant impact on banks.

Nervous economy in Switzerland

As everywhere in the world, the economy in particular is suffering from the consequences of the corona virus and the restrictions on public life. In spring 2020, a shutdown was imposed in Switzerland, which was supposed to break the first wave of infections and which had a very negative impact on the economy. But the consequences of the shutdown still had to be compensated.

In view of the renewed wave, there is now great fear that a lockdown could bring everything to a standstill. Experts agree that a complete closure of many industries could have such a negative impact that the number of bankruptcies is likely to skyrocket.

The banks are also suffering from the measures that have been imposed to combat the virus. Allegedly, 2021 could be the toughest test the financial industry has ever had to go through. The reason: The support services that the state can provide are not made to last and cannot be sustained for long. They should stabilize the banks and primarily help borrowers so that they do not become completely over-indebted.

But the banks are being forgotten about it. You have counted on the interest income, which you will now completely or at least partially lose. How great the damage is already will become clear as soon as state aid fails to appear. It was found by financial experts that the dynamics of the economic downturn cannot be compared with that after the financial crisis. The economies were and are strongly supported by the tax authorities, which was not the case during the financial crisis. The financing markets are currently still stable. Overall, the banks are better equipped to deal with what is to come than they were in 2009.

The economy is still stable

In contrast to the economies of other countries, the one in Switzerland could still come out of the crisis with a black eye. Even if the Swiss banks are less profitable and assets or their quality will deteriorate, the Swiss banks can contain the credit losses more strongly and are not completely defenseless as in other countries.

The reason for this is Switzerland's inherently more stable economy, where loan defaults are particularly low. In addition, the quality of the loans is completely different than in other countries. In Switzerland, mortgages are mainly given instead of the otherwise usual consumer loans, which in turn ensures that assets can be supported in the economic crisis.

However, the next problem is already evident. The pressure on margins will continue to be maintained by low interest rates, but profitability could decline for political reasons. The reason: The imputed imputed rental value has been abolished, which could reduce the size of the loan books and the capacity of the banks' income.
It is interesting that the Corona crisis and its economic effects are currently only rarely observed by Liechtenstein. There you are unimpressed by the crisis that is keeping the world in suspense. The banks' earnings base was only a little weaker temporarily, after which assets recovered very quickly.

However, one thing remains to be said: private banks are heavily dependent on investor confidence and a lack of confidence can result in a significant outflow of funds.

Conclusion: the Swiss economy and banks are doing well so far

The Swiss banks and the country's economy are still doing well to very well in view of the ongoing Corona crisis. In contrast to many other countries, you have so far got away with a black eye and therefore we can only hope that the crisis will soon be over. How long banks and the economy can hold out without suffering long-term damage cannot currently be stated.


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Moving to another apartment: what applies to household insurance?

Moving to another apartment: what applies to household insurance?

When moving to another apartment, many questions arise. Some of these concern insurance coverage: What happens to my home insurance? Does this still apply or do I have to take out a new one?

A closer look at different cases

There are several options when moving: You move in with or away from a partner, you move into a shared apartment or a condominium. The following cases illustrate how the household insurance should be handled in each case:

    • Moving in with the partner
      A household only needs household insurance. This should then have the family cover, so that all family members are included in the insurance. Incidentally, this applies to household contents insurance as well as to liability insurance. If you want to keep your existing household contents insurance, it is sufficient to inform the insurance company that you are moving in with your partner and the old contract will be terminated or will be replaced by the new one. Important: When two people move in together, the value of the household effects usually increases, because everyone brings something from their household, and often all the pieces of furniture are retained because, after all, the new apartment is also larger and therefore no restrictions have to be made in terms of furniture. The sum insured should always correspond to the replacement value that has been calculated for the entire household contents.

    • Moving into your own apartment
      If you move into your first apartment, you have to take care of the contents insurance. Damage to the rental object, i.e. to the apartment itself, is covered by personal liability insurance, which can be integrated into the household contents insurance. It is important to analyze the entire household contents and determine how high the sum insured should be. Please avoid underinsurance!

    • The partner moves out
      If the partner moves out, household insurance should be checked. Family coverage is no longer necessary, at least if there are no other people living in the household. If the value of the household effects decreases when the person moves away, the insurance should be adjusted accordingly. This allows the premiums to be reduced, because overinsurance does not bring any advantages.

    • Move to a shared apartment
      Each flat share resident can take out individual insurance for his part of the household effects of the shared flat. However, this is usually more expensive than an overall policy for the entire apartment and the people who live there. However, it may be more practical because whoever moves out basically takes their share of the insurance with them. In the meantime, however, the insurers offer tailor-made products for household effects and private liability for shared apartments, which usually also include liability to roommates. This is where WG insurance differs from normal household contents and liability insurance.
      Tip: You may still be covered by your parents' family insurance if you do not yet have your own income. Then their insurance also includes the household effects of the child living in a shared apartment.

    • Move to the condominium
      If you move to your condominium, your household contents insurance should also include broken glass so that, for example, windows or the glass ceramic stove are also insured. The furnishings that are firmly connected to the building (for example the fitted kitchen) must be covered by a mandatory building insurance, here household insurance alone is not sufficient.

Conclusion: Individual insurance protection after moving

The insurance cover for household items must be adjusted individually after moving. It is particularly advisable to check the insured values because it is easy to over- or under-insure after moving to another apartment.


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Orthopedic aids: do pet insurance companies carry wheelchairs for dogs?

Orthopedic aids: do pet insurance companies carry wheelchairs for dogs?

If a dog is diagnosed with joint damage or even a body part has to be removed, the question arises whether such damage is covered by the animal insurance. The only way to do this is to ask the insurer in question.

Orthoses help with joint problems

Many dogs have problems with their joints due to osteoarthritis, and sometimes they can no longer walk. Custom-made orthoses that support the weakened joints or parts of the body help here. Physiotherapy can also help give the animal more freedom of movement. At a point where people have long been using rollators, crutches or wheelchairs, animals have to get along with what is offered to them. And that's not much, especially since orthotics and prostheses for animals are extremely expensive.

They have to be made to measure, which is accompanied by the difficulty of making a plaster cast of the affected body part. The materials that are used are the same as those used in human orthopedics. Carbon is a popular choice, but it is more expensive than plastic. But carbon is more resilient and flexible. However, the future is seen more in 3D printing.

The production of an individually fitting wheelchair or an orthosis is a real sisyphean work. After the model has been made from plastic or carbon, work is continued by hand. Everything has to be laminated and sanded, followed by upholstery, sewing, riveting and drilling? depending on the need for further adjustments. Up to 20 working hours are incurred per orthosis. This costs a lot of money, which is why it is understandable that the pet owner asks himself: does the pet insurance pay for that?

Little used tools for animals

Many pet owners do not even know that orthoses can be made at all. Success stories only occasionally make their way through the media and are then given a lot of attention, but are quickly forgotten. In addition, it costs several hundred Swiss francs to have such special products made for your dog.

Those who do not have animal health insurance often have to make the decision to euthanize the animal. After all, it is not only the orthosis that costs money, but also the entire treatment up to then, combined with constant physiotherapy. Some critics see no point in the aids and are of the opinion that they are not doing the animals any favors. After all, they could no longer run properly, although that would suit their nature. In this respect, it is only advisable to every pet owner to assess the behavior of his animal individually and then to make the decision about orthosis or not or about life and death.

Does the animal insurance cover the costs?

The assumption of costs is possible in principle, but it depends on the animal insurance and the insured cases. Most of the time, cost limits are set here, whereby these are limited partly per illness and partly to the year. For example, formulations can refer to a maximum cost assumption of 80 percent of the surgery costs per year.

The remaining costs must be borne by the owner. In addition, it is possible that a deductible has already been agreed for each insured event. Furthermore, a maximum amount of damage may have been agreed. If this is exceeded, the animal insurance no longer pays for orthoses and Co.

Incidentally, wheelchairs are usually cheaper than orthoses and prostheses and can be used when there is no longer any possibility of adjusting a walking aid exactly.

Conclusion: animal insurance bears the cost of wheelchairs and orthotics

In principle, the costs for orthotics and wheelchairs are also covered by the animal health insurance, but this does not always apply. It may also be that such aids have been excluded, which is noted in the insurance policy. It is also important to consider the maximum limit for reimbursement of costs per year or per insured event. Everything that goes beyond this must be paid for by the pet owner himself.


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In good health: the Swiss feel fit

In good health: the Swiss feel fit

Every year, surveys are carried out in Switzerland to find out how fit the Swiss really are. That was also the case in 2019 and it feels like the Swiss are above average. But they don't top the list of the fittest Europeans.

Different health perception among Europeans

In the survey, over 90 percent of the Swiss stated that they feel fit and that their state of health is good to very good.

The Swedes, however, did not feel quite as good, here it was only 76.5 percent of the respondents who rated their well-being as good, very good or excellent. This made the Swedes the bottom of the ranking, because apparently the people of other European countries felt much healthier. Great Britain, France and Norway were also ahead of Sweden.

In the last survey carried out in 2016, the Swiss stated that they felt totally healthy and rated their own fitness as positive. At that time, however, only 88.9 percent of Swiss people said they felt good to excellent. Since then, the values have increased by 0.8 percent annually. Things looked different for the British in 2016. At that time they still felt good and 90.0 percent rated their own state of health as positive. In 2019 there were only 81 percent who expressed themselves in this way.

However, the values asked only reflect the subjective perception, they do not provide any really objective information. This sees the Germans and the French ahead of the Swiss, even if they may be the healthiest subjectively. The health of the Germans and the French shows better in an evaluation of chronic diseases: Only 47.4 percent would have received confirmation from a doctor that they are chronically ill. In Switzerland, it was a total of 49.3 percent of respondents in 2019.

Severely impaired Americans and Norwegians

The survey also looked across the pond and found that around 66.3 percent of Americans suffered from a chronic illness or that this proportion of the population had received a corresponding confirmation from a doctor.

Americans also top the rankings for various diseases. Arthritis, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and mental illnesses are particularly common among them.
The Norwegians top the list for other diseases: asthma, stroke and lung diseases are particularly common. Germany has the highest rate of heart disease, even if it is generally assumed that this should be the case among Americans.

Further results of the polls

Interesting: Those with a migration background feel less healthy than people with a migration background, the German-speaking Swiss feel better than residents of French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino, and women are less satisfied with their health than men.

Germans are least concerned about jobs and sources of income, while in Switzerland more than a third of the population is concerned about rent, mortgage and income. The Swiss are only surpassed by the Americans, who incidentally also lead the way when it comes to taking medication.

Almost every second of them takes two or more medications every day that require a prescription, while the proportion of Swiss people who take medication is significantly lower and is only around a third.

There is also dissatisfaction with general practitioners: in Switzerland, almost every second person thinks that the general practitioner takes too little time and does not involve the patient sufficiently in the decisions. In Germany and Australia, on the other hand, more than half to three quarters of those surveyed are satisfied with the services of the family doctor.

Conclusion: the Swiss feel fit and for the most part are too

The satisfaction of the Swiss with their own health has increased continuously in recent years. It turned out that they only feel subjectively fit and objectively they are not at all. Because almost half have already received confirmation from a doctor that they have a chronic disease. Nevertheless, the number of people who are satisfied with their own health has risen steadily in recent years.


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Cheap loans for foreigners: Switzerland offers personal loans with poor credit ratings

Cheap loans for foreigners: Switzerland offers personal loans with poor credit ratings

Switzerland has always had the reputation of having a special knack for finance. When it comes to credit, the Swiss banks are the number one point of contact if, for example, a German cannot get a loan in his home country due to a lack of creditworthiness.

Swiss credit as an alternative

If the creditworthiness is classified as weak, the banks sometimes refuse a loan. The applicant also receives a negative entry in the credit agency, so that further loan applications are only associated with problems and are usually rejected. The solution is often sought in a loan in Switzerland.

So-called Schufa-free loans are available here, for which other proof of sufficient income must be provided. The reason for this path: The Swiss are not interested in the German Schufa and apply different standards to the assessment of an applicant's solvency.

However, applicants from abroad have to provide some evidence, because? Into the blue? no Swiss bank will grant a loan either. She also wants to make sure she gets her money back and will ask about income accordingly. It is therefore important to have a regular income, which, depending on the loan amount, must be proven for at least three months. In some cases, proof of permanent employment is required, because what good is an income receipt if the income is lost in the coming months?

The creditworthiness would not be given and a loan default is to be expected. In order to provide additional security, the bank will have the right of attachment granted. This means that the borrower must agree that in the event of insolvency, the income may be attached.

Not always good conditions for foreign borrowers

Anyone who takes out a loan in Switzerland due to a bad credit rating must expect that the conditions are not as good as those with a very good credit rating. This means that interest rates will usually be very high, which is almost no longer expected in times of persistently low interest rates. Nevertheless, it should be understandable that the banks also want to protect themselves against payment default and that the higher risk can be paid for in the form of higher interest rates.

At the same time, the loan amount is partially limited, but this also depends on the borrower's income and the securities offered. Sometimes the loan amounts are a few thousand euros, so that, for example, the purchase of a new car could not be financed with this loan.

Many borrowers complain that the term and rates of a Swiss loan are not negotiable and that these are fixed. But here, too, the bank's wish to protect itself against payment default is obvious.

Conclusion: Swiss credit for foreigners is not cheap

Anyone who opts for the Swiss loan because, for example, in Germany no loan for the desired financing is available, has to live with the fact that the conditions are not the best. The interest rates are high, terms and the amount of the installments is usually given.

It is important for Swiss banks and lenders to protect themselves against possible payment default, especially since they do not look into Schufa or similar credit agencies. Rather, the bank must rely on the information provided by the loan applicant as well as on his proof of income and security. It is understandable that this is accompanied by sometimes unfavorable conditions.


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Not without risk: Cyber risks are underestimated in the home office

Not without risk: Cyber risks are underestimated in the home office

The switch to work in the home office was a success in the corona-shattered year 2020. Most SMEs do not report any problems in this regard. What has been underestimated, however, are the cyber risks, from which companies are now more threatened than ever.

Establishing work in the home office

The first lockdown was declared in spring 2020, which presented many SMEs with unexpected problems. From one day to the next, they had to completely reorganize their operations and send as many employees as possible to the home office. What was initially seen as problematic turned out to be easier than expected in practice. Small businesses in particular were able to respond well, as a survey showed. Their bosses are unanimously of the opinion that the switch to the home office worked well and that around two thirds of the employees were able to do their work from home very well.

In the meantime, working in the home office has established itself and very many companies have not completely abandoned it. After all, this work variant also has advantages. The work-life balance is better, the risk of infection is lower and many employees are more motivated and efficient when they can organize their time themselves. However, not all that glitters is gold and there are certainly problems. In particular, the risk of cyber attacks was significantly underestimated. Around a quarter of companies have so far been affected by a cyber attack, around a third of which suffered financial damage. Apparently, the companies had underestimated the risks associated with moving jobs to the workers' own four walls.

Apparently there is no risk awareness

One reason for the increased attacks, some of which were successful, could be the lack of risk awareness among many employees. In addition, according to current knowledge, only around half of the companies have an emergency plan on hand that is used if a cyber attack prevents the continuation of day-to-day business. Only two thirds of all companies regularly train their employees on the risks arising from digitization and on cyber security measures. Many SMEs do not yet have a security concept. According to surveys, only one in ten CEOs is aware of the high risk that the entire company can be incapacitated by a cyber attack.

The other managing directors perceive the risk as low or act according to the motto that nothing will happen to their company. The fact is that many SMEs are far too naive and do not take cybersecurity seriously enough. According to experts, there are still many gaps to be closed here.

A total of 503 managing directors were interviewed for the statements at hand; the survey itself was carried out by the GFS Zurich. Digitalswitzerland as the umbrella organization of SMEs, the National Center for Cybersecurity, the University of Economics (University of Applied Sciences Northern Switzerland), Mobiliar and the Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences commissioned the study.

Conclusion: Cyber risk is greater than expected

The relocation of numerous employees to the home office has been very successful since spring 2020. However, it turns out that the risk of cyber attacks has been significantly underestimated. Around a quarter of the companies that have sent some of their employees to work from home have been victims of a cyber attack in the past few months. It is important to make improvements here and to increase employee awareness of such risks. At the same time, the SME insurance should be optimized for this risk.


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Travel environmentally friendly: Switzerland has an e-bike tour operator

Travel environmentally friendly: Switzerland has an e-bike tour operator

E-bikes have increased more and more in recent years. Wherever you look you will find these bicycles with electrical assistance, which allow old and young to be more mobile. Is there a tour operator in Switzerland that specializes in the most beautiful bike tours in Europe? with the e-bike!

Increased sales figures for e-bikes

Like the normal bicycle in the past, the e-bike has now also conquered the streets. This can be seen not only by looking at them, but also by examining the sales figures: In 2019, 133,000 e-bikes were sold in Switzerland and thus accounted for around a third of all bicycle sales. No concrete figures are yet available for 2020, but it seems that sales will have increased by around 25 percent compared to 2019. The current Corona year may also have had its share in this, in which the fitness studios were closed and people were increasingly looking for opportunities for physical exercise in the great outdoors.

The advantages of e-bikes are obvious: They can be used to travel half the world, because if muscle power alone is no longer sufficient, why not rely on the support of the integrated electric motor? This supports pedaling at least up to a speed of 25 km / h, which allows travelers to cover a considerable distance during the day. This means that entire groups with different levels of ability can be on the road, and even weaker cyclists can easily keep up with the others. Cycling becomes more relaxed and is particularly relaxing in the hilly to mountainous landscapes of Switzerland.

New tour operator offers pure e-bike tours

Why not use the advantages of e-bikes for a commercial offer? This is probably what the founders of thought, the first tour operator in Switzerland to only offer e-bike tours. Initial tests have already predicted the possible success of the offer and 47 different trips can now be booked. They lead through the most beautiful landscapes in Europe: The tours offered by the tour operator go past rivers, along the coasts and through the Alps.

Bike travel professionals carefully prepare the tours, find the most beautiful rest stops and sights of a cultural and scenic nature that can be approached on the way. The well-known classics such as the Alps-Adriatic Cycle Route, on which the participants ride the Julian Alps to the Mediterranean. Of course, the Danube cycle path is also part of it and leads cyclists from the Wachau to Vienna. Or how about the Swiss Heart Route that goes from Lausanne to Lucerne?

Numerous trips can be booked with the above-mentioned tour operator and it is to be expected that new travel routes will constantly be added should the previous success of the offers continue. All trips start at a central entry point, with three of these locations currently being offered:

    • Horw
    • Bern
    • Spreitenbach

The tour group gathered at one of these locations is brought to the respective destination by coach, the e-bikes are transported in the bicycle trailer. By the way, everyone can also use their own e-bike if they don't want to rent one! In addition to the chauffeur, two bike tour guides will lead the tour, the group size is limited to a maximum of 15 participants. The daily stages are easy to manage, nobody has to start fitness training before a cycling holiday in order to get the necessary endurance! In addition, culture and gastronomy should not be neglected on the way, so enough breaks are planned so that even untrained participants can sufficiently recover.

The total package, which can be booked by the holidaymaker, includes the pick-up and drive to the destination, accompaniment on the tour as well as food and admission to events or cultural highlights with an expert guide.
The trips can be booked directly online and have a twelve percent discount if they are picked by travel agencies. There is currently no travel catalog, but this is already in progress.

Conclusion: Europe can be experienced with the e-bike

Anyone who wants to experience Europe in the truest sense of the word now has the best chance: In Switzerland there is the first tour operator who specializes solely in tours with the e-bike. Have fun cycling!


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Premium money: Not all health insurance companies are economical

Premium money: Not all health insurance companies are economical

So far, the health insurance companies were not very economical in terms of premium money. However, according to new surveys, they are now handling the contributions more efficiently, even though the differences between the insurers are still very large.

Higher premiums due to greater administrative effort?

How efficiently a health insurance works is usually measured by the amount of its own administration costs. How much money does the health insurance company need for its employees and their salaries, how much does their own property cost and what is the annual amount for advertising and marketing? Exactly these costs make a big difference between different health insurances. While some are very economical, others drive up their own costs. True to the motto: What does the world cost?

However, current findings show that higher administrative costs do not necessarily mean that the health insurance in question is less efficient. The decisive factor is how the expenses are used and what premium income is offset by the expenses. In addition, higher administrative expenses do not necessarily mean that the premiums also have to be high, because they are only partially used to pay the administrative costs. A very small part, because at most health insurers the share of administrative costs does not even reach 4.5 percent, which are paid by the premium money.

Big differences among health insurers

A comparison shows that the differences between the individual health insurances are quite considerable. Here are two examples:

    • Visana
      With this health insurance, the insured pay around 3,700 francs per year. The administrative costs per person are around 127 francs, provided that this person is included in the basic insurance.

    • Helsana
      Here the average premium for an insured person is around 4,100 francs per year. However, the administrative costs for a person in the basic insurance are significantly higher and amount to around 212 francs.

Helsana tries to justify itself and declares that around 94 cents flow back to the insured person in the form of a benefit, and that for every franc that is paid in as a premium. This means that the real administrative costs are significantly lower and only amount to six cents per premium franc.

Don't see costs as a sign of quality

Experts assume that the expenditure that a health insurance company makes for its own purposes and which therefore falls within the scope of administrative costs cannot necessarily be seen as a good or poor quality health insurance. Cash registers that offer a very good quality of service are not represented per se with higher administrative costs. At the same time, not every cash register that has low costs for its own administration can offer poor service.

However, one thing is noticeable and this is common to all health insurances: the costs for your own administration have fallen by around 50 percent in recent years. However, the administrative costs are only seen in connection with the premiums or put in relation to them. Nevertheless: The differences between the individual health insurance companies still exist and it remains to be seen that the insurance companies work with different levels of efficiency. While some have only minimal costs, others make full use of what ultimately says nothing about the service offered.

Conclusion: Not every health insurance company saves on administrative costs

Some health insurance companies are constantly striving to keep their own costs as low as possible and allocate these lower costs to the premium money. Others are anything but efficient and thus increase health insurance contributions. However, the administration costs say nothing about the service of the cash register.


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