Only a few neutral comparison portals on the market

The Swiss comparison sites on the Internet are happy to use them to find out about loan conditions. But the number of neutral comparison providers is dwindling and has now shrunk to a few well-known ones. The supposedly transparent comparisons are no longer as transparent as they should be.

Landing pages with empty promises

Programming landing pages has its justification in terms of search engine optimization. People who search for a term, product or service on Google and Co. are taken to a provider via this page. But it is not uncommon for these landing pages to lure with empty promises and deliver significantly less than they actually say. Sham comparisons are nothing new, especially when it comes to personal loans. These come from companies that have been specially commissioned, or from brokers and credit providers themselves. They only have the goal of selling their own product well and therefore advertise it as the winner in the alleged comparison. Often it is also search engine specialists who look after hundreds of pages on the Internet and provide suitable content to ensure that their customers are found. Nothing is neutral here anymore! Comparisons relating to loans, telephone contracts and health insurance are often affected because they are about a lot of money for the customer. It is understandable that people want to secure themselves and have a comparison made, because comparing all the little things yourself would take a lot of effort. The alleged comparisons then lure the Swiss to the pages where they can find nothing more than made up or embellished comparisons. It is not uncommon for the links under which an inquiry is supposedly possible to lead not to the providers themselves, but to brokers who earn money by selling the products in the sales pitch. Often not even the products that the prospective customer has asked for, but in the conversation they recommend completely different ones that are significantly more expensive or less favorable for the customer because of the conditions.

Own comparisons are shown

Telephone providers and insurance companies, as well as banks and lenders, often offer comparisons that they themselves suggest are the best choices. Then other providers are portrayed as worse, and it is not untruths that are claimed. Rather, the weighting of individual criteria is different, so that a different ranking must result naturally. If some providers for personal loans then fall out of the shortlist, the searchers will also later remember that the provider? Was not good in the previous comparison ?. If you try again, this provider will no longer be shortlisted, although its offer doesn't have to be really bad.
Today, many comparison portals no longer receive optimal results from customers; products or services that are far too expensive are suggested. There are now only a few comparison portals that are really neutral, including neotralo. Here at neotralo, those searching can rely on the fact that there is no broker lurking at the other end who is only interested in the commission and does not always act in the interests of the customer. In the case of neutral providers, the comparison result is not falsified by the fact that a provider pays for its better placement. Rather, the optimal results are displayed for each comparison.

Conclusion: Only a few neutral comparison portals on the net

Many people rely on comparison portals before they take out a personal loan or even think about taking it out. It's just stupid if these comparison portals don't work properly and offer bogus offers via landing pages or suggest the lenders who pay the most for good presentations. Customers should be able to rely on the fact that they only get neutral comparison results and that they actually end up where they wanted to go when they receive a request and that they do not find themselves forwarded to brokers. Neotralo is one of these neutral comparison portals on the Internet and will continue to be a reliable partner when it comes to credit comparisons.


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