When do you need private liability insurance?

Every adult is liable for any damage that it causes, be it intentional or unwanted. This means that everyone who caused the damage is also obliged to pay for the damage. You are also liable if you are responsible for people, animals or things and cause damage. Popular example: Are you putting on your colleague's glasses? You have to pay the damage. Does your child throw in a window pane while playing football? You are liable for it. Your dog tears the postman's pants? You have to pay for the damage.

When do you need private liability insurance?

It gets worse when people are injured, because personal injuries usually involve high costs for treatment and sometimes for rehabilitation. In addition, your income may be lost due to the disability you caused. This has resulted in financial loss that will also cost you dearly.

In all of these and other cases, you need private liability insurance, because you are liable with all your assets for the damage that you are responsible for. Important detail: You are liable with your current and future income and in the worst case get into debt for life.
The private liability insurance therefore bears the following damage:

    • damage to property
    • personal injury
    • financial losses
    • Damage to borrowed and used vehicles
    • Damage to rented horses

The normal personal liability insurance covers damage that you cause with a rented vehicle. However, if you borrow this vehicle regularly, the damage will not be borne. However, it is possible to include this point in the insurance as a third party driver insurance so that you are fully protected again.

Because private liability insurance also protects against unjustified claims, it is doubly useful. All too often, third parties make demands because they are said to have harmed you. The private liability insurance examines the present case and fends off the claims if the claims turn out to be unjustified. This is connected to you at no additional cost. An exception is the deductible, which is to be borne for each insured event in the agreed amount.

Important: tenants of apartments or houses often have to be able to provide proof of an existing personal liability insurance. The landlord would like to secure himself with it and know that the apartment is protected against tenant damage. A Liability insurance comparison in Switzerland makes it easy for you.

Conclusion: when is private liability insurance necessary?

Private liability insurance is indispensable for anyone who no longer falls under the protection of this type of insurance for him (for example in the form of family insurance). The reason: Even if it is not compulsory insurance, everyone must be liable for any damage caused by him. This in turn means that, if necessary, the entire wealth, as well as today's and future income, must be used to pay for the damage. Personal injury and financial loss can lead to personal bankruptcy. In summary, it can be said that private liability insurance is always necessary and should be regarded as one of the most important types of insurance.

Would you like to know more? Then you can see the offers in Search home contents and liability insurance comparison and get an idea of the comparatively low cost of very good protection for you.


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