Amortize or redeem mortgage?

Dissolve or pay out life insurance

Amortize or redeem mortgage?

Amortization is a repayment of the mortgage. In most cases, the bank requires that part of the mortgage amount be amortized, which exceeds two thirds of the value of the property. Amortization beyond that is not mandatory. This means that the second mortgage must be amortized, for which a fixed period is agreed. Most banks require repayment by the start of the pension at the latest.

Dissolve or pay out life insurance

The bank takes the first step

It is usually the bank that approaches the customer and asks for a decision on how to proceed. This means that the bank would like to have a refinancing decision shortly before the mortgage in question expires. 

However, it is better for the mortgagee to take action before the end of the term, because this gives him enough time to find the right strategy for himself. This procedure also has the advantage that you do not miss the notice period. 

Incidentally, it is not always worthwhile to stay with the previous bank; the mortgage can also be renewed via another provider.

As before the initial mortgage was taken out, it is better to compare different providers. will be happy to help you make this comparison and will find the best offer for you!

Is it worth the payback?

While there is still a choice with the first mortgage, this is not the case with the second mortgage: amortization is mandatory when the specified period has been reached. However, you should ask yourself two questions:

    • What are the tax benefits of amortization?
    • What will happen to the money if it is not amortized?

If you use the existing money for amortization, it will not be available for other expenses. Those who do not pay off can invest the capital and thus achieve a higher return in the long term, but this is usually only possible with risky forms of investment. Those who cannot or do not want to accept losses should therefore rather put their money into the amortization.

 A distinction is made between direct and indirect amortization. In the direct variant, the mortgage loan is repaid in regular tranches. If you opt for indirect amortization, you invest your money and can later pay for it in one go. For explanation:

    • Direct payback

      You regularly repay part of the mortgage to the bank, which reduces the mortgage amount as well as the interest. In addition, the tax burden increases due to the falling mortgage debt. The advantage of this variant is that the amount of debt decreases, which has a positive effect on the psyche for many mortgage holders. Many people feel badly burdened by debt and want to continuously reduce their debt burden. With this variant, the taxes are to be seen disadvantageously, moreover, the capital may be missing for private retirement provision.

    • Indirect payback

      The mortgage debt remains the same over the entire period of the mortgage, the tranches are deposited in pillar 3a of the private pension scheme. The cost of the mortgage remains at a constant level, but the tax burden is reduced. The reason: The payments into pillar 3a and the interest for a mortgage can be claimed for tax purposes. At a later date, the capital saved in pillar 3a can be withdrawn and used to repay the mortgage. As always, the second mortgage must always be repaid at the agreed time.

Where does the money come from?

If you have decided to pay off the mortgage, you will need to provide the necessary money. But where do you get it from and not steal it? There are a few ways that can help you do this and that still give you the liquidity you need to cover the usual cost of living. 

Important for early retirees: the second mortgage must be repaid in any case before retirement age. Anyone who decides on amortization beforehand can no longer use their invested money to fulfill other wishes. 

As a pensioner, however, it is much more difficult to get a mortgage again because the banks do not include a pension in the portability calculation. This in turn means that the new car or the desired addition to the house must be financed differently. In this case, it may be cheaper to forego the early amortization. The amortization should never destroy liquidity!

If sufficient liquid funds are available, the money for the amortization can be paid into the pension fund, for example. This improves the debtor's credit rating rapidly, and better terms are possible when taking out a new mortgage. It can also save taxes.

If you have your risk in focus, you should carefully consider whether it makes sense to bundle all of your assets in one property. Experts speak here of cluster risk, which means nothing other than that all capital is tied up in one place. If problems arise, there is a risk of high losses in value. It makes more sense to spread the money across different asset classes and thus achieve diversification.

Good advice is important

You should not only get comprehensive advice from an expert when taking out a mortgage. Expert opinion is also important with regard to the question of amortization or repayment of the mortgage. To do this, make comparisons between different providers and use ours Mortgage comparisonto get an exact picture of the numbers and costs!


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The most important thing about home finance

Two key figures are important for financing a home: mortgage lending and portability. Banks loan up to a maximum of 80 percent of the property value or the purchase price. For you, this means that you have to bring at least 20 percent equity into the financing. In addition, housing costs (living expenses) may not exceed one third of gross income.

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The required debt

First, calculate how much debt you need. A list of the existing equity capital is important for this. Enter a list of how much savings you have, how much can come from an early inheritance or a gift, and whether you can withdraw money from the second or third pillar of social security (and if so, how much). 

The available equity results from the sum of these amounts. You start from this sum and multiply it by four. This in turn results in the debt capital that can be raised through a mortgage. An example: You have CHF 50,000 in equity at your disposal. 

Multiplied by four, this results in CHF 200,000. This means that you can count on a mortgage of CHF 200,000 if you bring in the aforementioned CHF 50,000 equity. Since the burden here is over 65 percent, the mortgage is divided into a first and a second mortgage. 

The latter must be amortized on a fixed date, i.e. paid back. As a rule, retirement is the latest point in time, and banks are reluctant to finance it.

The portability calculation

Anyone who has ever asked about a mortgage will also use the term? Portability calculation? have heard. It is used to calculate how much home You can afford at all. The first and second mortgages are subdivided based on the purchase price and the possible own and external funds. 

The interest is then calculated, the amortization deducted and the ancillary costs determined. The bank uses this to calculate the running costs that you will face each year. These, in turn, determine how high your annual income must be so that you can finance it as desired.

Financing partner wanted!

If you are looking for a partner, you usually do not commit yourself lightly. Someone you want to be with for many years just has to "fit". This also applies to the financing partner of your mortgage; after all, you are bound to it for ten or even twenty years. 

In the past it was common to simply go to the house bank and take out the mortgage there, but it is no longer recommended today. It makes a lot more sense to take a closer look at the competition from the house bank. Also note the cantonal banks, the insurance companies and above all the online banks. 

Judge with the mortgage comparison and find the financing partner that suits you! Before making a decision, consider these points:

    • Be sure to get multiple offers (at least four to five)!
    • Compare the offers and choose who might want to renegotiate the conditions.
    • Try to acquire some expertise yourself so that you can negotiate on an equal footing.
    • Talk to the advisors of the selected providers.
    • Decide not only on the basis of low interest rates for a provider, but also compare the other conditions (e.g. termination options).

Submit the loan application: Please think of all documents

The loan application will only be processed if all documents are available. Therefore, it makes sense to inform yourself in advance about the necessary documents so that you can show a lot of them during a consultation. In any case you need at least these documents:

    • current tax return
    • Real estate documents
    • Extract from land register and draft sales contract
    • Building insurance estimate

Not all documents will be immediately available, which is especially true if you want to get a rough overview of the financing options. 

Above all, the land register extract, the draft of the purchase contract and the estimate of the building insurance are only available if you are actually considering the purchase of a property and are already in negotiations with the seller.

 After the comprehensive consultation, you know exactly whether lending and portability are possible as intended. You will then receive the final acceptance or rejection within a few days.

Choose the right mortgage

With most providers, customers have a choice of what type of mortgage they want to take out. There are fixed, variable and Libor mortgages. They all have different advantages and disadvantages, as we explained earlier. 

You just need to know which model suits you, and you should be able to assess yourself well. Are you more of a risk-taking type or do you need a high level of security? The following tips will help you choose the right mortgage and put home finance on a safe footing:

    • Fixed-rate mortgage: This is suitable for everyone who knows their budget exactly and who is afraid of risk. You play it safe and are protected against unpleasant surprises.
    • Fixed-rate mortgage or Libor mortgage: At times of low interest rates, choose a fixed-rate mortgage and let the interest rate be fixed for ten to twenty years. The Libor mortgage is suitable for anyone who is willing to take a little risk and who does not mind if interest rates can rise after a low phase.
    • Rising interest rates: If you can expect interest rates to rise as soon as you sign the mortgage contract, a fixed rate mortgage is the best choice. This will secure the current low interest rates.
    • High interest rates: If you are not waiting for interest rates to fall and now want to conclude your mortgage contract, a variable mortgage is the best choice. If interest rates fall, you will benefit directly from it.
    • Falling interest rates: If you expect falling interest rates, a Libor or variable mortgage is the best choice. This means that they adapt to the interest rate level and have the option of having the agreed high interest rates adjusted.

The decision as to which offer is best for you and which bank will be your future partner should be carefully considered. 

Use the opportunity to compare different providers here on and follow the old motto:? Therefore, check who binds forever !? Even if you don't commit yourself forever, with the wrong financing partner, ten years can be an eternity.


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What needs to be considered when taking out a mortgage?

Financing experts are always surprised at how blue-eyed some people take out a mortgage, even though it is one of the most important steps in their lives. A mortgage usually runs for many thousands of Swiss francs and is usually in the five- to six-digit range. Losses are dear to the mortgagee. And yet it is the house bank with which the financing is tackled?

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Verbal contract is valid

Many a borrower believes that what has been said orally is not legally binding. But that is wrong, even an oral contract can be binding. 

A reputable bank will always record the things discussed in a written contract, because this is both a security for the bank itself and for the borrower. So if both sides have agreed on the mortgage, the data will have to be written down. 

Mortgage contracts are not tied to a formal requirement, because every bank naturally has a corresponding form that contains the most important points about the mortgage:

    • Type and amount of mortgage loan
    • Borrower's name
    • agreed interest rates
    • Start of the mortgage and term
    • agreed payment dates
    • possibly fees and discounts
    • Conditions for early redemption and termination
    • Terms of Service
    • Registration of the mortgage
    • Address of the property to be financed

Most of the time, the mortgage contract will contain additional data that elaborate on the details. How extensive the contract is is entirely up to the bank. If you would like more information to be included, please ask your bank advisor. If this is not disadvantageous for the bank, this should not be a problem.

Very important: Before you sign the contract and thereby seal the conclusion of the mortgage, you should definitely read the fine print. This primarily concerns the specified notice periods and the general terms and conditions. Above all, the point of early termination of the contract is important, because if you want to get out of the contract, this should be possible at any time. 

Especially if you are entering into a long-term mortgage contract because interest rates are currently very low, you should consider how you can get out of this contract. Find out more about these points:

    • What happens if you change jobs?
    • What happens if you die or your partner dies?
    • What about divorce?
    • What is the procedure for losing a job? How about insolvency?
    • Can you still sell the property at all?

All of these questions should be regulated in the mortgage contract, so that you have a certain legal and planning certainty. In this regard, be sure to read the small print in the contract, because there are often traps lurking here, which can become noticeable later on.

Check prepayment penalty before graduation

The bank from which you borrow the money with which you buy the desired property invests your money in the capital market. The margins on mortgages are higher there, which gives the bank a lower interest rate than what it gets from you. In most cases, compensation is therefore required if you decide to want to do so before the official contract ends. 

This is also called prepayment penalty or exit compensation. It can be really expensive! Therefore, be sure to consider this point before you conclude the mortgage contract. In the case of a fixed-rate mortgage, you may be asked to pay back the remaining amount that the bank would have earned for the duration of the term through your interest payments. 

Assume that your mortgage was CHF 600,000 and you cancel it four years after the start of the term. The fixed interest rate was 2.25 percent. The bank would only receive one percent interest on the capital market for the remaining six years. It will now claim a kind of default compensation from you and bill you for the interest rate differential of 1.25 percent. 

You will now come out of your contract, but you will have to pay a fine of CHF 45,000. A nice sum that could have been avoided if you had thought about this eventuality beforehand. 

If in doubt, do not commit yourself to such a long time and take advantage of the offers of some banks that offer a cheaper five-year interest rate on a fixed-rate mortgage. Some providers even set the interest rate a little higher for the ten-year term.

Negotiate before closing

Most banks require the compensation just described if you want to terminate your mortgage contract early. The only question is how high the compensation payments will be. You should definitely clarify this question beforehand, because it is decisive for the choice of the provider. 

The statutory provisions are mandatory and you must abide by them. All other contract terms, on the other hand, are rather voluntary and only a matter of negotiation. Many banks officially announce that they will only adhere to the general terms and conditions that are visible to everyone. 

Unofficially, however, individual regulations are possible in most cases. Do not sign prematurely, but first use the comparison option on and secondly the opportunity to renegotiate the conditions shown.

Don't let your advisor push you to graduate. This also applies if the latter suggests the largest possible carving. The consultant's argument is understandable, because it relates to the fact that you enjoy the greatest possible security. If interest rates fall in some time, you can already replace the shorter tranche and renegotiate. 

If interest rates don't fall, you still have the longer tranche as collateral. This is understandable, but the interest can also go up and you are then forced to accept the adviser's offer. Even if this is clearly worse than the previous level. Make sure that you can amortize the expiring tranche by then. 

Threaten them to pay for themselves or instead ask for a very cheap alternative. The consultant will already rethink the desired degree and drop it in your favor.

Another tip at the end: measure your mortgage rather generously. Many borrowers plan too little and underestimate the costs that come with buying or building a house. 

Then the equity becomes scarce, the sustainability is no longer given. You'd better take your time as a mortgagee and pay back a little more money. This makes you live more calmly and offers you the necessary financial freedom.

To find the best offer for the mortgage, use our Mortgage comparison!


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