Federal Council calls on health insurers to reduce reserves

Federal Council calls on health insurers to reduce reserves

The Federal Council would like the health insurances to reduce their reserves because, in the opinion of politicians, they are too high. In doing so, the Federal Council relies on voluntariness, at the same time a requirement should be made for the funds: No reduction in reserves for advertising purposes!

Voluntarily reduce reserves to compensate for high premiums

The Federal Council has suggested that the Swiss health insurers should voluntarily reduce their high reserves. This should be done in favor of the insured. To this end, the Federal Council proposes that the conditions that apply to insurers and under which they can voluntarily reduce their reserves be relaxed. At the same time, it should not be possible to use the reduction in reserves to attract new insured persons and thus subject them to commercial interests.

The Federal Council also defines a relationship that arises between income and expenditure, with the income coming from the premiums paid by the insured. The health insurances must have this newly defined relationship in order to be able to tackle a reduction in reserves. This requires an application to offset the high premium income, which must be granted. The Federal Council would also like the requirements that apply to reduce reserves to be laid down in the Health Insurance Supervision Ordinance. So far they have been sent to the health insurance companies in circular letters. The background is that this is intended to strengthen the legal security of insurance companies.

Premium reduction positive for low-wage earners

At the end of 2019, the reserves of the health insurance companies were around 11.3 billion Swiss francs, which was one billion more than at the end of 2018. The registers had set a new record. However, the Federal Office of Public Health does not intend to announce the actual reserves for a few days or weeks; this should happen at the same time as the announcement of the new insurance premiums.

The health insurers can apply to the Federal Office of Public Health to offset the premiums. But is that only possible if the income? so the premiums? in the relevant canton in that year exceeded the accumulated costs. The Federal Office of Public Health sets a standard of solvency that the health insurance company in question must still achieve. This quota must be 150 percent and that after the depletion of reserves and under adverse circumstances. Only then can the reserve reduction be approved in principle. Whether or not this is the case in individual cases has to be decided individually.

For the current year, the Federal Office of Public Health plans to reduce CHF 27 million, at least the BAG states this amount on its own website. In the previous year, the reduction in reserves was significantly higher, the approved compensation payments were CHF 158 million. The Swiss Confederation of Trade Unions is now calling for a higher reduction in reserves in the current year. Low-wage earners, in particular, would benefit if the premiums were lowered. This is especially true against the background of the still current Corona crisis, which has led to massive losses in income in some cases. Low-wage earners could get some relief and at the same time insurers would not use the depletion of reserves for commercial purposes.

Conclusion: Federal Council calls for a reduction in reserves

The reduction of the very high reserves, as the Federal Council put it, would mean that low-wage earners in particular would be relieved through lower premiums. The currently targeted reduction is around 27 million, which would be almost a sixth of the reserve reduction from the previous year.

However, it is not known why the Federal Office of Public Health is setting the reserve reduction so low. However, it is actually not limited to this sum, nor is the type of reduction through a reduction in premiums or through special payments.


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Annoying advertising callers face fines in the future

Annoying advertising callers face fines in the future

The battle for the insured is raging and insurance brokers are not always particularly reluctant. You get pushy and bully people on the phone. But that should now be prohibited by law.

No pardon in the fight for insured persons

Many people know this: you come home from work in the evening tired and the phone is ringing. It also rings again and again until they finally answer. The caller is an insurance broker who wants to win new customers with his advertising call. But this is seldom crowned with success, because most of the time the people who are called only get angry and hardly react to the promotional offers. 

The health insurance associations Curafutura and Santésuisse now want to take action against this and stop the fight for customers. An amendment to the law by the federal government should help, as well as a new catalog of fines.

New agreement in the fight against annoying advertising calls

The industry agreement that is now to be signed is not, however, a duty, but is based on the principle of voluntariness. Nevertheless, all health insurance companies have signed up so far, the only exception being Sanitas. From 2021, the new concept is to be implemented, in which cold calling is prohibited. This means that calls to potential insured persons are only possible if there has been prior contact with this customer. 

This is intended to prevent unwanted calls, especially since it is only rarely serious brokers who call potential new customers. The media spokesman for Santésuisse, Matthias Müller, also said that the new agreement made it possible to impose fines. So far, this has not been feasible and so everyone involved is hoping that the new agreement can actually be implemented. 

The industry association agreement also deals with the commissions brokers receive for signing new insurance contracts. The new procedure stipulates that the commissions are capped and that the health insurance companies may charge a maximum of CHF 70 for basic insurance. The premiums for taking out supplementary insurance have also been capped, with the maximum being set at an annual premium.

However, this is not enough for the Consumer Protection Foundation. Here it is assumed that basic insurance should be possible without any commission. The reason: With the commission, the health insurers have a means in hand to dispute or poach the insured against each other. However, this should only be possible due to the services offered. In the opinion of the Foundation, no entire annual premium should be set as a commission for supplementary insurance either, but a few hundred francs should be enough.

The federal government is threatening sanctions

With the validity of the new agreement, health insurers can also be asked to pay if they violate the law against unfair competition. Companies that have collected data without permission must therefore expect sanctions. This applies, for example, when a Swiss health insurance company works with a call center from abroad and gets addresses and telephone numbers here. So far, the health insurance company has not been able to be held accountable for this, but this is possible with the agreement that will now apply from 2021.

In addition, there will be a further regulation by July 2021 at the latest, with which the telecommunications companies in Switzerland are to be made responsible. They should technically implement so-called call filters, which is required by the new telecommunications law. Sunrise and Swisscom have already retrofitted, at UPC and Salt the new provision has yet to be implemented.

Conclusion: No chance for annoying advertising callers

From 2021, it will be difficult for bothersome brokers: They have to expect sanctions and even fines if they harass potential insured persons on the phone. Obtaining data from foreign credit agencies will also be made a criminal offense in future.


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That's how satisfied the Swiss are with their health insurance

life insurance

That's how satisfied the Swiss are with their health insurance

In 2020, too, numerous Swiss respondents said they were satisfied with their health insurance. It should be noted that not everyone is equally satisfied or dissatisfied, but that there are regional and age-related differences.

life insurance

Average satisfaction is great

Even if many Swiss like to complain frequently and often about their health insurance, it is usually only individual aspects that cause dissatisfaction. Usually it is more the case that there are brief differences regarding possible benefits from the health insurance, but these can be resolved. The following points were important for assessing the overall satisfaction of the insured with their health insurance:

    • Evaluation of employee friendliness
    • Commitment of the consultants and the support team
    • Comprehensibility of the information given
    • Correctness of the accounts
    • Billing transparency
    • Speed of service provision
    • Accessibility of employees
    • Relationship between premiums and benefits

The evaluation of all these points resulted in a general satisfaction that can be seen as an overall grade. Customer satisfaction was between 7.8 and 8.0 points (with a total of 10 points). This is surprising, because it is not uncommon for health insurers to make negative reports in the press, but apparently the insured are nevertheless satisfied or mostly satisfied.

Differences in the satisfaction of the insured

Above all, the friendliness of the employees is praised by the insured. You will feel well advised here and, above all, treated with respect and friendliness. The survey also praised the clarity of the invoices and their traceability. Most insured persons are also satisfied that the health insurance company is usually easy to reach.

The price-performance ratio, however, is often classified as rather poor, the premiums appear too high to the insured. The goodwill for reimbursements is also rated as rather poor, and the insurers could still improve this.

The regional differences in customer satisfaction are interesting. In French-speaking Switzerland, for example, people are significantly more dissatisfied with their health insurance than those who live in German-speaking Switzerland. Age is also a major difference. Older insured persons in particular seem to be satisfied with their health insurance, while younger health insurance members get annoyed more often. The reason may be the comparatively high premiums that are not matched by any performance.

Because: Younger insured persons hardly need the services of the health insurance company, which is why they usually look less at the services and primarily at the premiums they have to pay when making an assessment.

These health insurances stand for a high level of customer satisfaction

As every year, a ranking was drawn up that shows customer satisfaction. A total of 10 points were awarded, with the top grade being 8.2. The Agrisano health insurance company was able to climb the podium. Then these health insurance companies followed:

  • Swica: 8.1
  • Helsana: 8.1
  • KPT: 8.0
  • Atupri: 8.0
  • Sanitas: 7.9
  • ÖKK: 7.9
  • EGK: 7.9
  • Concordia: 7.9
  • CSS: 7.8
  • Sympany: 7.7
  • Visana: 7.7
  • Groupe Mutuel: 7.4
  • Assura: 6.9

Conclusion: insured persons in Switzerland satisfied with their health insurance

The results of the surveys show that the Swiss are satisfied with their health insurance in most cases. Above all, the friendliness of the employees at the insurance company is emphasized again and again. However, it is the younger insured who are more dissatisfied, which may be because they use benefits less often.

In some cases, they pay high premiums that are not matched by any benefits. Older insured persons, on the other hand, who benefit from the work of the health insurance companies, see the ratio as more balanced and are more satisfied with the price-performance ratio.


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Medical insurance continues to pay for medical certificates

Medical insurance continues to pay for medical certificates

The following also applies in the future: the health insurance company will pay the doctor's certificate if an employee feels sick and unable to work. The Federal Council recently decided that the health insurers are still obliged to assume the costs.

Dispute about the assumption of costs

Again and again there are demands on the part of the health insurance companies that the costs of issuing a doctor's certificate should be borne by the insured person. But the Federal Council has now put a stop to these demands and decided that the insured can continue to trust that the costs for such certificates will be covered in future. 

Exactly how high these costs are cannot be stated, and the health insurance companies do not know any specific amounts. The reason: If such a certificate is issued, it is done during the consultation with the doctor. This does not show the costs for the issuance of the certificate separately, but includes these in his total costs.

Nobody is willing to pay the costs. Workers argue that it is mandatory for them to provide such a certificate. They would not have any of this themselves and would therefore not want to bear any costs. Employers, on the other hand, have admitted in surveys that they are also unwilling to bear the costs of medical certificates. 

After all, these relate to the employee's incapacity for work and the company is already more burdened by the employee's absence. Only the health insurances remain, which have now been asked by the Federal Council to continue to bear the costs for these certificates.

Medical certificate remains mandatory

Despite all the discussions about the cost of medical certificates, it was reiterated that they remain mandatory. This means that an employee will not be able to report an illness simply by calling the employer in the future. He needs confirmation from the doctor. The health insurance must therefore pay for the costs.

The Federal Council also saw the risk that employees would no longer go to the doctor if they were forced to assume the costs. This, in turn, could make them feel worse or infect other workers. This must be prevented, so the employees cannot be expected to bear additional costs.

Parliament had instructed the Federal Council to review the costs of medical certificates. But as mentioned earlier, that was not possible to find out. This can only be determined if the doctors show all individual items separately when issuing the certificates. In view of the increased administrative effort involved, doctors are not required to undertake such an effort.

Conclusion: health insurance companies continue to bear the costs for the doctor's certificate

With the decision of the Federal Council, the issue has finally been resolved: The costs for issuing a doctor's certificate, as required by employers for employees who report sick, must continue to be borne by the mandatory health insurance companies. It is not possible to pass the costs on to the employee, and additional insurance may not be charged or requested separately. 

The costs are not to be broken down separately as they are not specifically reported by the doctor. Rather, they are included in the general treatment costs that are charged for a normal consultation.


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Comparison of health insurance companies on different comparison portals

Comparison of health insurance companies on different comparison portals

Various comparison portals on the Internet offer a comparison of health insurances in Switzerland. They proceed according to different evaluation criteria.

Below is the table (as of October 14, 2020) with an overview of the ten health insurances that were taken into account at neotralo.ch and that have also been evaluated by most of the other large comparison portals.

health insuranceEvaluation byplacegrade
comparis.ch1Grade 5.4
bonus.ch1Grade 5.4
k-tip176.7 percent
comparis.ch1Grade 5.4
bonus.ch2Grade 5.3
k-tipnot rated
comparis.ch2Grade 5.3
bonus.ch4Note 5.1
k-tip563.9 percent
comparis.chnot rated
bonus.chnot rated
k-tipnot rated
comparis.ch1Grade 5.4
bonus.ch2Grade 5.3
k-tip274.7 percent
comparis.ch3Grade 5.2
bonus.ch3Grade 5.2
k-tipnot rated
comparis.ch3Grade 5.2
bonus.ch2Grade 5.3
k-tip365.9 percent
comparis.ch7Grade 4.7
bonus.ch8Grade 4.7
k-tip939.2 percent
comparis.ch5Grade 5.0
bonus.ch9Grade 4.6
k-tip1049.1 percent
comparis.ch4Note 5.1
bonus.ch4Note 5.1
moneyland.chnot rated
k-tipnot rated

As a rule, however, the premiums, increases in premiums and customer satisfaction in terms of service and performance are at the top and are weighted accordingly. Not all comparison portals present the survey results transparently and create a ranking list for health insurance companies.

Such a table can be found on neotralo.ch, which is a good guide for choosing the right health insurance. Others name only the best and the worst insurance companies in a survey or have not rated small health insurance companies. In the table, the places are allocated according to the ranking lists on the respective portals or according to the allocation of points.

It can be seen from this that the SWICA (once again) closes very well. This insurance always manages to convince its customers of its quality. The premiums, customer service and benefits are all right, and SWICA has achieved top marks for several years in a row.
Helsana also knows how to convince, but is not rated by k-tipp. The CSS, on the other hand, is rather mixed. Here the results of a customer survey are particularly impressive. Because the surveyed customers of the health insurance, who have only had good experiences so far, face customers with very negative experiences. From this it follows that the ranking is mixed.

The result is interesting for Agrisano. This health insurance was only rated by two of the five comparison portals mentioned and received very good marks from them (neotralo.ch: 4th place, moneyland.ch: 1st place). The other portals did not take the insurance companies into account, but the customers surveyed are very satisfied. The Agrisano could therefore be serious competition for SWICA, which has so far still managed to assert itself as the top dog.

Mutuel did particularly badly; only a few customers are really satisfied with this health insurance. The main reason for this is the requested repayment that is not paid even after repeated requests. Customer service is generally rated as very poor, frequent inquiries and poor availability seem to characterize this health insurance company. Even if there are satisfied customers, these are obviously those who have not yet had to obtain any real services from Mutuel, but who base their evaluation solely on the low premiums. This evaluation can turn out differently after a performance strain.


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neotralo.ch: In a league with the big ones

neotralo.ch: In a league with the big ones

The summer of 2019 was written when one of the budding stars entered the comparison portal landscape to catch up with the big ones in the shortest possible time. neotralo.ch was born and rose within three quarters of a year to the same league as comparis.ch, moneyland.ch and bonus.ch. Here, users can easily find all important comparisons to health insurance premiums, car insurance tariffs and much more. neotralo.ch is already mentioned in the KGeld with the four big players in the industry and proves to be just as reliable and trustworthy.

Comparis.ch is an industry size that no one in Switzerland can get past who wants to carry out a financial check. Now that also applies to neotralo.ch, because the former start-up closed the test of Kgeld with only half a grade worse. 

The very good results achieved within this short time make us confident and it can be assumed that the half mark that still separates neotralo from the competition will not be a permanent result. Such a good result can easily be topped! Especially since neotralo.ch will have an ever wider reach: Tools in ten different languages can be used to compare life insurance policies. 

This means that neotralo.ch not only relies on its customers from Switzerland, but will also build a portal that goes well beyond national borders, with which new users can be reached, who in turn can benefit from the advantages of the comparison portal.

Satisfaction with neotralo.ch

Not only the testers of the financial magazine are satisfied with neotralo.ch. Neotralo.ch itself provides feedback. ?We are very happy with the result. Already after half a year we are perceived as a Swiss comparison portal and stand next to the big names in the industry in Switzerland. 

It is agreed that the efforts have really paid off since the portal was launched, because right from the start great emphasis was placed on customer friendliness, service, comprehensive results and the ability to contact the providers directly. 

Everything at neotralo.ch should be as clear and transparent as possible and that just pays off! In contrast to many other comparison portals that try to make up for missing content with a big name or to hide the receipt of remuneration for mediated insurance, neotralo.ch wants to offer an actual overview. 

This gives the user the chance to get an idea of the individual offers and to choose the one that best suits them.


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Health insurance premiums 2020: the new premiums are here!

health insurance comparison premiums

Health insurance premiums by canton: The new premiums are here!

The health insurance premiums by canton for 2020 have been known since the end of September 2019. You can find out what you need to know about it and how the health insurance system in Switzerland works in general here.

health insurance comparison premiums

Health insurance premiums by canton 2020: The new values have been announced

As every autumn, the health insurance companies in Switzerland publish the health insurance premiums by canton for the coming year. There are big differences and it is therefore worthwhile for you to compare and plan anew every year. This is definitely associated with a certain amount of effort, but it pays off in the long term. From time to time, find out about other insurers and insurance models. Everyone who wants to switch should do so by the end of November. The premiums are not only tied to the insurer and age, but are also tied to the canton: health insurance premiums according to canton

For orientation: in 2019 the premium increased by an average of 1.2 percent. However, this value is made up of the figures for all cantons. If you take a closer look at the health insurance premiums for 2020, you will see that there are sometimes big differences from canton to canton. Some Swiss could be happy about 1.5 percent less, but others received an increase of 3.6 percent.

Health insurance premiums 2020 for 2020 amount to an average increase of just 0.2 percent. However, the following applies again: There may be differences in the health insurance premiums by canton. The mean value for the health insurance premiums for 2020 results from a range of -1.5 percent and +2.9 percent. According to the Federal Office of Public Health, the Swiss must expect an average of CHF 314.50 more to spend on health insurance premiums in 2020.

Health insurance premiums by canton: This is how it looks in the individual cantons

The Federal Office of Public Health, or BAG for short, published the premiums for the coming year in September 2019, staggered according to age group and cantons. So it looks like this for adults over 26 years of age:


Francs in 2019

Francs in 2020

Percent change













































































































According to forecasts for the health insurance premiums by canton, citizens from the cantons (AG, BE, BS, LU, SH, SO, SZ, VD, ZG, ZH) can be particularly happy? The cantons of Appenzell Ausserhoden, Graubünden, Neuchâtel, Ticino and Valais have to pay more.

Health insurance premiums 2020 by canton: What do the rewards bring?

Basic insurance is the same for all citizens in Switzerland. Further services can be used individually. These offers vary from health insurer to health insurer, so a comparison is definitely worthwhile at this point. Not every offer and every reward makes sense in the same way for everyone. Consider your own situation and your requirements and then make a personal comparison. The health insurance premiums 2020 in combination with the basic insurance should give you the best overall picture. Please also note that the health insurance premiums vary by canton.

The premiums vary

    • depending on the canton.
    • depending on the franchise.
    • depending on the age group.
    • depending on the health insurance company.

Health insurance premiums 2020: High financial relief for young adults

On average, Swiss policyholders will have to pay a monthly premium of CHF 315.40 from 2020. Young people who pay two percent less than in the previous year can look forward to a special relief from the 2020 health insurance premiums. 

The average monthly health insurance premium for 2020 for 19 to 25-year-old policyholders is thus a total of 265.3 francs. While the premium for adults increased by an average of 0.3 percent to 374.40 francs, premiums for children remained constant at 98.7 francs. 

Your health insurance company can also finance your fitness subscription.

According to the BAG, however, health costs will gradually increase due to demographic developments and medical and technical advances.

Your health insurance company can also finance your fitness subscription. See how it works here. Your health insurance company can also cover yours Fitness subscription finance. See how it works here. 

It's worth comparing! Click here now and see all health insurance premiums 2020 in Find health insurance comparison!


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Health insurance companies finally have better news for 2020

health insurance comparison premiums

Health insurance companies finally have better news for 2020

Just in time for the last days of the golden autumn, the Swiss health insurance companies have published their premiums for 2020. And we can reassure you: It's really good news! You can find out from us why this is not always the case and who can look forward to 2020 in particular.

health insurance comparison premiums

What are bonuses anyway?

The system of health insurance and health insurance in Switzerland is particularly characterized by basic insurance. This, as the name suggests, is equally valid for all Swiss citizens and guarantees all people comparable insurance with the same benefits. 

Additional benefits, on the other hand, vary widely and are primarily dependent on the health insurance chosen. Different packages are also offered? At this point, everyone has to personally decide and compare which offers match their own ideas, demands and, above all, needs. 

In addition to individual models and views, bonuses also play a large and important role. The premiums for the basic insurance are set by the health insurance company itself, although taking into account some regulations.

In general, you have to consider the following categories when it comes to rewards:

    • Your current health insurance company: Where are you insured?
    • Your age group: Are you over 18? Are you older?
    • Your current place of residence: In which canton do you live?

The health insurance premiums are monitored by the BAG? the Federal Office of Public Health.

The Federal Office of Public Health

The Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) is responsible for health policy in Switzerland. In cooperation with the cantons, it regulates the promotion of public health. 

In addition to the responsibilities within the country, the Federal Office of Public Health also represents Switzerland's areas of responsibility in international matters. In addition to health insurance and accident insurance, the BAG also supports other health promotion projects. 

Programs on the subjects of addiction and addictive behavior, sexually transmitted diseases and radiation protection are therefore also part of the task.

This is how the premiums for 2020 turn out

We have already indicated: the premiums of health insurance companies in Switzerland for 2020 have been published and they are quite positive! This is not always the case, most of you probably know it from 2019, because there was an average increase in costs of 1.1 percent. 

There is only a new 0.2 percent increase for 2020. However, this is only the middle value. Individual premiums vary between -1.5 percent and 2.9 percent depending on the canton. According to the BAG, the average premium in 2020 was CHF 315.40. The bill includes all age groups.

Here you will find a detailed overview of the premiums for 2020. This is broken down by the different age groups. All health insurance companies and all cantons were taken into account. That means the exact number can vary for you.




young adults

medium premium for 2020

CHF 374.40

98.70 francs

CHF 265.30

Change over previous year

Increase of 0.3 %

no change

Reduction of 2 %

Reasons for the positive price development

According to statements by the FMH medical association, doctors made an important contribution to the fact that premium development and cost growth have stabilized. Because although doctors are increasingly performing outpatient procedures, the costs for practicing doctors have not increased. 

In return, the Santésuisse health insurance association emphasizes that it is highly likely that this turnaround will not last. If the cost-cutting measures are not implemented in the future, the premiums would also increase by three to four percent a year. It remains to be seen to what extent the trend towards stable prices will continue in the future. 

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How to find the best health insurance in the canton of Zurich

Household goods and private property

How to find the best health insurance in the canton of Zurich

We all know that: Insurance companies and the like can take a lot of time and, above all, nerves. In order to get an up-to-date and comprehensive overview at all, you must first familiarize yourself with various topics. Then the health insurance comparison on. Then that document or that information is missing and you are not quite sure about the topics.

Household goods and private property

It is only understandable if, after going through this entire procedure, you are happy that everything is complete. Another change is too exhausting? but now and then it is worth reorienting. Especially if the choice of health insurance was some years ago or if you moved. Here you can find general information and find out how to find the best health insurance in the canton of Zurich.

This is how Switzerland is composed

Switzerland is a country in Central Europe and borders with France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria and Italy. The official languages are German, French, Italian and Romansh. The capital is Bern. However, the division into the different cantons is much more interesting. The following cantons exist:

    • Aargau
    • Appenzell Ausserrhoden
    • Appenzell Inner Rhodes
    • Basel-Country
    • Basel-Stadt
    • Bern
    • Freiburg
    • Geneva
    • Glarus
    • Grisons
    • law
    • Lucerne
    • Neuenburg
    • Nidwalden
    • Obwalden
    • Schaffhausen
    • Schwyz
    • Solothurn
    • Gallen
    • Ticino
    • Thurgau
    • Uri
    • Vaud
    • Wallis
    • train
    • Zurich

The canton of Zurich is in the north of the country and has around 1.5 million inhabitants with a population density of 880 inhabitants per square kilometer. In general, the canton of Zurich is considered to be very livable, considering the political, economic and social situation. But what about health insurance companies? What can you expect there?

The health insurance companies in the canton of Zurich

The canton plays the most important role in the choice of health insurance in addition to age and its own requirements and needs.

First an overview of the top health insurance companies in Zurich:

Insurer and model

Month / year premium

Assura (Pharmed General Practitioner)

CHF 264.90

Assura (family doctor)

CHF 276.00

Avenir (telemedicine)

CHF 280.00

Avenir (pharmacy model)

CHF 280.00

Avenir (HMO)

CHF 293.70

You have to pay attention to this when choosing the health insurance

In Switzerland, health insurance is not the same as health insurance, and benefits and premiums can differ considerably in some cases. It is therefore necessary to deal individually with the choice of health insurance. You can only find the right health insurance if you give yourself a good overview. 

You should never act in a hurry and just take the best thing just to make a decision. In the course of this, it is always an advantage to exchange ideas with friends and to get advice or experience from the family. 

However, you should not rely on these opinions, because the demands and requirements among each other are rarely exactly the same. You should also keep an eye on the costs. You should choose a balanced mix between? Not the cheapest just because it is cheap? and? if it's expensive, must it be good? Find. When looking at the costs, you should of course never lose sight of the content.

Change the health insurance in Zurich: how it works!

Have you found a health insurance company that meets your personal expectations? Then you should seriously consider changing your health insurance. Nevertheless, it is important that you observe all important statutory deadlines when changing. 

You can cancel compulsory basic insurance in Zurich every year at the end of the year. It is important to orient yourself on November 30th. At the latest on the last day of November, the previous insurance company must receive the written notice of termination within normal business hours. 

If you have opted for a so-called ordinary franchise, you can also cancel the insurance on July 1st of each year. In return, however, it is imperative that you join a new insurance company to ensure seamless health care. 


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Do I have to take out accident insurance?

Take out accident insurance?

Do I have to take out accident insurance? Overview of important details!

Accident insurance at work is compulsory in Switzerland. This policy is subject to certain rules in Switzerland. For example, the area of accident insurance must be divided into two parts. On the one hand, the UVG area is taken into account, which covers professional employment directly. On the other hand, the area of the NBU that concerns the leisure area is important. 

Take out accident insurance?

Incidentally, this category is also mandatory for all employees who work for eight hours a week at their employer. Good to know: In Switzerland, accident insurance ends on the 30th day after the last time employees were able to claim half their wages.

Who is covered by the policy?

Based on this, all employees in Switzerland are insured. In addition, this insurance coverage extends to apprentices, homeworkers, interns, volunteers, domestic workers, cleaning staff in private households and all those who work in disability and training workshops. The following groups of people are considered not insured:

    • self-employed
    • persons not in gainful employment, including housewives, housewives, children, pensioners, students, students

Those affected should take out private health insurance to cover accidents. After all, accident insurance is a policy that goes far beyond the basic insurance services of Swiss health insurance companies.

What is an accident in the insurance law sense?

When starting work, employees are automatically protected against accidents at work and occupational diseases via the accident policy. An accident is generally an unintended, sudden and damaging external effect on the body. 

An important condition for the definition of an accident is the associated physical and / or psychological damage, which suffered as a result of the accident. For the UVG - accident insurance at the workplace - this means that an insured event occurs if the activity associated with the accident has been carried out on the instructions of the employer. 

In Switzerland, this UVG protection also relates to accidents that occur during breaks or on the company premises. In addition to an accident at work, accident insurance also defines occupational diseases as an insured event. In this regard, it is inevitable that the occupational disease is related to the occupational activity. One possible cause is harmful substances that trigger the occupational disease.

Details on the contribution to accident insurance in Switzerland

In Switzerland, the UVG is fed by contributions paid by companies. However, if insured persons work for a company less than an average of eight hours a week, the companies also pay the associated premium. 

In this case, however, the employee is responsible for paying the funds from this part of the accident insurance. The amount of this premium is based, among other things, on earnings.

Special regulations for people with low hours of employment

This group of people should also keep in mind that they are only covered against occupational diseases and occupational accidents through the company's own accident insurance. This in turn means that these workers have no automatic insurance cover for non-occupational accidents.

An overview of the scope of services provided by accident insurance

Accident insurance in Switzerland covers the healing costs for occupational and non-occupational accidents. The insurance companies also guarantee benefits such as pensions or daily sickness benefits. However, a maximum of CHF 148,200 is insured.

Accident insurance companies in Switzerland are therefore obliged to provide adequate treatment, unlimited in amount and duration. In detail, the policy therefore includes treatments by a doctor, dentist, chiropractor and in hospitals. The range of services also relates to the following services: 

    • dental treatments
    • outpatient and inpatient treatments
    • analyzes
    • drug
    • cures
    • Remedies and aids.

The aim of all these services is to restore the body's functions that were lost as a result of the accident. Depending on the circumstances, it is also possible to provide the insured persons with loans on loan. In addition to these services, insurance companies provide financial support for transport and rescue costs as well as return transport and funeral costs for fatally injured people. 

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