How many citizens change health insurance in Switzerland every year and why?

How many citizens change health insurance in Switzerland every year and why?

It is a recognized creed for Swiss people: regularly change your health insurance, or at least change your basic insurance! Many stick to it because they know that this can save a few hundred francs and more. However, convenience often wins and the notice period is missed.

In 2018, the health insurance premiums only increased by 1.2% and so a change is not worth the effort. But is that really true? How many Swiss actually change health insurance and why? The following article answers this question.

Why does a change make sense?

Already at a young age, people in Switzerland learn that they should check annually whether a change of insurance would pay off financially. But since this can be associated with a small amount of bureaucratic but nerve-racking effort, the question is rightly asked why a change makes sense at all.

The health insurance premiums are recalculated each year and increase in different amounts from canton to canton at the various insurance companies. Therefore, the costs for the monthly insurance premiums are always recalculated. 

At the end of October, the Swiss health insurance companies are obliged to inform their insured of the amount of premiums for the next year and to make them aware of their right to switch.

Attention: Anyone who changes does not make themselves unpopular, because insurers treat regular customers no differently than new customers.

How does the change go?

For basic insurance, there is a notice period of 30 days at the end of each year. This means that the written notice of cancellation must have been received by the cash register by November 30 at best. It is important to be careful:

    • The actual receipt of the cancellation counts and not the postmark.
    • The insurance number and the date must be stated on the cancellation.

Supplementary insurance has a longer notice period of three months, which is why the notice of cancellation must be received by the fund by September 30th. Pay attention here as well: wait for the written confirmation of the new cash register for your admission before you quit. 

Supplementary insurance providers are not legally obliged to accept you, but can decide depending on the health check.

How many citizens change?

The reasons are seeping through and more and more citizens change their health insurance every year. In 2016 there were around one million insured who used the services of a new fund for 2017. It is important to distinguish that around half a million of them were forced to switch because their previous health insurance companies merged with a new one.

Every year, the BAG publishes the? Statistics on compulsory health insurance ?:



Percent of insured



11,5 %



7,2 %



5,4 %



6,9 %




The importance of a change and the financial benefits are causing more and more Swiss people to change health insurance. The BAG data can be used to identify trends and to respond to the needs of Swiss citizens. 

Last but not least, the increase in the number of people changing is most likely due to the savings potential and the low cost of termination formalities.

Change health insurance: a comparison helps

Anyone looking for a new health insurance company can of course use various methods. But one of the most straightforward solutions is to compare offers from different insurance companies online, such as ours health insurance comparison.

On the Internet, it only takes a few mouse clicks to compare the offers of the health insurance companies and thus to select the best offer for your own needs. This free service makes it much easier to change insurance providers. 

In addition, it only takes a little time to check these offers and thus select the tailor-made service package for your own needs. 

It's worth comparing! Now here click and save 1,000 francs!


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SWICA - the number 1?

SWICA health insurance - Number 1 in Switzerland?

SWICA once again came first in terms of customer satisfaction among health insurance companies in Switzerland. Why is SWICA the number 1 health insurance company in Switzerland and what distinguishes it from other insurers? The following article examines whether there are alternatives or serious competitors.

SWICA's self-image

With around 1.5 million insured, SWICA is one of the leading health insurance companies in Switzerland, and it also has around 27,000 corporate customers under contract. 

It sees itself as a health organization, not just as an insurer, and advertises with permanent financial security and optimal medical care in the event of illness, accident and maternity. It is also the only organization that offers an integral service chain for health issues.

Private customers can choose between three models:

    • Standard model (basic insurance)
    • several alternative insurance models
    • individual choice franchise

Customer friendly, customer friendly, SWICA

Both conventional medicine and complementary medicine are supported by SWICA. Many Swiss people like to benefit from holistic and sustainable care during their illness.

The offer is supported by the Medbase Medical Center and the partner practices of SWICA, which offer access to the network of doctors and therapists. For smartphone-loving people, they also offer the BENECURA app, which can be used to call up further recommendations for action using a symptom checker.

The fitter the lower the premiums

SWICA also offers the option of collecting fitness points with a bonus point program, which can be used to reduce premiums. The BENEVITA platform is intended to track the activities and help to increase health literacy. If the insured regularly invest in health and fitness, the corresponding activities can be rewarded with up to CHF 800 a year from supplementary insurance.

Advantages through customer loyalty

As a rule, hospital insurance premiums increase every five years, which can result in a high financial burden in old age. For this problem, SWICA offers the so-called final age tariff, with the help of which SWIA allows the previous insurance period to be included in the calculation of the premium and rewards customer loyalty.

SWICA and PROVITA are also the only health insurers to deduct the cost sharing of basic insurance from that of SWICA supplementary care. As a result, the annual cost sharing is significantly lower than that of other health insurers. Loyal customers have advantages with which they can save a few Swiss francs.

SWICA and competition

in the Compromised health insurance comparison The following points of dissatisfaction were most frequently insured in 2019: Bills paid too late or not paid, annoying inquiries, too complicated paperwork, administrative problems. In 2018, Sanitas took first place just ahead of SWICA, but SWICA has now recaptured the top. 

But despite this positive development, a rather descending turn can be observed. The average customer satisfaction at all health insurance companies lost. In the last comparison result it dropped from 5,02% to 4,89%. A total of 60% Swiss citizens are satisfied with their insurer. 

Three quarters of SWICA customers are satisfied with the service. It is therefore worth taking a look at the test leaders, as the focus is not only on the price-performance ratio, but also factors such as the satisfaction and franchise of the health insurers.

Same benefits, different premiums

SWICA is one of the leading health insurance companies in Switzerland that impresses with its particularly harmonious price-performance ratio. Nevertheless, health insurance has to make a comparison with many other institutions that offer the same services. 

But SWICA differs from these providers, for example, in the amount of its premiums. The health insurance companies also vary from one another through other services such as the service. Anyone looking for a provider with particularly favorable terms is usually well advised to sign a contract with SWICA. 

Alternatively, it is also advisable to compare the offers of this health insurance company with those of other regional health insurance companies. 

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Comparison portals in comparison (,,,

Comparison portals in comparison (,,,

It is not easy to keep track of all the comparison portals, health insurance companies and various premiums. With the top pages, you are already a good deal further on your way to the perfect offer and the health insurance company that is tailored to you.

The individual comparison portals

In this article we give you an optimal overview of the 4 most important comparison portals. Who offers which services, which criticisms are there? You can find the answers below in our comparison to:

    • and
    • was founded in 1996 as a GmbH and is currently the largest online comparison portal in Switzerland. currently has almost 200 employees and a headquarters in Zurich. The company has also been an official stock corporation (AG) under the direction of Paul Kummer since 2000. is a comparison portal focusing on car insurance, household insurance, health insurance and supplementary insurance, mortgages and personal loans. The comparison portal was founded in 2004 and then quickly gained popularity in Switzerland. The customer orientation of this platform is particularly evident in its efforts to demonstrate savings for customers in every area.

Of the health insurance comparison is especially popular because it lists and compares all health insurance companies in Switzerland. The name of also shows the main focus of the company: The detailed overview of all health insurance companies should make it easy to switch to the ideal partner. As a result, the website says: ?? Swupp? and is it already done? is a Swiss start-up based in Zug. The comparison portal specializes in all topics relating to insurance and banking and is rated positively by customers, particularly through personal and individual advice right through to the perfect offer.

The comparison portals in comparison - who offers you what?

The most popular Swiss comparison portals,, and primarily have in common that the very customer-friendly and detailed health insurance companies compare. 

They differ mainly in the range of topics and special extra services. For example, in addition to detailed articles, also offers video reviews of health insurance companies and a chatbot that can calculate all health insurance premiums. 

The change should be made easy, especially at In general, however, it can be said that each comparison portal tries to relieve customers of as much effort as possible. The top comparison portals are also characterized by objectivity and neutrality. !

Competition from our own ranks

In the meantime, several other comparison portals have established themselves on the Swiss market. One example is the German company Verivox, which presents health insurance comparisons in a particularly clear manner and also lists all health insurance companies. However, this provider could provide detailed information on the individual health insurance plans. 

This example shows that the competition among comparison portals in Switzerland is not at rest. On the contrary: if you want to assert yourself, you have to address the needs of users even more comprehensively and in more detail. In this competition, is setting a good example. 

Conclusion: An overview of the comparison portals

It is not easy to keep track of all the comparison portals, health insurance companies and various premiums. With the top pages, you are already a good deal further on your way to the perfect offer and the health insurance company that is tailored to you. 

When comparing, you should make sure that you get a comprehensive overview of several products, that you understand the structure and function of the website without effort and that you find exactly what you are looking for and need thematically. 

Finally, we have put together a brief overview of the comparison portals in comparison:


very good


very good, all Swiss health insurance companies listed

very good



very good


very good

Comparison possible without personal information



very good

Health insurance topics are limited


very detailed



represented on many networks

many other topics


Video ratings

Chatbot for calculating health insurance premiums

Personal advice

It's worth comparing! Now here click and save 1,000 francs!


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These articles might also interest you:

Can I change health insurance during pregnancy?

Can I change health insurance during pregnancy?

A lot changes in the life of a pregnant woman with a pregnancy and a baby. The anticipation is enormous: Not only should the living conditions be optimally planned for the baby, the color of the wall has to be decided and the first onesie are in the drawer, but also a few visits to the doctor are now part of the program. 

It is not without reason that many pregnant women are confused as to whether it is possible to change health insurance during pregnancy.

Requirements for a change in pregnancy

Basically, the basic insurance can be terminated during pregnancy without any further problems. The requirements for a change in pregnancy are the same as for a normal change:

  • There must be no outstanding premiums or invoices.
  • The notice period until November 30 must be registered. (Attention: The actual receipt applies, not the postmark!)

Pregnancy is not an illness

Many women have uncertainties about the franchise choice. But here it is very clear: pregnancy is not an illness and all medical benefits during pregnancy are covered by the compulsory basic insurance. Women without health problems can therefore choose the franchise with CHF 2,500, as they are not affected by pregnancy.

Use family discounts

There are no family discounts for primary care, but the unborn child can be registered with the health insurance company. It does not matter whether the father of the children is registered with the same health insurance as the mother and the child. As every year, a premium comparison is worthwhile for every Swiss citizen.

The supplementary insurances are however provided with family discounts. Many health insurance companies offer discounts if several children are insured with one health insurance fund and again if the parents are registered with the same insurer.

Note the waiting period

With supplementary insurance, however, the situation is different from that with basic insurance: if the mother wants to use the corresponding additional benefits for birth and pregnancy, she may no longer change the supplementary insurance. There is a waiting period of nine to twelve months for maternity benefits.

What benefits do health insurance providers offer during pregnancy?

Basic insurance benefits cover the cost of pregnancy. It is not necessary to take out additional insurance for pregnancy, unless the pregnant woman would like to receive private medical treatment.

Services taken over

possibly not taken over

- control

- birth

- midwife

- hospital

- After consultation

- Breastfeeding advice

- ultrasound

- if there is an increased risk: amniotic fluid examination and placenta examination

- the favorite hospital or birthplace

- preparatory courses that are not conducted by midwives

From the 13th week of pregnancy, the costs associated with pregnancy are borne, but if complications arise until then, they are considered to be an illness before the checkout. As with a normal illness, the pregnant woman must contribute to the costs.

From the 13th week onwards, all other costs will be paid without deductible, deductible or hospital contribution.

New regulation: More trisomy blood tests for mother and child

For some time now, health insurance companies have also covered the cost of blood tests for pregnant women under certain conditions. These tests are intended to indicate whether the fetus has trisomy 21 - the so-called Down syndrome. 

Since Swiss health insurers have made this offer available, more and more women across the country are using it. The Federal Office of Public Health hopes that this measure will reduce the number of invasive examinations thanks to the tests. 

Finally, the amniotic fluid tests automatically lead to premature or miscarriage in one percent of all cases. This rate must be minimized. 


The basic insurance can be changed during pregnancy without any further problems, because the following applies: pregnancy is not a disease and is no longer treated as of the 13th week. 

Depending on the insurer, pregnant women must observe the corresponding waiting periods for additional benefits and, if necessary, no longer change providers. 

It is also advisable to study and use the family discounts, as all family members can benefit financially from the discounts.

To compare? It's worth it! Click here, compare health insurance companies and save CHF 1,000!


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10 tips for changing health insurance in 2020

10 tips for changing health insurance in 2020

Although the premium increase of just 1.2% was relatively low in 2019, it is still worth comparing the health insurance companies this year, because the savings potential is unbroken. You can find out which 10 tips you can save particularly well in the following article.

1. Be aware of your rights

The basic insurance for the Swiss is with everyone Health insurance right away. It covers all statutory medical services. Therefore, regardless of your health status, you will be admitted to any health insurance company. Prerequisite: You adhere to the notice period.

2. Note notice period!

basic health insurance

November 30 (last working day)


usually September 30th

You should send cancellations by registered mail, as only timely receipt can lead to a legally valid cancellation.

3. Compare, but correct

To find out which health insurance is the cheapest for your region, you have to use a comparison calculator. Make absolutely sure that you use a neutral computer, otherwise you base your decision on the data you have bought. Always combine the results with the information on the pages of the individual health insurance companies.

4. Consider switching even if you are ill

Even if you suffer from a chronic illness, the health insurance companies are legally obliged to guarantee you basic insurance. Take out a policy with the lowest franchise level of CHF 300 if you are going to have expensive treatments in 2019.

5. Change from standard model to alternative model

Without a change of health insurance, insured persons can sometimes save 40% of the premium if you increase the franchise amount to the maximum amount of CHF 2,500 and switch from the standard model to an alternative insurance model. Ask your health insurance company.

6. Register the whole family with an insurer

Although group discounts are prohibited in Switzerland, it is worth taking a look at the child premiums, because the premium levels are graded according to three age groups.

    1. children
    2. young adults up to 26
    3. Adults from 26

Discounts increase with several children and there are also many family discounts with supplementary insurance.

7. Pay insurance premiums annually instead of monthly

A savings option that fewer Swiss people use: Many health insurance companies offer a discount for once or twice a year premium payments that are higher than interest on a savings account. If you can afford to pay not every month but every six months, or for the whole year at once, you should accept this savings offer.

8. Premium reduction

The canton and the income from the tax return are decisive for the premium reduction. Check this by contacting your cantonal tax administration. Around two million Swiss nationals are already taking advantage of these premium reductions.

9. Check additional insurance

Supplementary insurance should be applied for and taken out in good health, as the insurers are not obliged to take you on. A look at a Flex product can also be useful to be flexible when changing in later years. Find out from your insurers at an early stage.

10. Check other discount options

For many people there is the possibility to claim a company, association, club or community discount for supplementary insurance. It is helpful to check memberships and offers. The discounts vary and offer enormous savings potential, since they can be concluded without a new health check.

There are many ways to help you save money when you switch to health insurance. For example, if you are employed by a single employer for more than eight hours a week, you can have your accident costs covered by your employer. 

Small details like this offer you enough savings. You should also keep in mind that the medical benefits for basic insurance in Switzerland are all required by law. Accordingly, in case of doubt, you can also choose an insurance company from which you can obtain the services at favorable conditions. 

If you heed tips like this, switching to another insurance company certainly offers great savings potential. 

Have you already saved CHF 1,000? Then it's time for you Thinking about health insurance comparison!


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Swap health data for premium discounts?

Swap health data for premium discounts? What that means and what you should know about it

In principle, exchanging your own health data for premium discounts can offer you some advantages.

What exactly is health data?

Health data is generally understood to mean all data that can provide information about a person's state of health. The state of health itself is of course composed of many different numbers and values - but some health data are particularly present in everyday life and easy to track. The physical condition or physical load can be determined in particular by the following aids:

    • Heart Rate Monitor
    • Pedometer
    • Watches
    • Smartphones / apps

The smartphone in particular is our constant companion these days. It may not be suitable for measuring internal values such as blood pressure or blood values - however, the steps in particular can be counted and tracked without any problems. 

Further values can be derived from this. For example, the approximate calorie consumption, general fitness and even a rough quality of heart activity. These conclusions about the state of health make the health data attractive for health insurance companies. 

Some supplementary health insurance schemes are already interested in this in Switzerland. The reasons for this are simple: A good overview of a person's current health and a prognosis for possible later visits to a doctor and Co.

What premium discounts are possible?

Some Swiss health insurance companies offer premium discounts for the transmission of health data. In addition to the previously mentioned everyday measuring devices, these health insurance companies also provide their own health monitoring devices. 

That sounds intimidating at first, but it can be really worthwhile for the Swiss - the premium discounts are paid out and transferred to the account.

Exchange health data for premium discounts: these are the advantages and disadvantages

Whether you should exchange your health data for premium discounts is primarily a moral and ethical discussion or decision. 

Of course, every Swiss citizen has the right to the protection of personal data and the right to informational self-determination. This means that every person can decide for themselves who or how or even against what? he passes on his data. 

It is important that this happens voluntarily. As in all areas of life, the following also applies here: Beware of peer pressure !? The more people voluntarily pass on their data, the more normal the optional process becomes and at some point a demanding basic attitude can arise, which puts pressure on those who refuse to do so. exercises.

We have summarized further advantages and disadvantages for you in a simple overview:



Bonus discounts in the form of payouts

Submission of personal information

own awareness of the state of health

Uncertainty about how health data will be used with upcoming technology

no additional effort

Feeling of surveillance

Disclosure to patients with high risk factors

Data protection is particularly important with this concept

Health care providers must follow strict guidelines on how they can handle health data. For example, it is particularly important to exchange confidential medical information only in encrypted form over secure connections. 

The intention behind this is to always be able to trace back which person transmitted the data at what time and for what purpose. Doctors assume a large part of the responsibility. 

Doctors are obliged to inform their patients about the use of apps and wearables. In addition, it is the duty of doctors to inform their patients about the scope, nature and purpose of the use of the data. 

Our conclusion: You should know that!

In principle, exchanging your own health data for premium discounts can offer you some advantages. Those who had not previously paid attention to their health values could now become more aware of them and pay more attention to improvements in everyday health and fitness. 

Apart from that, financial relief through premium discounts is always welcome. 

Our note: Be aware that you are sharing very personal and detailed information about your health. Make sure in advance how exactly and when your health data will be used and processed by health insurance companies and the like.

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These articles might also interest you:

Change health insurance: What you need to consider when changing health insurance

Change health insurance: What you need to consider when changing health insurance

The health insurance premiums change every year, sometimes even during the current year. So if you want to save a few francs, you can do so every year: Insofar as the notice period is given, insured persons can switch to another health insurance fund at the end of the year and save up to 1000 francs. 

Did you know: takes care of your health insurance change for you! You save a lot of time and money.

First step: termination!

In order to be able to change health insurance, you must first cancel in writing, observing the notice period. Attention: The decisive factor is the arrival of the cancellation at the insurance company, not the postmark. The notice of termination must be received no later than November 30 (last working day in November).

2. Registration with the new health insurance company

Using a comparison of health insurance premiums, you can find out which health insurance company is the cheapest for your place of residence. If you have chosen one, send a registration to the chosen cash register, preferably by registered mail.

In any case, you should note that you only cancel the basic insurance if you have to keep your supplementary insurance. Otherwise you may have canceled the entire policy with the cancellation.

3. No confirmation received - and now?

You canceled on time and still did not receive confirmation from the cash register. Those affected can be without worries, because you are insured even without a written confirmation from the new health insurer. For security, you can ask or ask for confirmation.

The new health insurance company is legally obliged to report to the old insurance company that you have a new insurer. In doing so, it proves that you are insured as a new customer without interrupted insurance cover.

The prerequisite is that there are no open premium claims at the old fund.

4. Only cancel supplementary insurance

Even if you only want to cancel your supplementary insurance and want to keep the basic insurance with your old provider, you must also cancel in writing. Differentiate between these between supplementary hospital insurance and outpatient supplementary insurance.

hospital insurance

additional outpatient insurance

Assumption of costs for inpatient stay


alternative treatments

dentures cost

Treatments abroad

The notice period for supplementary insurance is longer than for basic insurance and is usually three months. The cancellation must be received by September 30th to be effective December 30th.

Before signing up, consider whether you are contractually bound to an insurer for longer than the average year. This should affect your decision.

5. When are the awards communicated?

For most people who change, the level of health insurance premiums is the decisive factor in the decision. The insurers must therefore report by October 31 how high they will be next year. He is also legally obliged to inform you of your right of termination.

How to proceed with the termination if a premium increase is due:

    1. Comparison of Swiss health insurance companies in terms of benefits and premium amount using a health insurance comparisons.
    2. Request an offer.
    3. Decide which supplementary insurance policies you want to change and keep.
    4. Note notice period.
    5. Do not cancel until you have received confirmation of admission from the new fund.
    6. Cancel by registered letter and cancellation form by September 30th or November 30th.

6. Is there a special right of termination for a change of health insurance?

If a health insurance company adjusts its premiums upwards, the institution must inform its policyholders in writing about this increase in costs and about the option of changing health insurance companies. Insured persons must receive this information around two months before the premium increases. 

The policyholders are then entitled to a special termination right with a notice period of a maximum of one month. Insured persons can apply for this change until the last day of the previous month before the new premiums come into force. 

In practice, however, insured persons can rarely make use of the special right of termination. Experience shows that most insurance companies prefer to adjust premiums only at the turn of the year. 

Conclusion: preparation and care is everything

In conclusion, it can be said that an annual change of the basic insurance is almost always financially worthwhile, and it is also advisable to keep a close eye on supplementary insurance.

It's worth comparing! Now here click and change the health insurance!


Change health insurance

Health insurance companies change easily and quickly. It only takes a few seconds.

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Dental Supplement Insurance: The 10 Most Important Questions and Answers

Dental supplementary insurance in Switzerland: the 10 most important questions and answers

Without a beaming smile, life is only half as good, and when there are complaints of caries, going to the dentist is inevitable. 

Oral hygiene is a necessity for many Swiss people, but the compulsory basic insurance only covers serious illnesses of the chewing apparatus. We have compiled and answered the 10 most common questions about dental supplement insurance in Switzerland for you here.

1. How much does health insurance cost in Switzerland?

As insured persons in Switzerland always have to pay ten percent of the cost of treatment, this ten percent plus franchise must be paid. The premium costs for supplementary dental insurance are between CHF 10 and CHF 20 per month and per child. 

But be careful: Many insurance policies require separate packages that are more expensive than the overall package. The costs differ depending on the franchise and insurance, which is why it makes sense to compare the providers.

2. What does the dental supplement insurance offer include?

The offer includes these important services:

    • Correction of misaligned teeth
    • Dentures such as crowns, pin teeth, bridges and dentures
    • Prophylaxis and dental hygiene
    • diagnostic Radiology
    • preserving dental treatments
    • tooth extractions

3. Why do I need additional dental insurance?

Compulsory basic insurance in Switzerland does not cover a patient's dental treatment as long as it is not a serious illness. Treatments for tooth decay or misaligned teeth must be paid for yourself.


Assumption of services not included in the basic service


treatment spectrum

Discounts with multiple family members

higher monthly expenses for health insurance

contractual commitment

waiting period

4. Who is obliged to take out health insurance in Switzerland?

Everyone living in Switzerland has to take out mandatory health insurance. Preferably over one Health insurance comparison.

5. Who can take out additional dental insurance?

To take out dental insurance, you must be under 65 and reside in Switzerland. Furthermore, a positive notification of admission and a health check are required.

6. Can I go to a dentist in Hungary for treatment?

You need to ask the insurance company whether you can go to a foreign dentist for treatment after graduation. As a rule, dental insurance is valid worldwide, provided that the doctor treating you has the same training as that in Switzerland. In addition, the treatment must not be more expensive than in Switzerland.

7. How do I change my dental insurance?

You can usually cancel your supplementary insurance once a year if your cancellation is received by September 30th at the latest. This is the only way to change within the three-month deadline of December 30th. Termination must be in writing.

8. Can I cancel without notice in special cases?

Yes, in special circumstances you can terminate the contract without adhering to the deadline. This is possible in the event of a claim, for example if the attending doctor made a medical mistake or you had a medical accident. The special right of termination also applies to an increase in premiums, but make sure that the deadline is met.

9. Is there a waiting period?

For most dental supplement insurance, there is a waiting period of six months. This means that treatment is only possible six months after the contract is signed. The treatment date is decisive for the transfer.

10. Is there a discount if I switch? How can premiums be saved?

Children and young adults usually have lower premiums. Some insurance companies offer discounts if several family members are insured with them. The discount offers are graded according to 5% per two insured per family or 10% from three insured family members. Overall, discounts range from 0 to 20% and are on a voluntary basis.

Good to know!

When choosing dental supplementary insurance, please bear in mind that individually agreed services are based on the respective scope of services. This means that some providers tend to focus on correcting misaligned teeth and other insurance companies on dentures. 

In addition, the proportion with which you have to contribute to the respective treatment costs varies. Some insurance companies therefore only pay a certain percentage of the costs for treatments such as braces. In addition, the offers of the health insurance companies differ for a limit of annual financial benefits. 

In this regard, you should make sure that these offers do not fall below a minimum of CHF 5,000. It is therefore all the more important to compare offers in detail. 

It's worth comparing! Now to compare and find suitable dental supplement insurance!


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Supplementary health insurance under the microscope. Find out what really pays off here at

If you want to take out additional health insurance for the first time, your current status or situation is particularly important. Which health insurance company are you currently insured with? And: What do you expect and require from supplementary health insurance? Find out what really pays off for you here at

What does supplementary health insurance bring me?

In addition to basic insurance, you can take out supplementary health insurance. This means that you receive offers and services that go beyond the standard. This is especially worthwhile if you have specific ideas about which offers you want to take advantage of and, above all, will often take them realistically. A Health insurance comparisonh can help here.

A distinction is made between supplementary outpatient insurance and supplementary hospital insurance. Both systems offer different services:

additional outpatient insurance

hospital insurance

Offer visual aids

General Department

non-cash medication

Semi-private department

psychotherapeutic offers

Private department

Fitness offers

Flex model

Vaccinations (protection and travel vaccinations)


Relaxation cures, massages, etc.

Housekeeping or care

dental insurance

Treatments abroad

So what you get from supplementary health insurance is entirely up to you.

What are the disadvantages of supplementary health insurance?

The disadvantages of supplementary health insurance often only become apparent after the fact. Namely, when packages or services have been completed that are not optimal.

Many Swiss are dissatisfied for two reasons. On the one hand, some quickly lose sight of the overview and thus the motivation to deal extensively with the topic.

This leads to the second reason, because on the other hand, quite a few people take out additional health insurance that is not ideal in terms of price-performance ratio. Swiss pay too much for services that they do not use. You can avoid these errors with and your own research.

If you already have supplementary health insurance?

If you have already taken out supplementary health insurance but are not satisfied, then you are not alone. Many Swiss people pay too much money for offers that are not optimally adapted to their life, health and requirements.

If you want to adjust your supplementary health insurance, you should above all know what you value yourself. For example, are you primarily interested in cheap premiums? Is full coverage important to you?

Do you appreciate a free choice of doctor? Also criteria like alternative medicine, Dental supplementary insurance Switzerland or discounts for families can be taken into account and help you to find the optimal supplementary health insurance.

Change additional insurance: important tips and tricks!

For most health insurance plans, the contract period for supplementary insurance is one year. The notice period is three months. It is therefore important that you, the policyholder, submit the cancellation to your health insurance by September 30th. But the offers of supplementary insurance differ significantly. 

You are therefore well advised to refrain from insurance packages with less customer-friendly terms right from the start. If the insurance companies therefore offer policies with terms of three or more years and the associated notice periods of six months, these offers are less customer-friendly. 

Please also note that the contracts are usually renewed automatically if the insurance is not terminated on time. 

The conclusion: you should definitely pay attention!

In Switzerland, in addition to constant basic insurance, there is the concept of supplementary health insurance. The offers differ greatly from one another and differ from person to person. This individualization is both positive and negative. 

You have the chance to find the optimal solution for you - but many quickly lose track of the supplementary insurance jungle and conclude packages that contain inappropriate or superfluous benefits.

We at have therefore put together a quick and easy list for you. So you should note:

    • Your current health insurance company
    • Difference between outpatient supplementary insurance and hospital insurance
    • General health services
    • Offers in the field of wellness and relaxation
    • Fitness offers
    • Healthcare abroad
    • Offers of dental insurance
    • Additional Services

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Will health insurance premiums rise by 3 percent in 2020?

Will the premiums for health insurance companies increase by 3 percent in 2020?

Many Swiss are right to ask to what extent health insurance premiums will rise in 2020. Since the big premium shock did not materialize in 2019 and persisted at a percentage of 1.2 %, the Swiss hope for the best.

In fact, the premium of 1.2 % replaces the standard premium and thus replaces annual increases of around 3.5 % (since 2008). Since the values of 2018 and 2019 are therefore less easy to compare, the question arises whether the premiums of the health insurance companies will again increase by 3 % next year.

Why are there health premiums in Switzerland?

Since according to the Swiss health system, people living in Switzerland must take out mandatory basic insurance, they have to pay a monthly premium. The health insurance companies adjust these premiums annually to the following year, which means that insured persons have the right to switch to a cheaper provider at the end of the year. Therefore, towards the end of the year it is worthwhile for everyone Comparison of health insurance companies in Switzerland.

However, these premiums must not be set arbitrarily, but must be approved by the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG).

To determine the amount of the premium, it is necessary that the Swiss health insurance companies disclose their forecasts and finances. Only then can the FOPH determine the economic viability of the health insurance company.

What happens to the rewards?

The individual cantons of Switzerland are to be assessed as individual premium regions, which is why each canton has to post its own premium increase. The individual situation of each health insurance company is taken into account, including regional differences with regard to the insured. The Swiss health insurance companies use the premiums to finance the services they provide.

Benefits financed by health insurance premiums:


  • Administrative expenses,
  • Salaries of employees
  • Accruals.

For more information, the BAG has an information sheet on the subject of what happens to the premiums? created.

Increase in premiums compared to that of health insurance companies

Due to demographic change and medical and technical progress, the average cost of the premiums will continue to rise. The medical services are also increasing in volume, for which the FOPH cannot determine any medical reason.

The Santésuisse health insurance association recently announced an outlook for cost growth in the Swiss healthcare system of around 3 %. Even an increase of 5 % has been loud in some areas.

According to Santésuisse, however, the health insurance premiums will rise less. Where there was a 1.2 % increase in 2019, it will probably not exceed 3 % increase in the next year, although an increase will be noticeable. The reason for this are the reserves that health insurance companies have created in recent years.






less than 3%

Outlook: countermeasures and savings proposals

The calls for countermeasures to the ever increasing costs for health insurance for the insured are louder than ever. There are suggestions, but implementation is the real problem, said Santésuisse director Verena Nold in Bern recently. The suggestions include lower sales margins and a reference price system.

An annual comparison of drug prices between abroad and Switzerland is also required. The suggestion that patients could order medicines more cheaply abroad and have the costs reimbursed by the Swiss health insurances was not pursued. Although the premiums will increase by less than 3 % in 2020, increases of 5 % to 6 % can be expected in areas such as physiotherapy and Spitex.


It has been confirmed that the increase in the cost of Health insurance premiums 2020 has nowhere near reached the 3 percent mark. On the contrary: on average, the premiums for health insurance only rose by 0.2 percent. However, considerable differences were found between individual cantons. 

One of the most important reasons for this tendency is the different constellation of the state of health and the local age structure of the population. As a result, residents of the cantons of Basel, Geneva and Vaud are asked to pay the most. 

In contrast, the premiums are lowest in Uri, Nidwalden and Appenzell Innerrhoden. In general, the average premium is reduced in a total of ten cantons from Switzerland. 

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