Despite the crisis: Swiss SMEs are optimistic about the future

Facebook, OECD and the World Bank started a survey among SMEs in December and wanted to know how optimistic or pessimistic they are about the future. It turned out that they expect positive things, despite all adversities.

Digitization as a support for SMEs

The ongoing corona pandemic has plunged many companies into a deep crisis. Nevertheless, most SMEs are optimistic about the future, also due to the significantly improved use of digital possibilities. Above all, the companies that are already well positioned digitally and have a functioning online presence were optimistic. According to surveys, around 25 percent of them can generate their income digitally. The Swiss are still behind France and Italy, but already ahead of Germany. The front runners in a European comparison are Ireland and Great Britain, some of which can generate significantly more than half of their sales online.

Record decreased revenue

Despite all the optimism, it must be noted that the income of SMEs in Switzerland has fallen significantly compared to the previous year. Around 54 percent of the companies state that their sales have fallen significantly in some cases. The increased use of digital possibilities cannot completely cancel out this loss of sales, so that the crisis is definitely a serious burden for Swiss SMEs. Now companies say that only a digital take-off could bring the rescue, because how long restrictions and burdens from Corona will last is not certain.

Digitization as a way out of the crisis

It can also be assumed for the future that digitization will not decline again. This means that companies must continue to strive to further expand their online presence. Everyone is looking ahead and hoping for the effectiveness of the vaccination and medication to restore an almost normal state. What this will look like is still uncertain. The fact is, however, that SMEs will have to continue to appear online in the future. They are searched for and booked on the Internet, price comparisons are made and companies are checked for reliability. Those who cannot be found online will find it even more difficult in the future to gain a foothold or to keep pace with growing digital competition.

Conclusion: SMEs are optimistic, but have to get started

Even if SMEs are currently optimistic about the future and assume that the current crisis will soon be over, it is important to prepare for the new life after Corona. This in turn means that companies will have to rely on digitization even more than before. The employees who now work in the home office will soon be increasingly calling for this option, especially since the work-life balance, which has also increasingly come into focus, is easier to implement. From a market point of view, no company that wants to remain competitive in the long term will be able to avoid an online presence or the expansion of it.


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