Household goods: How do I calculate the correct sum insured?

Dissolve or pay out life insurance

Household items: How do I calculate the correct sum insured?

The sum insured is the sum that is paid out in the event of a claim. It is due when the insured event occurs and is freely agreed by the insurer and policyholder. In the case of household contents insurance, the replacement value of the objects to be insured serves as the basis for the sum insured.

Dissolve or pay out life insurance

The basic household council is usually secured with the sum insured. These include the usual furnishings, whereby not only furniture should be taken into account, but also curtains, curtains and carpets. There are also household machines and electronic devices, dishes, clothing and shoes, food and personal items. If there are more guests in the house, their items should also be insured in terms of value.

This is how the sum insured is made up

In order to determine the correct sum insured for the basic house council, the number of rooms is assumed. Together with the standard of the institution (simple, average or sophisticated) and the total number of household members, these result in a certain value. If the furnishings are of particularly high quality, the sum insured should be adjusted accordingly. As a rule, however, it will be the case that the insurer would like to have proof of particularly high-quality furnishings. This evidence can be provided in the form of a sales contract or through photos and appraisals. The reason for this is that the policyholder cannot later make excessive claims if, for example, a fire has completely destroyed the facility.

Pay attention to over and under insurance

It is always important to correctly determine the sum insured. Since the new value of each item is assumed, the purchase contracts and invoices can be used as a help. A flat-rate calculation based on the square meters of the apartment is usually not precise enough and does not take into account individual valuables that would have to significantly increase the sum insured.
In the case of underinsurance, it may be that only a small amount is replaced in the event of damage, which does not reflect the actual value of the destroyed objects. For you as the policyholder, this would mean that you would have to pay the remaining damage out of your own pocket. With overinsurance, on the other hand, you pay high premiums and ultimately only get the actual value of the items replaced.

Conclusion on the sum insured with household insurance

Insurers need precise information in order to correctly calculate the sum insured for taking out household insurance. You need the number of square meters of the apartment or house and the number of people who live in it. Based on this data, a generally valid statement about the basic value of the equipment can be made. Items that increase the sum insured must be listed separately or the insurer would like to see appropriate evidence of this. Over or under insurance should be avoided in any case. In the case of very high-quality equipment in particular, a higher deductible can make sense because it can reduce premiums.

We recommend the offers in a household and Liability insurance comparison and only then decide on a provider. The differences between the providers are sometimes very large, so that the premiums differ greatly.


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How to cancel your household or personal liability insurance

Terminate household or personal liability insurance

How to cancel your household or personal liability insurance

The individual insurance companies regulate the applicable notice periods and all cancellation modalities in the General Insurance Conditions. In principle, the contract for household contents or personal liability insurance is terminated by termination, taking into account the reasons prescribed by the contract or the law. 

Terminate household or personal liability insurance

Important: If cancellation is not received by the insurer in time, the contract is automatically extended for another insurance year. One speaks here of a "tacit extension". As a rule, the usual notice period is three months at the end of the insurance year.

These deadlines apply to individual reasons for termination

The following list provides an overview of when and for what reason you can terminate your household or personal liability insurance contract:

    • Termination after minimum term
      Notice period: three months, contract ends at the end of the insurance year
    • Termination after an increase in the premium or deductible
      Notice period: no time limit, but before the end of the insurance year in question, the contract ends at the end of the insurance year
    • Termination through an increase in premiums due to increased risk
      Notice period: 30 days from delivery of the notice of the premium increase, the contract ends 30 days after receipt of the notice of cancellation by the insurer
    • Termination due to violation of information requirements
      Notice period: four weeks from becoming aware of the violation, the contract ends upon receipt of the notice
    • Termination due to the provision of services in the event of damage
      Notice period: 14 days after knowledge of the payment, the contract ends 14 days after receipt of the notice by the insurer

The insurer itself can also terminate the contract for household or personal liability insurance and only does not have to observe a notice period if the insurance fraud is terminated. In this case, the contract automatically ends when the notice of termination is received.

How to terminate the contract for household or personal liability insurance

If you want to terminate the contract for household or personal liability insurance, you can do so with an informal letter. Write to the insurance company directly and make sure that you comply with the above notice periods. You can also use a form for termination, which can be filled out on the Internet. Mention the contract number of your insurance company and the reason for the cancellation, so that the insurance company can correctly assign the respective deadline and terminate the contract accordingly. Don't forget the signature!

In some cases, insurers offer the service that they can terminate their old policyholders' old insurance. This means that you choose a provider for your new household or personal liability insurance and give them the approval to cancel your previous insurance for you. You save a lot of effort and paperwork.

Conclusion on the termination of household or personal liability insurance

You can cancel your household or personal liability insurance for various reasons. Be it because there was a breach of the insurer's duty to provide information or because you were recalculated for your premiums after the damage had been paid: you have the right to cancel your insurance at any time. There are different deadlines for the individual reasons for termination, which must be observed; the contract ends accordingly

Reason for termination either immediately or at the end of the insurance year.
If you cancel the offers for a new one before canceling the old insurance Compare household and personal liability insurance, you have the opportunity here!


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When do you need household insurance

When do you need household insurance

When do you need household insurance?

Household contents insurance, like private liability insurance, is not a compulsory insurance in Switzerland. Nevertheless, it is advisable to take out the insurance if you cannot or do not want to pay for the damage yourself in the event of damage. Because: If no such insurance is taken out, you remain at your own expense if, for example, the bathtub overflows and the water drips through the tenant's ceiling below you. You have to pay for the damage yourself. Fire damage can also quickly become expensive.

When do you need household insurance

The household contents insurance also reimburses you for the damage that occurs if burglars break into your apartment or house and steal the good jewelry. Or if you are on the go and your notebook is stolen, although this point is not automatically included in every household insurance. Separate protection via an additional module is required here, which can be? Simple theft abroad? referred and jumps in cases of stolen handbags, laptops or bicycles.

Home contents insurance covers, among other things, damage to the following items:

    • Furniture
    • electronic equipment
    • dress
    • stolen things

The damage can be caused by fire, water, smoke, burglary, theft or vandalism. Without a household insurance with sufficient coverage, it is not possible to get the damage compensated.

Home insurance usually insures at replacement value, which means that you can get your belongings replaced at the price of a new, comparable item. If, for example, the television is destroyed by implosion, you get the value for an equivalent device replaced. In addition, other costs are included in the insurance, for example costs for an overnight stay in a hotel because your own apartment has become uninhabitable, or costs for replacing the door locks because the old ones were destroyed in the event of a break-in.

In order to be fully covered, however, a little caution is required when drafting the contract. Normally, all items that are in the household are included in the household insurance. Household insurance also protects things that are out of the office at short notice, for example when moving from A to B. However, go for a walk and take your smartphone with you, which unfortunately will be stolen, it is not insured. Unless you have the above-mentioned module? Simple theft abroad? included in the policy. Burglary and robbery, on the other hand, are automatically included in the insurance contract.

Conclusion: when is home insurance necessary?

Household insurance should always be taken out if you live or have rented your own apartment. It is important to have a sufficient amount of insurance, because with underinsurance you will not be able to get sufficient compensation for possible damage. If the damage is greater than the amount insured, you will have to pay the rest yourself. Please also consider including possible additional options in the insurance policy, for example to have sufficient insurance for the bike you use to get to work.

Here you can find the offers for household contents and personal liability insurance in Check home contents and liability insurance comparison and find the best offer for you. Together with our information, you will soon be in the picture and on the best way to be optimally insured!


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When do you need private liability insurance?

When do you need private liability insurance?

Every adult is liable for any damage that it causes, be it intentional or unwanted. This means that everyone who caused the damage is also obliged to pay for the damage. You are also liable if you are responsible for people, animals or things and cause damage. Popular example: Are you putting on your colleague's glasses? You have to pay the damage. Does your child throw in a window pane while playing football? You are liable for it. Your dog tears the postman's pants? You have to pay for the damage.

When do you need private liability insurance?

It gets worse when people are injured, because personal injuries usually involve high costs for treatment and sometimes for rehabilitation. In addition, your income may be lost due to the disability you caused. This has resulted in financial loss that will also cost you dearly.

In all of these and other cases, you need private liability insurance, because you are liable with all your assets for the damage that you are responsible for. Important detail: You are liable with your current and future income and in the worst case get into debt for life.
The private liability insurance therefore bears the following damage:

    • damage to property
    • personal injury
    • financial losses
    • Damage to borrowed and used vehicles
    • Damage to rented horses

The normal personal liability insurance covers damage that you cause with a rented vehicle. However, if you borrow this vehicle regularly, the damage will not be borne. However, it is possible to include this point in the insurance as a third party driver insurance so that you are fully protected again.

Because private liability insurance also protects against unjustified claims, it is doubly useful. All too often, third parties make demands because they are said to have harmed you. The private liability insurance examines the present case and fends off the claims if the claims turn out to be unjustified. This is connected to you at no additional cost. An exception is the deductible, which is to be borne for each insured event in the agreed amount.

Important: tenants of apartments or houses often have to be able to provide proof of an existing personal liability insurance. The landlord would like to secure himself with it and know that the apartment is protected against tenant damage. A Liability insurance comparison in Switzerland makes it easy for you.

Conclusion: when is private liability insurance necessary?

Private liability insurance is indispensable for anyone who no longer falls under the protection of this type of insurance for him (for example in the form of family insurance). The reason: Even if it is not compulsory insurance, everyone must be liable for any damage caused by him. This in turn means that, if necessary, the entire wealth, as well as today's and future income, must be used to pay for the damage. Personal injury and financial loss can lead to personal bankruptcy. In summary, it can be said that private liability insurance is always necessary and should be regarded as one of the most important types of insurance.

Would you like to know more? Then you can see the offers in Search home contents and liability insurance comparison and get an idea of the comparatively low cost of very good protection for you.


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Personal liability insurance: the most important questions & answers

Personal Liability Insurance

Personal liability insurance: the most important questions & answers

Even if the name suggests otherwise, private liability insurance is not a compulsory insurance in Switzerland. Nevertheless, experts absolutely recommend taking out this insurance. Here are the most important questions and answers about private liability insurance:

Personal Liability Insurance

Why should I take out personal liability insurance?

Private liability insurance protects against existential risks. If you cause damage, it must be paid for. If it is an object, it is usually still affordable. However, if a person is injured, treatment and rehabilitation costs can be immense. Financial losses can also go hand in hand if the injured person is no longer able to work for a longer period of time or cannot work at all. Personal liability insurance is essential to protect yourself from the financial consequences. It also protects against unjustified claims and thus represents passive legal protection insurance.

What is covered in private liability insurance?

As already mentioned, property, personal and financial losses are covered. These can occur together or individually and are treated by the insurance company with different amounts of cover. It is important that personal injuries and financial losses are insured with several million francs, because the costs of damage in these areas can very quickly become very high. Anyone who is not or not sufficiently insured is liable with their private assets, which in the worst case can result in debt or even personal bankruptcy.

What levels of cover are possible?

The coverage amounts are usually five million Swiss francs, but an increase in insurance to ten million Swiss francs is usually possible. Damage to third-party vehicles is often limited to CHF 100,000; damage to borrowed horses is borne at a daily rate plus CHF 10,000 in compensation. These sums are only examples of different coverage levels, because they differ depending on the provider of the insurance.

What is not insured?

Personal liability insurance, for example, does not cover damage that the insured person inflicts on himself or another co-insured person. Damage that is suffered through the exercise of the professional activity itself is also not insurable. If material damage occurs as a result of wear and tear or expected damage occurs, the insurance does not step in. Damage caused by a transmitted illness and the deliberate commission of a crime are also excluded from the payment of private liability insurance.

Is there a deductible?

The deductible is the amount that is to be borne by each case of damage. Only the amount of damage that exceeds the deductible will be covered by the insurance. In most cases, a deductible of CHF 200 is agreed; higher sums are also possible. The higher the deductible, the lower the premiums to be paid annually. A Liability insurance comparison Switzerland lets you sort by that.

Is there a pension coverage?

If two partners get married or move in together, the partner who was not previously in the household is included in the insurance. As a rule, precautionary cover is also granted to people who move out of their shared apartment or if the policyholder dies. This extends over a period of three months if the event is reported within this time. After that, the respective person must be regularly included in the insurance contract.

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Household insurance: the most important questions & answers

Household insurance

Household insurance: the most important questions & answers

Household insurance is not compulsory, but is recommended considering the risk of damage from theft, fire or broken glass. Here are some of the most important questions and answers about this insurance.

Household insurance

Should I take out household insurance?

Yes, it is absolutely advisable to take out household insurance, because damage from a leaked aquarium, an overflowed bathtub or broken windows can quickly become expensive. A break-in, theft or fire can also cost you dearly. The household contents insurance covers the damage and reimburses the insured amounts.

What is covered by home insurance?

As the name suggests, the household contents insurance covers damage to the household contents. This includes electrical appliances as well as furniture and clothing. Vandalism, fire, water, burglary and theft are the common risks that you can insure against with home insurance. The new value of the products is used as a basis. In addition, other costs are reimbursed, such as costs for the replacement of locks, furniture cleaning or overnight stays in the hotel.

Is there a deductible?

As a rule, a deductible is agreed, which is between 200 and 500 Swiss francs. You bear this yourself. The sum that exceeds the deductible is covered by the insurance.

What insured amounts are possible?

The sum insured should always be as high as the value of the household items. If there is underinsurance in the event of a claim, the benefits will be reduced and you will not receive the full damage. Overinsurance, on the other hand, only drives up premiums and does not help you. Decisive is always the new value of the household goods, you will no longer get replaced. Important: Check your insurance status regularly and adjust the insurance sums if necessary.

Is there automatic theft insurance?

Protection against burglary is always included in the household contents insurance. For this purpose, the perpetrator penetrates your premises, although in theory there is also the possibility that only one container is broken open. Simple thefts that are committed abroad must be included separately in the household contents insurance. Thefts are insured here that do not fall under the definition of burglary or robbery (theft under the threat or perpetration of violence). Lost items cannot be insured separately.

Are bicycles insured?

Bicycles are only insured outside of your apartment or house if you have the option? Simple theft away? have completed with. This option also includes handbags or notebooks if they are carried and stolen on the go.

What does household insurance cost?

The value of the objects to be insured as well as possible additional options are decisive for the premium amount in household insurance. On average, premiums between 150 and 300 Swiss francs can be expected, although particularly expensive items can of course increase insurance costs significantly.

Should broken glass be recorded separately?

Broken glass can be insured separately in household insurance, which is also recommended. This includes broken windows because, for example, the children's football did not hit the goal but the window. Broken panes of furniture or a good display case can also be insured with it. Broken glass is not automatically included in the home contents insurance.

Would you like to find out more about household insurance? You can take out household contents and personal liability insurance for household contents and Liability insurance comparison check and find the best provider or insurance product for you.


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What is private liability insurance

Personal Liability Insurance

What is private liability insurance?

The private liability insurance is designed to protect the property and covers damage that you inflict on third parties. Justified claims are covered by the insurance, while unjustified ones are warded off. In this sense, private liability insurance takes on the function of a passive legal expenses insurance.

Personal Liability Insurance

Even small damages can result in high claims if, for example, an injury to Person A that you are responsible for leads to high treatment costs or loss of property for you. Private liability insurance covers the financial consequences of the misfortune for you. 

A private liability insurance can be taken out cheaply as a combined product with the household insurance.

These risks are insured

Liability claims can quickly cost many thousands of francs and thus become a threat to your existence. Even if private liability insurance is not compulsory, it is therefore highly recommended that you take out one. The following groups of people can be insured:

    • Individuals and families
    • pet owners
    • Tenants (including holiday apartments)
    • Homeowners in their own home
    • part-time employees
    • Members of the Swiss Army, community service workers, firefighters
    • Athletes, shooters and gun owners
    • E-bike riders and cyclists
    • People who take care of things
    • Employer of household staff

If a rental property is deliberately changed, however, the costs for this are not borne. The restoration costs of a rental property are not borne by private liability insurance. So if you paint the rental apartment green before moving out, but the landlord wants to have white walls, you have to pay for the correction yourself. Furthermore, property damage, damage due to violations of the law and damage in the context of paid activities are not covered by private liability insurance.

Insured persons and scope

The private liability insurance always covers the persons who are also listed in the insurance policy. Important to note: Coverage under a family insurance policy may vary depending on the provider. For some, children are insured until they complete their first education, for others, however, children up to the age of 30.
A private liability insurance is valid worldwide, there are no regional or spatial restrictions for the scope.

These benefits are insured

Personal liability insurance usually covers damage to property and people. In addition, financial loss resulting from personal injury or property damage is insured. The aforementioned passive legal protection effect comes into play when claims are made against you. The insurance then checks whether you are liable in individual cases or not. If necessary, the claims against you will be warded off.

Additional cover can also be insured: owners of model aircraft can benefit from this extension as well as people who rent or use foreign horses. Third-party driver insurance can also be taken out. This happens when you borrow a car and cause damage. The liability insurance of the vehicle owner does not bear the damage in this case! Important: It can only be an exceptional case. Regular rental and use of the vehicle cannot be covered by third-party driver insurance.

Conclusion on personal liability insurance

Personal liability insurance is rightly named: Even if it is not a real compulsory insurance, it should still be seen as such. It protects against existential risks by assuming personal injury, property damage and financial loss. In addition, it fends off unjustified claims against you and can be expanded with various additional covers. This provides comprehensive protection against liability claims for you or your family.
Find out more about this insurance here and take a household items and Liability insurance comparison in front. An unbeatable combination for your protection!


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what is household insurance

What is household insurance?

The household contents insurance covers furnishings and furniture after water damage, after a burglary, fire or other events at new value. Movable objects that are intended for private use are protected, and various risks are also covered. Household contents insurance is often combined with private liability insurance because such a combination product is cheaper.

what is household insurance

These risks are insured

The following risks can be insured in household insurance:

    • Water damage (including damage caused by aquariums or water beds)
    • Fire, blaze and smoke
    • Burglary and robbery
    • Lightning strike, scorch damage, explosion and implosion
    • natural hazards

Important: Household insurance is not a compulsory insurance in Switzerland! However, there are individual cantons in which the conclusion of fire and natural damage coverage is mandatory. Specifically, these are the cantons of Jura, Vaud, Freiburg and Nidwalden. Cantonal fire insurance is mandatory for the cantons of Vaud and Nidwalden; in the other cantons, coverage can be provided through private insurance.
The following risks are not hedged:

    • Damage caused by wars and internal unrest, by riots, rebellions or riots
    • Damage from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
    • Damage caused by changes in the structure of the atomic nucleus

In addition, the insurers can individually provide further exclusions.

Scope and insured group of people

Household insurance can be taken out as individual or family insurance. In the latter variant, several people are covered in one household. It is also possible to add another person to individual insurance if, for example, a couple moves in together. The household goods that are in your own four walls are protected, and separate rooms, which also belong to your place of residence, are also insured. This can be cellars or craft rooms, for example. In addition, the external insurance covers the part of the household items that is not currently in the household. This is relevant if a move is carried out and some of the household items have already been moved out of the apartment.

In addition to the usual cover from fire, water or burglary damage, additional cover can be agreed. These then relate, for example, to glass on the building or to furniture, to simple theft when you are away and a household insurance can be taken out.

Household insurance provides these benefits

The household contents insurance insures your household goods at new value and thus enables the repair or replacement of damaged objects. In addition, various follow-up costs are also insured, whereby maximum amounts are set for this. Such follow-up costs include:

    • Clearance and disposal costs
    • Cost of living
    • Cost of a lock change
    • Mitigation and rescue costs
    • Replacement cost
    • Costs for emergency measures and emergency glazing

Conclusion on household insurance in Switzerland

Home insurance may not be compulsory, but it is an excellent addition to insurance coverage. It covers damage caused to personal belongings. Common risks include fire, water, theft and natural hazards, theft outside the home and broken glass can also be insured. Because the apartment is rarely devastated by a flood when you are not living in a risk area, protection against theft and burglary is most important.

You can now take advantage of the offers for combined household contents and personal liability insurance in Use a home contents and liability insurance comparison or find out about individual products. Worth it!


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