Complementary medicine: a good addition to basic insurance?
Complementary medicine or alternative medicine is the term used to describe the diagnostic methods of treatment that complement the scientifically based medicine or conventional medicine.

Methods include natural healing, body therapy, and methods like homeopathy, osteopathy, and acupuncture. Methods of anthroposophic medicine and Chinese medicine are also included.
The effects of the methods have not yet been scientifically proven, but a placebo effect can be observed in some people.
What does basic insurance pay?
Swiss health insurance companies cover part of the costs for treatment with complementary medicine. You assume the cost of the medication, which is left less the cost sharing. However, only if they are listed on the specialist list.
Medicines from phytotherapy, anthroposophy and homeopathy are adopted. Other means have to be purchased by yourself or covered by additional insurance. Find out which offers are available.
Homeopathy does not go beyond the placebo effect
Although the effects of homeopathic remedies have not been scientifically proven, they are still covered by health insurance companies. Many people trust homeopathy in their belief in a particularly gentle treatment and prefer to take globules than the medicinal products that have been tested for their medical effectiveness. This trend has been increasing over the years.
However, there are also very useful complementary supplements to conventional medicine, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by many patients. Treatment methods such as
- acupuncture
- Autogenic training
- Medical massages
- Reflexology therapy
- Osteopathy
can provide pain relief for the sick.
Large health insurance companies such as Helsana advertise their concept of combining complementary medicine and conventional medicine. It is up to you whether and which complementary medicine you personally find useful and want to take advantage of.
The demand for alternative treatments is increasing
Complementary medicine only makes sense as a supplement to basic insurance if you know that you believe in the effectiveness of the methods and will make regular use of them. If you are convinced and have perhaps already known some of the methods for some time and have already used them before, it can make sense.
Many patients with no experience are also curious about the topic, since it has the image of healing? Apart from medication? has. Medicines are often strong and, above all, chemical agents in people's minds that have little to do with nature or natural contents.
Together with an increased awareness of the environment and nutrition, the demand for alternative treatments and thus the demand for complementary medicine as a supplement to basic insurance is increasing. Many people long for something that gives them the feeling of recovering without extreme means, but quite naturally.
It is remarkable that in addition to people who pay attention to a health-conscious lifestyle, especially women, people with a higher level of education and people with chronic diseases tend to use complementary medicine. However, in most cases as a supplement and not as a replacement.
New regulation: focus is on treatment success
In the meantime, methods of conventional medicine and homeopathy are fundamentally on an equal footing in Switzerland. The success of treatment is paramount. As a result, all healthcare research is taken into account.
This view is reinforced by doctors and scientists who see the medical benefits of medical homeopathy confirmed by high-quality studies. The doctors list large observational studies as an important basis.
The great importance of complementary medicine in Switzerland is also underlined by the result of a 20-year evaluation. The Swiss government therefore recognizes that complementary medicine in accordance with Art. 32 KVG requirement fulfills all legal requirements regarding safety, effectiveness and high quality.
Concluding conclusion
Complementary medicine as a supplement to basic insurance can be a good idea for some people. However, you should first deal extensively with the topic and be aware that alternative healing methods are not scientifically proven and primarily work through the placebo effect. Complementary medicine is not a substitute for the medical treatment that is included in the basic insurance.
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