Travel insurance: No vacation without additional insurance
? A journey that is fun, a journey that is beautiful !? This song text is only correct as long as nothing happens on the trip. If you want to protect yourself from high costs, you should definitely think about travel insurance. In view of around 70,000 Swiss people who suffer an accident every year during their vacation, travelers should definitely attach importance to this tip.

Insufficient insurance? This could get expensive!
Many travelers take the insurance business lightly. ? What should happen? And yet it can quickly happen that someone slips by the pool and breaks a leg, suffers a traffic accident in the holiday destination or falls ill with a typical illness in the holiday destination. The figures speak for themselves: the industry assumes at least 70,000 Swiss people per year who fall ill or suffer an accident while on vacation abroad. Even if they have the opportunity to get medical care and treatment there, they are often left at their expense. Your own health insurance may cover some of the costs, but most of the costs must be covered by the insured himself. The financial consequences can be devastating when you consider that, for example, a complicated broken bone costs several thousand Swiss francs.
Travel insurance is compulsory
Most travelers who have an accident abroad end up at a private doctor or in a private hospital on site. Medical care is usually very good there, but the costs are high. In fact, significantly higher than it would have been for comparable treatments in Switzerland! Holiday and travel insurance is therefore highly recommended and is one of the most important supplementary insurances. It covers the treatment costs and protects the accident victim or sick person from financial ruin.
Anyone who claims that he or she is covered by Swiss accident insurance should take into account that this does not apply everywhere or does not bear all costs. Employees who work at least eight hours a week are covered by their employer. He pays into the basic insurance so that non-occupational accidents are also covered. This accident insurance now covers costs that arise due to illness or accident in EU and EFTA countries. The usual costs are borne there. In other foreign countries, the insurance covers the costs that would have been normal for treatment in Switzerland, up to a maximum of twice the amount. If the country of travel is the USA, Japan, the United Arab Emirates or Canada, this amount is usually not enough. The medical costs are very high there and are not covered by the usual Swiss accident insurance through the employer.
In order to save costs, the traveler can try to come to a public hospital or to a doctor who does not practice as a private doctor. But anyone who is in severe pain or is unconscious cannot do this research. In addition, many hotels work together with local private doctors and private hospitals. Hotel guests are automatically brought to these doctors in the event of an accident or illness. The costs that are then incurred can easily scratch the 10,000 franc mark.
Check coverage before departure
It is not only important to compare travel insurance before taking out such an insurance policy. The coverage check should also be carried out. Anyone who thinks they are adequately insured without taking out separate travel insurance should definitely take care of the coverage levels and ensure that they are sufficient.
With travel insurance, the coverage should be high enough to cover all emergency services provided by doctors and hospitals. Rescue operations and return transport to Switzerland must also be included.
Conclusion: not without my travel insurance
If someone goes on a journey, can they tell something? But it will only be a story with a happy ending if you have taken out travel insurance with sufficient coverage. This ensures treatment in the hospital or at the doctor's on-site without anyone having to fear financial ruin.
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