What does private legal protection mean?

The private legal protection insurance is to be taken out as an individual insurance or can also be taken out as part of a family insurance. The services of the individual insurers often differ, so a closer comparison of the offers before taking out the insurance is strongly recommended, especially since the premiums also differ greatly.

What does private legal protection mean

Private legal protection insurance provides advice to private individuals or their representation in disputes. The conclusion of the insurance is not legally required, it is a voluntary insurance. The following risks are generally covered in private legal protection insurance:

    • Damages
    • Defense in disputes due to negligence, emergency and self-defense
    • Disputes related to medical treatment
    • Disputes from contracts and insurance
    • Disputes with the employer
    • Rental and lease disputes
    • Legal advice on family disputes, inheritance matters and among neighbors
    • Disputes about things

This list sounds like a complete protection against all kinds of disputes. But the reality is a little different and becomes apparent when you take a closer look or study the contractual clauses of private legal protection insurance. Many insurers rule out individual disputes, in particular disputes with the employer or with neighbors are often not regularly covered. These cases can be insured against payment of a higher premium. Certain disputes are sometimes completely excluded. In addition, a minimum amount in dispute is usually set. To put it simply: Anyone arguing with a seller about a thing has to bear the costs of the dispute themselves.

When concluding the contract, the individual insurers agree on a maximum sum as the scope of benefits, which can be, for example, 250,000 Swiss francs for a claim. The cost of legal advice is set separately and is often CHF 500 per case.


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