The psychology of success
The psychologists have come up with their own name for the feeling of happiness that arises when a project is successful. Here comes the? Psychology of success? to carry. This refers to the feelings of happiness that arise when a good resolution or a firm plan is actually put into practice. Those who can also fulfill their plans strengthen their self-confidence and self-confidence. There is a feeling of elation, which should certainly not be unimportant at the moment.
Usually, however, there are hurdles in the way: there is a lack of time, money or energy. But at least the factor of missing change can be gotten out of the way if savings are made consistently. The time of saving does not have to be a time of deprivation, rather it is about saving in the right places and avoiding unnecessary expenses.
First get an overview
If you want to save or invest, you first have to know how much money is available. The following points are important:
- Which ongoing expenses have to be taken into account?
- What does insurance cost?
- Are Loans To Be Repaid?
- How good are the conditions for your own loan and for comparable loans?
- How high are the monthly expenses for little things (books, concerts, souvenirs, etc.)?
- What expenses do I have for birthdays and similar obligations?
Only if you know exactly how much money is needed per month can you see what is left to save. In most cases the income exceeds the expenses and yet at the end of the month the money is gone. The only thing that helps here is to keep a budget book to find the hidden expenses. Please also take into account the costs that arise not monthly, but quarterly or annually!
Possible expenses for savers
The mere intention to save is usually unsuccessful. Rather, a goal must be set. Maybe you want to visit a certain destination on vacation, buy a new car or repair the house is necessary. Perhaps a dental correction is also desired that is long overdue, but which the health insurance does not pay for. No matter what: It is only important that a specific goal is set and that savings are made for this.
How long you have to save is shown in the previous income-expenditure calculation. The entire amount that theoretically remains should never be used as a savings amount. Too quickly, special editions destroy both the savings and the motivation!
Frequent reasons to set aside money or even take out a loan are your own further training or renovating your home. Further training in particular can cost several thousand francs and, as a cost-saving measure, usually has to be planned and implemented for a long time. Often the measure itself has long been completed, but financial rehabilitation is still not tangible. The same applies here: Consistent saving is the order of the day! At the same time, investing in one's own education or in valuable goods creates the feeling of elation described above.
Conclusion: Saving and investing ensure happiness hormones
Nobody has to be addicted to shopping to know that investing makes for happiness hormones. The main thing is that the implementation of a good resolution is fulfilled. For example, anyone who undertakes something at the turn of the year, works consistently towards it and fulfills a wish, follows the? Psychology of success? and feels motivated to implement other good resolutions.