Do I even need travel insurance?

Do I need travel insurance at all?

Do I even need travel insurance?

Clear answer to the question in the headline: It depends! Crucial for the decision whether a Travel insurance required is or is not, is the price that was or is payable for the trip. We strongly recommend taking out travel insurance, especially for medium to high-priced trips.

Do I need travel insurance at all?

Planning better with travel insurance?

It happened quickly and a fall happened while hiking on vacation. The result: broken leg, stay in hospital, termination of vacation. But the cost of the trip was enormous and should have been in vain?
Another case: Managing Director A is traveling with the family on the long-awaited vacation and has worked in his deputy a few weeks earlier. He suffers a serious accident on the way to his job, precisely during the vacation period. He's been out for many weeks. The result: Managing Director A's return trip, because he has to manage the company. Another absence of a responsible person is not justifiable. The same applies here: nothing except expenses?

In addition to these examples, there are numerous other cases in which travel insurance would be helpful because it pays for the often high additional costs due to an unplanned hospital stay. However, those who are chronically ill must expect to be unable to take out such insurance at all. Because: The risk of cancellation is high and most insurers do not want to take exactly this risk. They also cover themselves completely and list a long list of exclusions from their services. These exclusions also include the chronically ill, as well as illnesses that only occur on vacation, but which had their origin before. In the reverse case, the cost of travel insurance would have been paid for free.

Prefer to travel without travel insurance?

You can only answer this question for yourself. If you are planning a camping trip, it certainly does not need to be covered by travel insurance. However, if you are planning a luxury trip to a five-star hotel, you should think about insurance. You do not have to secure every component and you certainly do not necessarily need vehicle assistance if you are only traveling with a rental car. You should also check existing insurance policies. In some cases, travel insurance is also to be covered by credit card or already included. Vehicle assistance is included in the automobile club contract, and the repatriation may be included in the existing accident insurance. Check your current insurance status and only then decide whether you need additional travel insurance.

Conclusion: Please decide in individual cases

No general statement can be made as to whether travel insurance is useful or not. As a rule of thumb, this insurance is useful for all those who have had to save money on the trip and cannot afford to forego the money already invested due to an accident or an unforeseeable illness. However, good travel insurance costs between CHF 280 and CHF 400 per year, so its necessity should be carefully considered.

Before you do this, you can compare the travel insurance here! Take a look at the small print and the possible exclusions to be on the safe side.


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What types of travel insurance are there?

What types of travel insurance are there?

Insurers generally differentiate between two types travel insurance: between cancellation insurance and personal assistance. The other insurances such as vehicle assistance or luggage insurance are components that can be selected in addition to these two basic insurances.

What types of travel insurance are there?

In some cases, sole luggage insurance is also offered, so you do not need either of the two types of insurance listed below:

Cancellation insurance

The cancellation insurance pays when the insured person has booked and paid for a trip, but for certain reasons cannot take off. Hedged risks are among others

- accident and illness
- Death
- natural disasters
- Unrest at the destination or in the holiday country
- transport failures
- Loss of job within a fixed time frame before departure

Slight ailments or separation from the partner are not accepted and are therefore not borne by the cancellation insurance.
This insurance is particularly worthwhile if the booked trip is a medium or high-priced trip and the cancellation would mean a severe financial loss. Important: The cancellation insurance should always include the provision of services within Switzerland.

Personal assistance

If you have to return from vacation early, need rescue or rescue at the vacation location, this type of travel insurance comes into effect. It takes effect from the time of arrival and thus as soon as you start your vacation trip. An early return home is also insured, as well as hotel costs that may arise in addition. The following risks are insured, for example:

- illness and death
- natural disasters
- Political rumors
- Illness and death of related parties
- Illness and death of the substitute at work

This insurance is essential when traveling to countries known for lower passenger safety. In addition, travelers who are planning an extreme vacation should take out such insurance. Personal assistance should also apply within Switzerland and can be locked without any additional component.

In summary can be said that the cancellation insurance targets events that occur before the start of the trip. If you suddenly fall ill at home, but have already booked the expensive cruise on the Atlantic, you can get your money back with the cancellation insurance. 

However, possible exclusions are important. Some insurers are very perfidious and do not pay if, for example, an illness is? Hypothetically? could have been determined beforehand. As with any insurance policy, the same applies to cancellation insurance that you should read the fine print carefully before taking out the insurance.

Conclusion on the types of travel insurance

Personal assistance and cancellation insurance are the two most important types of travel insurance. They can be supplemented with additional modules so that the trip is fully secured. These additions include vehicle assistance, coverage of medical expenses and luggage insurance. 

If all these components are included in one tariff, there is complete all-round protection. However, it is worth considering whether the cost of the trip justifies such comprehensive insurance, because the money will not be refunded if the insurance is not used.

We recommend that you take advantage of the offers Travel insurance must be compared here! This gives you an overview of the providers and tells you where you are really well insured.


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What is travel insurance

What is travel insurance?


No matter how carefully a trip is planned, some imponderables remain. This means that unforeseen things like illness or injuries can always happen. The travel insurance is then responsible for the costs incurred in connection with the trip. The individual insurers offer various modules from which the individual protection can be put together.

What is travel insurance

Fundamentals of travel insurance

Travel insurance must comply with the Insurance Contract Act. Furthermore, they are subject to the general insurance conditions and any additional conditions. However, each insurance company is free to determine which services are taken over in individual cases.

The policy always covers the persons who are also named in the insurance contract. In some cases, family insurance is possible, which includes a larger group of people and can be taken out for all people living in the household.
The scope of travel insurance is not always the same, but can be adjusted. 

The insurance usually applies to travel around the world, but it can also be limited to Europe. Insurance can also apply to trips that only take place within Switzerland's national borders. However, most insurers require that the travel destination must be at least 50 km from the place of residence in order for the insurance to work.

What benefits can be insured?

The offers for travel insurance are similar for all providers. The following modules are usually included or can be included individually:

    • Luggage insurance

      The luggage is insured against theft, loss and damage, but not against damage due to weather or temperature influences. A fixed sum of cover is agreed. Monetary values, misplaced objects or natural wear and tear are not insured.
    • cancellation costs

      Costs for the cancellation of the trip will be covered, including rental cars, holiday apartments and entrance tickets. There are, however, predefined reasons for an insured cancellation (including strike, death of close relatives, terror, unforeseen termination, theft of passports). Separation from the partner, cancellation due to bad weather at the holiday location or entry tickets below CHF 100 are not insured.
    • Personal assistance

      The insurance covers the termination of the trip due to an accident, injury, illness or death of the insured or a representative at the workplace. Rescue operations, repatriation, transfer costs for the deceased, costs for telephone calls and advances for hospital treatment are covered. Illnesses that are not emergencies, risks or epidemics are not insured, nor are illnesses that existed before the insurance was taken out.
    • Vehicle Assistance

      Depending on the provider and the tariff chosen, different coverage is insured. Among other things, the salvage of the vehicle and its return to Switzerland are taken over, as well as parking fees and costs for the delivery of spare parts. Additional transport costs (e.g. for the rental car) or costs for accommodation and meals are also part of the insurance's scope of benefits.
    • Medical expenses

      Emergency treatment abroad is covered unless it is covered by health and accident insurance. In some cases, however, the travelers have to bear additional costs themselves. Non-emergency treatments are not covered, nor are the costs of epidemics, risks, the use of narcotics or participation in demonstrations. Even illnesses existing before the trip are not taken over in terms of costs.

Conclusion: That brings travel insurance

Travel insurance is available in all cases where the trip has to be stopped because of an accident or illness. It secures high additional costs. However, due to numerous exclusions, your degree should be carefully considered.

Before you decide on a provider, you should consider the offers for Compare travel insurance now! This gives you an overview of various providers and their tariffs.


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