How many calories can I eat per day?

How many calories can I eat per day?

The amount of calories that can be consumed every day cannot be given as a blanket figure. On the one hand, it depends on whether you are male or female. On the other hand, it depends on your physical activity and your basal metabolic rate. While some have a basal metabolic rate that makes chocolate and Co. seem to disappear without a trace, for others it is so sluggish that they only have to look at a gummy bear and it lands on their hips.

It is also important for the amount, the calories, that can be added to the daily diet, whether you want to build muscle or reduce weight. As a rule of thumb, the more exercise you have per day, the higher your calorie needs.

Basic and performance turnover

The basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories that the body consumes at rest. Physical exercise is not included in the calculation, because even when you sleep, you consume calories.
The performance turnover, however, specifies the amount of calories needed for physical activities. Do you do sports or cycle to shop? Then your performance turnover increases significantly compared to someone who climbs the stairs in the office building.

Basic and performance turnover together make up the total turnover.

This in turn represents the amount of calories you need every day. But if you want to lose weight now, you have to reduce your overall turnover. It is important that the deficit inflicted on the body remains within the tolerable framework, because otherwise it will simply reduce its turnover. The human body switches to a kind of hunger mode and uses only the most necessary energy to maintain the body's functions. He learns to cope with less and still doesn't give a gram of fat. 

You should therefore generally not consume fewer calories than you burn in your basal metabolism. Assume that you should lose at most between 300 and 500 kcal less to lose weight, with 500 kcal corresponding to a bar of chocolate. If the calorie deficit is too great, your body will try to compensate for it and react with food cravings.

That's how many calories you need a day

Everyone is different and so it is also different who should take how many calories a day. Women can assume that they can get by with around 1800 to 2000 Kcal a day if they move up to half an hour a day. If their physical activity increases up to an hour, they need about 200 Kcal more. With more than an hour of exercise a day, the amount of calories needed is between 2400 and 2800 Kcal. 

An important point at this point: The calorie consumption increases not only through exercise. 

Emotional stress also increases calorie consumption. If the stress persists, the turnover is reduced again because the body? figuratively speaking? prepared for bad times. He keeps as much energy as possible because of seemingly tiring times. Since the food intake is often also restricted at the time of great emotional stress, it may be that the body already goes into hunger metabolism.

Men need a little more energy a day.

They can be assumed that the calorie requirement for less than half an hour of exercise a day is between 2100 and 2500 Kcal. If a man moves longer and is active for one hour, he needs around 2500 to 2700 Kcal a day. With even more exercise (more than an hour a day), the calorie requirement increases to around 3000 to 3500 Kcal.

Through regular fitness training in the gym, with an affordable one Fitness subscription, the calorie requirement is increased again. The training itself increases the energy requirement up to 500 Kcal, so if you continue to eat normally, you will automatically supply your body with less energy than it needs. 

In addition, there is a small phenomenon in active athletes: their muscle mass increases and muscles consume more energy. The basal metabolic rate increases in well-trained people compared to non-athletes, whereby the exact additional metabolism cannot be quantified exactly. But it is therefore understandable that an athlete has one or the other? Sweet sin? can allow and yet does not increase. 

His increased basal metabolism compensates for a small snack more than is the case with an untrained person. Nevertheless, such nutritional slip-ups should not become permanent.

Calories are not all calories

If you want to lose weight, you can use a calculator and calculate the amount of calories you eat every day. But even if the value determined in this way is sometimes alarmingly low, these people do not lose weight! Experts say that it is not the amount, but rather the calorie itself, because one calorie is not the same as another. 100 calories from a healthy food is worth much more than 100 calories from processed foods.

The calorific value is not decisive

A calorie is a scientific unit of measurement and indicates the amount of heat that is required to heat a gram of water by one degree Celsius. This explanation is of course completely irrelevant for nutrition and fitness, because hardly anyone can do anything with it. Nutritionists say the calorie as a unit of measurement that it has long lost its value and is no longer meaningful. 

Because even if two foods bring the same amount of calories, it may be that the body uses them differently. In addition, the body of person A uses the calories differently than that of person B, which is why both have a different figure. If you then add the time of day (calories are used differently during the day), the poor fitness friend who just wanted to lose a little is completely overwhelmed.

Quite simply: The calorific value, i.e. the calorie count, is not decisive.

Rather, it has to be considered how each individual's body utilizes the energy that it receives. And this is exactly where the problem with sugar can be seen. Because you can save calories, but if you consume a lot of sugar, you will not lose weight. 

Hence the recommendation: Regardless of the amount of calories, you should pay attention to the sugar content of the respective food!

Prof. Koletzko once told the Deutsches Ärzteblatt that sugar has a different effect on fat synthesis than starch. For this reason alone, calories are not always the same. There was also a study of children from the United States who usually consumed a lot of sugar. They consumed food other than their usual diet for over nine days, replacing the sugar with starch. Within the nine days there was a significant decrease in the fat content in the liver and a reduction in the belly fat.

The use of fructose should also be used with caution, because if a lot of fructose suddenly gets into the liver, it is overwhelmed with the conversion. It then simply stores the fructose as fat, which in turn accumulates in the liver or is released into the blood. This means that other tissues also get this fat from sugar.

No more counting calories!

According to the latest findings, there is no point in constantly counting calories. It is much more important to choose the right foods and this can also be the ones that have a comparatively large number of calories. Nuts, mushrooms and vegetables are examples of this and yet it is precisely these foods that make you slim. It is interesting in the context that people who eat Mediterranean are often slimmer than others who pay attention to fat and calories. 

On the other hand, they have high-fat foods on their menu, which contain oils, nuts and other fats. Still, people stay leaner. Again, it shows that calories are not just calories. Refined foods increase the release of certain hormones that interfere with and slow down the fat metabolism. 

They also ensure that we get hungry again faster and feel full for less.

Conclusion: That's why calorie counting is not important

Certainly, the amount of calories in food gives an indication of how much energy the body is consuming when eating the food. But 100 calories from salmon are significantly healthier than 100 calories from fructose, because this affects the metabolism differently. 

Against this background, the bad reputation that some foods have seems much less bad. Confessed nut eaters are proven to be leaner than people who use foods other than snacks instead of nuts, even if these foods have fewer calories than nuts. In order to stay slim and fit permanently, physical exercise still plays an important role.

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So you pay nothing for your fitness subscription!

Do you want to know how to get a fitness subscription for free? We would be happy to inform you!

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Fitness center: free weight or machine?

Fitness center: free weight or machine?

Whether you are with a great Fitness subscription Training with free weights in the fitness center or with the machine is certainly a question of personal philosophy and current fashion. Because while training on machines was called the ultimate when they first appeared, it fell into disrepute some time later. The only fact is that it makes the right mix and that it comes down to personal training. Balance and appropriate weights must be the focus, then nothing is bad when training on the machine.

Advantages and disadvantages of machine and free weight

Training on the machine as well as with free weights can have advantages and disadvantages. It is time to take a closer look at them.

Advantages and disadvantages of the machine

Machines are well suited for training by beginners, especially since the most effective exercises can even be carried out on their own because they are explained graphically on the machines. If you have a trainer, you can instruct them to put together a training session. The following advantages should also be mentioned:

    • individual muscle groups can be trained in isolation
    • Muscle building with higher weight possible
    • usable for older people
    • good after injuries and for rehabilitation

But not everything that glitters is gold, and so there are some disadvantages that can be mentioned in machines:

    • less functionality and no natural movement patterns possible
    • Neglect of the stabilizing muscles
    • higher risk of injury
    • very popular in the gym and therefore often occupied

Training on the machine is equally suitable for beginners and bodybuilders, because the growth incentives for the muscles are very good. However, there is a risk that neglecting the muscles that support the joints will result in poor posture and long-term injuries. Therefore, always supplement the training on the machine with the free weight training!

Advantages and disadvantages of free weights

Free weights are still very popular and can offer the following advantages, for example:

    • functional training possible
    • full freedom of movement and natural movements possible
    • Training the stabilizing muscles
    • varied training possible
    • Training also possible at home
    • Cost-effective training because a gym is not absolutely necessary

But the free weights also have their disadvantages:

    • more demanding training, based on technology (coaching required)
    • Risk of injury due to incorrect technology increases
    • Support with heavy weights makes sense

Free weights are suitable for all athletes and fitness enthusiasts who want a slim and defined body and no inflated muscles. Runners and athletes also benefit from training with free weights. Free weights are also used in the context of rehabilitation, because they enable targeted and effective training.

In the end, everyone has to try out whether one variant is better than the other.

Especially since the training should also be fun! Those who torment themselves with one variant, although the other would be more fun, orientate themselves past the training goal. Therefore, coaches generally recommend betting on the mixture. Train with both the machine and free weights. With the latter, you can consciously stress and promote the muscles that were neglected by training with the machine and which are very important as stabilizing muscles. The good thing about dumbbells: You can even take them with you when you go jogging. You simply combine the strength training with the endurance training and ensure a significantly better effect.

You don't have to work out in a gym to get a slim, defined body.

But what you need is a good guide, which you will also get from a personal trainer. However, if he is not running his own gym, he cannot offer you machine training. You may also choose this and find yourself in the studio. Or you can completely replace the machine training with a varied training with free weights of various types.

Tip: The training will also be particularly cost-effective for you if you receive the fitness subscription for free.

Here's how to do it!


So you pay nothing for your fitness subscription!

Do you want to know how to get a fitness subscription for free? We would be happy to inform you!

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How not to lose motivation

How not to lose motivation!

Even if a person is not a machine, it is very annoying that the overall motivation for the sport can be affected by shape lows and mood swings. At the beginning everyone is highly motivated, has set great goals and works diligently to achieve these goals. But soon the initial euphoria fades and after the high phase comes a low. You lose your desire and prefer not to do sports today. And not tomorrow either, and the day after tomorrow it doesn't matter because the training break was so long. The motivation can be increased with the following tips.

    • Bring sports gear for afternoon training
      Those who first have to go home and get their sports equipment will often find the sofa at home much more attractive than the gym. This is how one uses his Little fitness subscription until not at all. You should therefore take your sports gear with you to work so that you can start right after work. You should therefore take your sports gear with you to work so that you can start immediately after work. If you train alone at home, you should exercise immediately after you come home. A long time gap between coming home and the planned sport causes in many cases that the sport is postponed too far and that the desire for it continues to decline.
    • Choose the right outfit
      Important: You should really feel comfortable while doing sports. But this is only possible if you have a good feeling on the outside, so if you are dressed appropriately. Even though the sport is theoretically possible in old slouch sweaters and sweatpants, the motivation is much higher if the new sports clothes are to be worn.
    • Train with support
      Those who train alone let the inner bastard win too often. But if a personal trainer is ready to go through a planned sports program with you, you won't have any excuses. In addition, sport in a group is simply more fun! A running group or a group for swimming together can also be helpful.
    • Everything is easier with music
      With the right soundtrack that you have perfectly matched to the training, everything is easier. Even scientists say that music makes the body perform better. By the way, your own playlist also helps if the music in the gym is more suitable for falling asleep than for playing sports.
    • Find the right sport
      In the long run, only those are motivated who also enjoy the sport and who know that this sport is the right one. You may have to try some sports until you find the right one. But the motivation is much greater if you and your sport fit together. Finding the right sport can be lengthy. It is important whether you prefer to train indoors or outdoors, alone or with others, whether you like action or prefer quiet sports.
    • The endorphins afterwards
      When you have done it and finished your sport lesson, you will be flooded with endorphins. Nothing can replace the good feeling! Think of this feeling when you don't feel like training again.
    • Define your goals
      Do you have an end goal that you want to achieve? Fine, but you also need intermediate goals. When you reach them, they give you feelings of happiness that are unique and always inspire you to achieve new levels of excellence. Above all, set realistic goals, otherwise frustration will soon arise.
    • Write down your successes
      Very important: write down your success! So you can read what you did particularly well and achieved great things even in times of lack of motivation. If you see what you have already done, it gives you the incentive to continue training.
    • Bet on adversity
      Don't take bad weather or wind as an enemy and excuse not to exercise. Rather, you should see this as a challenge, because they intensify your training. And if you don't want to go outside at all, you can also move your workout to the living room. It's very simple: Use advertising breaks to practice one sport variant at a time. Once rope skipping, once crunches, once pushups. Even if this workout was not quite as effective, you have not completely won the inner bastard.

We have more information about fitness training for you! Here you can find out, for example, how you can use a free fitness subscription.


So you pay nothing for your fitness subscription!

Do you want to know how to get a fitness subscription for free? We would be happy to inform you!

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Define clear fitness goals!

Define clear fitness goals: This is how you define your goals!

It is clear that those who set goals and consistently pursue them are more successful. A clear goal increases personal performance and keeps motivation high. At the same time, it helps to avoid disappointment.

But it is always important that you know what you want to achieve. Do you want to get fitter or lose weight? Would you like to take part in a sporting competition and win a medal? In addition to setting a goal, it is also important to draw up a plan for how that goal should be achieved. Only then can a goal become realistic. But that is exactly the basic requirement for reaching the goal: it must be realistic! Unachievable goals only frustrate and cause poor motivation in the long run.

Set short and long term goals

What is important is not only the big goal, which should be at the end of all efforts. The small goals are also important because they represent essential milestones on the way to the main goal. A main goal can be defined for a time period from six months to several years. Nobody can survive that long without a sense of achievement, so small intermediate goals are important as marking points. No daily goals need to be set, but at least monthly ones. A successful goal is defined by the following points:

    • visions
      You know best what you want to achieve. Define your dream destination!
    • engagement
      Your goal must be worth striving for. There is no point in setting a utopian goal. An example of this are competitions that are no longer an option due to their age alone.
    • motivation
      If you know that your goal can be reached, you will be more motivated. Communicate with your trainer about the goal and set small goals together. Motivation increases with every intermediate goal achieved.
    • concentration
      There is no point in always looking too far ahead. Keep an eye on your main goal, but focus on reaching the milestone. Nothing else matters now!
    • objectivity
      The goals set must be objectively measurable. ? I want to do my best? cannot be checked for your trainer. However, if you set yourself a goal that, for example, improves your personal best on a defined running route, this is easily verifiable.

When you reach a fitness goal, you should never concentrate on the result alone.

If your result goal is that you want to win a medal in a competitive sport and you are not listed among the medalists, that is bad for self-confidence and motivation. 

However, training to participate in this competition is a better goal. So-called performance goals are also ideal, because reaching this goal does not depend on the influence of other athletes and competition participants. You alone are responsible for reaching the goal. If you should injure yourself or fall ill, this goal can simply be redefined or postponed.

Plan for obstacles

If you put your fitness goal before your Fitness subscription you should always assume that things can turn out differently. Plan for obstacles because you can get injured or sick. You may also find that the defined fitness plan is not suitable for you because you lose more and more fun with the training. 

Therefore, find alternatives with which you can achieve your goals. You do not have to completely overthrow the objective, unless it is tied to a specific sport as a result goal, which for certain reasons you can no longer practice. But if you only want to improve your general fitness, you can find other ways and means. Accordingly, the intermediate goals must be adjusted, the main goal remains.

Top athletes also rely on goals with which they can achieve their success. They develop these goals together with their trainers and build on their experience. You don't always have to work out with a fitness trainer or in the studio, but at the beginning of your training it can be helpful to rely on the professionalism that comes from a personal trainer. 

This is particularly useful if you also want to change your diet and develop a nutrition plan. Once the goals have been defined, you can work on implementing them yourself. However, it is important that a joint review of the success takes place at regular intervals. If necessary, some goals have to be adjusted on the further fitness path.

Do you want to know how to get your fitness subscription for free? Here you will find the necessary information!


So you pay nothing for your fitness subscription!

Do you want to know how to get a fitness subscription for free? We would be happy to inform you!

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Low calorie foods

Low calorie foods

Are you looking for low-calorie foods because you want to lose weight or build muscle? But how many calories per day can you take to yourself? The following list shows you a selection of vegetables, meat, fish and many other foods with an indication of the number of calories per 100 grams.

per 100 grams:

    • Lettuce: 11 Kcal
    • Cucumber: 12 Kcal
    • Tomato: 17 Kcal
    • Zucchini: 18 Kcal
    • Broccoli: 28 Kcal
    • Strawberries: 32 kcal
    • Raspberries: 34 kcal
    • Apricots: 43 kcal
    • Apple: 54 Kcal
    • Papaya 32 kcal
    • Potatoes: 73 kcal
    • Whole grain bread (rye): 193 Kcal
    • Whole grain bread (wheat) 200 Kcal
    • Whole grain pasta: 333 Kcal
    • Rice: 343 Kcal
    • Oatmeal: 348 Kcal
    • Natural yogurt: 36 Kcal
    • Milk (1.5 percent fat): 48 Kcal
    • Lean curd cheese: 73 Kcal
    • Mozzarella: 104 Kcal
    • Cream cheese: 87 Kcal
    • Veal: 92 Kcal
    • Turkey breast: 105 Kcal
    • Fillet (pork): 106 Kcal
    • Fillet (beef): 121 Kcal
    • Cooked ham: 128 Kcal
    • Monkfish: 66 Kcal
    • Pangasius: 77 Kcal
    • Pollack: 81 Kcal
    • Plaice: 86 Kcal
    • Cod: 76 Kcal
    • Pudding (caramel): 89 Kcal
    • Milk rice: 100 Kcal
    • Plum cake with yeast dough and crumble: 143 Kcal
    • Sponge cake with fruit: 156 Kcal
    • Tap water: 0 Kcal
    • unsweetened coffee: 0 Kcal
    • unsweetened tea: 0 Kcal

These foods are wonderfully easy to combine with true power foods! 

Chicken breast with potatoes and strips of pepper, jacket potatoes with curd cheese, plaice with rice and avocado? There are many options and the nice thing about these foods is that they are quickly prepared. You don't need great culinary skills to turn them into a delicious meal. 

Tip: As an athlete and fitness enthusiast, you shouldn't just look at the calories.

Because a piece of chocolate is also allowed! It gets worse when you struggle with ravenous hunger, because then the rational thinking is literally switched off and you see what you get to eat and not what has how many calories. Discipline in nutrition is good and for athletes with one Fitness subscription very important, but exceptions must be allowed.

If you want to know how to get fit and healthy and how you don't have to pay for your fitness subscription, click on the Link!


So you pay nothing for your fitness subscription!

Do you want to know how to get a fitness subscription for free? We would be happy to inform you!

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20 power foods for muscle building

20 power foods for muscle building!

What many amateur athletes with Fitness subscription do not know: The best and most sweaty workout is useless if the body does not get the nutrients it needs to build muscle. Above all, he needs complex carbohydrates and proteins, as well as vitamin complexes (C, E, B). It is important that these are balanced and that the diet is generally low in salt. Because: Salt binds the water in the body. The interaction of proteins and energy makes the muscle cells grow.

Important food groups for your muscle building

Your body needs proteins and proteins to build muscle. The following food groups are ideal for a diet that is geared towards meeting needs and increasing muscle building needs:

    1. Red meat
      It is rich in amino acids and creatine. Pork and beef, veal fillet, lamb fillet or minced meat are suitable.
    2. seafood
      Easily usable proteins and omega fatty acids: crabs and lobsters, shrimps and oysters, scallops and squid are suitable.
    3. fish
      Mainly healthy through omega fatty acids (3 and 6): swordfish and salmon, hake and mackerel, herring, plaice, sea bream, trout or sole are delicious and healthy.
    4. poultry
      Poultry is very low in fat and easily digestible. Turkey breast or chicken fillet as well as duck or minced poultry are suitable for building muscle.
    5. Eggs and dairy products
      The body needs protein to build muscle: milk and yoghurt, almond milk, low-fat curd cheese, cheese
    6. fats
      Walnut oil and other high-quality vegetable oils, hemp seeds, avocados, fatty fish and nuts provide valuable fats. Please pay particular attention to unsaturated fatty acids!
    7. carbohydrates
      Carbohydrates ensure that your body has the necessary energy. Athletes also need carbohydrates if they want to lose weight! Examples of healthy carbohydrates are whole grain pasta, brown rice, quinoa, whole grain bread, potatoes and oatmeal.
    8. vitamins
      Without sufficient vitamins, no muscle building! All the vitamins that the body consumes for its functions are required, so it is not possible to list all the individual vitamins here. Important: Do not supply the body with food supplements, but with food! The body can absorb and utilize these vitamins better.
    9. vegetables
      Vegetables provide valuable nutrients and at the same time have a low glycemic index. This means that vegetables only raise the blood sugar level slowly and drop it less quickly. This avoids cravings. Examples are potatoes, dark green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, starchy vegetables such as corn or green peas, and other vegetables such as eggplants, onions, tomatoes, cucumber or celery.
    10. fruit
      Fruit, too, has the advantages that vegetables can offer and is suitable as a snack in between: apricots and kiwis, berries and melons, apples, pears or oranges provide many vitamins and fill you up without giving you many calories.
    11. Power food for vegetarians and vegans
      Those who do without meat provide the body with valuable muscle building substances: soybeans, lentils, oatmeal, peanuts, tofu, pecans, amaranth, millet.

The following examples are very suitable as power foods for athletes whose focus is on building muscle:

    1. Cheesecake
      Cheesecake is the ultimate powerfood! It provides plenty of carbohydrates through the dough, but the filling brings the right amount of protein. This makes cheesecake an ideal snack for athletes who focus on building muscle.
    2. scrambled eggs
      Delicious: scrambled eggs with fried potatoes! Here carbohydrates and proteins are absorbed. The dish can be supplemented with fresh cucumbers or steamed peppers, so that the vitamin intake is also secured.
    3. cereal
      Muesli is known as the power food for athletes, which provides the necessary energy and all important nutrients in the morning. So it is! Cereal flakes provide carbohydrates, quinoa and amaranth also contribute to the supply of carbohydrates. Then there is the milk, which provides the necessary proteins. A little fruit brings vitamins for the body.
    4. Salmon Cream Souffle
      For athletes, salmon is one of the best foods ever. It provides the important omega fatty acids, it is easy to digest and is even recommended as a diet despite its high fat content. The cream in the casserole provides the necessary proteins, pasta or rice for carbohydrates. If spinach is added, vitamins and minerals are added.
    5. jacket potatoes
      The very well known dish in Germany? Jacket potatoes and curd cheese? is one of the healthiest ever. The potatoes keep their valuable ingredients by cooking with skin. They provide the important carbohydrates and vitamins. Quark (or sour cream) is mixed with linseed oil and brings proteins and unsaturated fatty acids into the body. Perfect!
    6. stew
      Powerfood doesn't always have to be modern! The traditional stew, which is cooked with beef, carrots, peas and potatoes, offers your body everything you need to build muscle. Carbohydrates, vitamins and fats are included. After that, eat a yogurt to also get protein.
    7. juice
      You don't always have to drink water or unsweetened tea. Fruit spritzers are also healthy and bring vitamins to the body. But only if they were freshly pressed.
    8. chocolate
      Admittedly, chocolate has to be looked for a little bit in terms of health. But a piece of dark chocolate contains many important B vitamins and has what it takes to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Enjoy a piece regularly, which also prevents the craving for sweets.
    9. Nuts as a snack
      Nuts are very healthy and mainly contain vitamins from the B complex as well as valuable fats. They are perfect as a snack in between!

You don't want to pay for your fitness subscription? Find out how to do it here!


So you pay nothing for your fitness subscription!

Do you want to know how to get a fitness subscription for free? We would be happy to inform you!

These articles might also interest you:

Do I need a fitness subscription to stay fit?

Do I need a fitness subscription to stay fit?

A clear answer: yes and no! This question cannot be answered simply because everyone is different and needs different suggestions and motivations and has a personal level of self-discipline. But if you start fitness training, in most cases you will certainly ask yourself whether a Fitness subscription required is or whether training cannot be adequately designed at home. We highlight the pros and cons of training at home.


You can also work out at home with yoga or Pilates, with a good abdominal-leg-butt workout and small weights. You need nothing more than a good mat and the weights, plus a little idea of useful exercises. You are not bound to fixed times, but simply train when it suits you best. For individual workouts, you use videos that give you the necessary instructions. When jogging or cycling, you determine the distance you want to cover, you do not have to rely on a sports partner or trainer. It doesn't matter whether you wear fitness clothing or do sports in sloppy matters, even if sports things are of course recommended due to their flexibility and breathability.


Nevertheless, there are also aspects that speak against sport at home. Because: Not all sports are practiced. If you need devices for this, you can buy them, but they take up a lot of space and cost a lot of money. Please do not invest in cheap devices, in the worst case they are so inferior that they quickly break or that even your musculoskeletal system is damaged if, for example, wheel spacings or angles are incorrect.
It could also happen that your motivation suffers enormously. Those who do sports at home usually have no one to motivate them. The inner bastard can become very loud and clear and quickly shakes the good intentions for effective training.
Last but not least, it can happen that you simply do exercises wrong. You increase your risk of injury and, in the worst case, get strains or sprains. In the best case, the exercise in question is not very effective, but that is also a point that you are certainly not looking forward to.

Fitness subscription as a necessity?

It is certainly not absolutely necessary to take out a fitness subscription. But if you really want to work seriously on your goal of weight loss or the dream figure, you are better advised with such a contract. The dates for the training are usually fixed, which means that they can really be sorted into the weekly schedule. I don't like today or? Tomorrow is another day? is possible, with a subscription training is more serious and more frequent. The incentive to do sports with a trainer and to train in the community with other fitness enthusiasts is much greater than when practicing at home.

Of course, even with a membership in the gym, motivation can suffer, because when the weather is bad outside and you first have to go to the studio, you will want to be able to exercise at home. The help: meet up with friends for sports! This is where the old saying comes from: shared suffering is half suffering? actually too. Together you have more fun and can do something after the sport.

The fixed timing is certainly also disadvantageous when training in the studio. You cannot freely decide when you want to train: if you get up at five in the morning on the weekend and want to go to sports, the studio will put a spanner in the works. Nobody is there at this time! You may then be able to do the training at home and simply use the appointment in the studio. You will see how good you feel when you exercise more than planned!

Last but not least, costs certainly play a role. If you train at home, you do not have to plan fixed amounts per month that are due for the training.

But there are also ways to get the fitness subscription for free!

Follow the link and you will find out what you need to do to be professional in the studio and here too Instructions to train for free.


So you pay nothing for your fitness subscription!

Do you want to know how to get a fitness subscription for free? We would be happy to inform you!

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Fitness tips for beginners

Fitness tips for beginners

Have you made a good resolution and finally want to do more sport? Move more, get fitter, maybe lose a few pounds? The following tips are suitable for beginners who need to motivate themselves even more so that sport becomes everyday life!

    • Set a goal

      In any case, you should define a goal that you are working towards. Do you want to build more muscle or lose body fat? Do you want to get more endurance? Define your main goal and divide the way there into different individual goals. The achievement of each individual goal creates new motivation and the will to tackle the other goals.

    • Enjoy your success

      Why should successes be celebrated at work, but not in your sport? Reward yourself for achieving goals and enjoy yourself. Your body releases endorphins, you feel happier and more motivated to go to the next goal.

    • Take pictures

      At the beginning of your training you should take a picture of yourself. If you have reached a goal, a picture is due again, which is ideally taken at similar time intervals. You can use it to check your figure and see the changes that are often not noticed when you look in the mirror. The reflection falls into the category? Result of an operational blindness? While you look at a photo more realistically.

    • Do not exaggerate

      Many beginners make the mistake of being overly motivated. They exaggerate the training and soon run out of energy and strength. Motivation suffers when you are not feeling well. Treat your body to rest! He needs them anyway to be efficient and build muscles. Rise slowly and bring the frequency and intensity of training in a reasonable relationship.

    • Find the right sport

      If you want to get really fit as a beginner, you have to find the right sport for yourself. This means that, for example, running is not made for everyone. Maybe you're more of a swimmer or a cyclist? You may not feel comfortable in the studio at all, but should you rather exercise in the great outdoors with a personal trainer or a training partner? Find what you enjoy, you can hold out longer.

    • Exercise properly

      Not everything that feels good is also for your body. Sometimes we just train wrong, and if nobody says how it is right, damage to the musculoskeletal system can occur. Prevent this by practicing in the studio with a trainer and always looking for professional support when practicing a new sport. This alerts you to mistakes and wrong movements and gives you both fun in the sport and your health.

    • Drink enough

      Some fitness beginners with Fitness subscription came up with the theory that he should rather drink less. Supposedly the body would then pull the fluid out of the muscles and look more defined. What may be right for bodybuilders on the day of their competition cannot be permanent. The body suffers when it receives too little fluid and even damage to the organs can occur. The kidneys in particular are very sensitive and need help with enough fluids if they want to cleanse the body of toxins. You should drink about 2.5 to 3 liters a day, even more in hot summers or during very intense training.

    • Eat enough

      Especially as a fitness beginner, you use a lot of energy. Don't save them, even if you want to lose weight. If you move more and don't eat more at the same time, you automatically consume more energy and your body becomes leaner. A starvation cure only hurts! There is certainly an exception for people who are very obese, but they should not start fitness training anyway without having taken nutritional advice.

    • Choose suitable clothing

      That may sound absurd, but if you feel comfortable in your sports clothing, you will train better and with more joy. The gym is of course not a catwalk, but you will feel more comfortable in a sports dress than in sloppy sweatpants. It is important that the clothing leaves enough freedom of movement so that you do not feel restricted. In addition, shoes that are well padded and relieve the joints and spine through the suspension are recommended.

    • Train according to the plan

      Make a plan for yourself to train on. If necessary, develop it together with your personal trainer. In addition, set fixed dates in the week on which you train, because this will make it easier for you to hold out. By the way: After a certain initial period, regular sport will become a permanent fixture for you and you will miss it if you should not come to exercise.

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10 tips for healthy weight loss

10 tips for healthy weight loss

The following tips will help you lose weight healthily. It's not just about reducing the amount of calories, it's about changing everyday life. Perceive your diet differently and appreciate it. Try to enjoy small successes and avoid unhealthy crash diets, which only end in frustration anyway.

1. Eat slowly

Do you know that? You are extremely hungry and devour a large portion within a very short time. Only then do you realize that it was too much now. The amount of calories you consumed is enough for a whole day! Therefore: Eat slowly and put the cutlery aside in between. Chew slowly and taste the intense aromas, which often only develop properly after some time of chewing. You will automatically eat less without going hungry!

2. Don't go hungry

It seems logical: those who eat as little as possible lose weight faster. But that's not true! The body switches to a kind of hunger metabolism and reduces its consumption. Suddenly he gets along with much less and you don't lose weight even though you eat like a mouse. As soon as you eat properly afterwards, your body will be happy and bunker energy for the next hunger period. The yo-yo effect is there!

3. Relieve stress

A body that is under constant stress does not lose weight. After all, he needs every energy that he receives to manage the stressful times and to maintain your psychological and physical stability. Therefore, try to reduce stress during the day and plan enough rest times. Get enough sleep and try relaxation exercises. These soon let the stress drop almost on command.

4. Eat chocolate

Such a tip for losing weight? Yes, because those who only adhere to prohibitions will eventually relapse. But then with all his might and the craving for sweets becomes a real orgy. It is better if you treat yourself to a piece of chocolate more often and enjoy it. Close your eyes and focus entirely on the taste.

5. Drink more milk

Whole milk is a real calorie bomb and is rightly considered a meal and not a drink. However, there are studies that say that milk drinkers are leaner than people who consistently avoid milk. Replace the afternoon cake with a glass of milk and you will see that you will be full longer and will have less appetite for sweets.

6. Be a child

No, it does not mean general behavior. But there are sports that are still preferred by children. These are less about sport than for fun. But both can be combined excellently and you can, for example, book rope skipping or trampoline jumping as a great fitness exercise. You consume a lot of calories: Rope skipping is up to 300 Kcal in ten minutes!

7. Exercise

Of course, healthy weight loss also requires a lot of exercise. But that does not mean that an absolute grumpy sportsman is a must Fitness subscription required. Just try to incorporate more movement into your everyday life. For example, you can take the stairs rather than the elevator, ride your bike to work or get off the train one station earlier than you wanted. Go to the swimming pool with the children or explore the forest with your dog. More exercise does not mean that you have to do sweaty sport.

8. Schedule fixed appointments

This does not mean the usual appointments that have to be scheduled for work and family. Rather, it is about the dates that are available for you. If you want to lose weight, you have to do something for it regularly. So that the inner piggy does not get bigger than your good intentions in everyday life, you should plan fixed days a week for sports, walks or even more exercise. These appointments will soon become a habit and you will no longer have to insist that they will be kept.

9. Simply switch off

We all know that: in the evening the television is switched on, we lounge on the couch and let the day (far too long) end in front of the tube. Most of the time there isn't even anything exciting that would justify staying up for so long! Just switch off and plan to do without TV at least one day a week. In time, you could also move more or just go to sleep.

10. Forget counseling

There are countless guides that want to show you how to lose weight. But all the great tips don't help if you aren't convinced of it. Forget about the guides, too, who are guru-like and sell their philosophy as the ultimate. It is almost impossible to lose 20 kg in a week or to make a similar concept work. Find your own path, which usually consists of a combination of different tips. Above all, rely on the proven and not on new promises.

Do you want to know how you can play sports sensibly and still not have to pay anything? So you pay nothing for your fitness subscription!


So you pay nothing for your fitness subscription!

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10 tips for building muscle

10 tips for building muscle

Science describes muscles as contractile organs that work through contraction and relaxation. This means that when a muscle tenses, its opponent is relaxed and vice versa. This results in the fact that muscles can be strengthened through increased training and thus through stronger and more frequent tensing. But it is not just the frequency of training that ensures strong muscles! The following tips also help you to achieve well-defined muscles:

1. Don't forget strength training

Even if it seems logical, it is often forgotten: strength training is always better suited to building muscles than cardio training. At best, you do your strength exercises before the endurance training, because now the muscles are still maximally efficient. You are not required to the extent of the subsequent cardio training and can therefore relax. The maximum strength is available to you at the beginning of the training session for the strength exercises.

2. Feed the protein kingdom

As a rule of thumb, you should take two to three grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Ideally, you do not supply this amount via food additives and protein shakes, but instead rely on a balanced diet, the focus of which is on the protein. Divide the protein over the day, at best over six meals. This way your muscles can always be removed from this? Depot? live off.

3. Regularity is key

Many athletes have big goals and train very intensively. But soon the ambition diminished and the training workload was revised downwards. However, it is much more helpful to start with low goals and work on them regularly. Regularity beats the training intensity by lengths!

4. Pay attention to the drinks

Muscle building also depends on how you eat. A healthy diet naturally also includes drinks, which at best should be unsweetened. Avoid soft drinks, they are too loaded with sugar. As a rule of thumb for the right amount, you should consume one liter of liquid per 20 kg of body weight. With a body weight of 60 kg, that's three liters a day. That sounds like a lot, but it's a matter of practice.

5. Slowly increase weights

If you use weights to build muscle, increase them regularly. If you train two or three times a week, you can add some weight every week. Increase slowly and limit yourself to a maximum of 500 grams per week. At the beginning of the desired strength training, you should also only start with a low weight, because even little weight is more than your muscles have had to lift up to now.

6. Develop compact exercises with the personal trainer

Targeted training is usually very difficult for inexperienced users, so it is advisable to find a trainer who can draw up a training plan. Important: You should above all include compact exercises, because these stress the body and ensure that it builds up muscles quickly. The stress releases growth hormones, which lead to stronger muscle growth.

7. Train from big to small

Small muscles are rather the little helpers in the body and are practically trained on the side. Therefore, concentrate on exercises that especially challenge the large muscles. If these are exhausted, you can still give yourself up to the little side players and stimulate them with suitable exercises. The maximum strength should be kept for the large muscles and also used for training them.

8. Pay attention to the calorie intake

Just because you do strength training, you don't need a double portion of food! With intensive training, around 500 Kcal more are enough to provide your body with sufficient supplies. Pay attention to high-quality foods that contain all the nutrients your body needs and avoid increasing the amount of calories with fats or sweets.

9. Find the best training time

Follow your biorhythm and find the time when you are most productive. It doesn't have to be early in the morning or after work. Maybe an extended lunch break is a good idea for training or you can go with them in the evening hours Your fitness subscription in the Gym. The muscles perform differently throughout the day. Find your personal? Performance time ?!

10. Recover well

Your body is certainly stressed by so much training. Give him enough time to relax and give him enough sleep. It is believed that after approximately 48 hours the muscles are back in their original condition, so the next workout should take place after a maximum of two days. The body uses the breaks in between to build up muscles. But only if he gets enough sleep!

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