Many Swiss are not adequately covered by household insurance

Legal protection Start of validity

Many Swiss are not adequately covered by household insurance

Many Swiss think that they are sufficiently covered by household insurance. But they are actually underinsured and thus exposed to a considerable financial risk in the event of an insured event.

Legal protection Start of validity

No adjustments to home contents insurance in recent years

As far as their household effects are concerned, the Swiss seem to be a very risk-taker. After all, around two thirds of the Swiss have not made any adjustments to their home insurance in the last five years. Since experience has shown that many new items are purchased within such a long period of time and that there is a significantly higher value in the household, the lack of adjustment in the insurance means a high risk. 

Those affected are underinsured, which can have serious financial consequences. In the event of damage, they will not get everything replaced and have to accept significant reductions in the actual value of their household effects.

Surveys by various comparison portals have shown that around two thirds of Swiss policyholders have insufficient insurance. There is always underinsurance if the agreed sum from the insurance is lower than the actual value of the respective items. If damage occurs to the entire household (for example due to fire or a burst water pipe), only part of the necessary sum will be reimbursed. This in turn means that the difference to the actual value has to be borne by yourself.

Satisfaction with home insurance has increased

According to the surveys, the Swiss are quite satisfied with their home insurance. They give a grade of 5.2, with the German-speaking Swiss being even more satisfied and giving higher grades. At the same time, however, it is also the German-speaking Swiss who are the least likely to adjust their home contents insurance; almost 70 percent of them missed adapting their home contents insurance to the values actually found in the household in the past year. 

At the same time it is noticeable that the Swiss are not changeless. You don't want to be insured with one insurance company one year and with your competition the next year. Rather, value is placed on continuous cooperation and long-term partnerships. At least, as long as the price is right, because increases in home insurance premiums are not only viewed critically, but also punished with terminations.

The Swiss are so satisfied with their home insurance that they say they would recommend it to others. The lack of adjustment of the insurance level in home insurance is mainly due to the fact that most people simply forget that such an insurance also requires a minimum amount of attention. And if it is only the insurance comparison that provides information as to whether other providers offer cheaper insurance, with which the insurance cover is still given in the desired amount.

Conclusion: underinsurance can be expensive? Adjustments necessary!

Unfortunately, it is still the case that a large proportion of the Swiss are underinsured in household insurance. Because despite the recommendations to carry out an annual check of the values of a household and to adjust the contents insurance accordingly, many citizens continue to have an insurance taken out in this form. New furnishings and valuables are purchased, but they are not insured. 

However, if the sum insured is too low, it means that there is a risk of high financial damage in the event of damage. If a defective water pipe floods the apartment, home contents insurance can only compensate for the damage that is also insured. However, if an expensive piano, several paintings and other things that significantly increase the value of the facility have been purchased since the contract was signed, you may be underinsured. The result: The insured person is left with part of the damage.


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Combination packages usually cheaper than individual insurance?

Combination packages usually cheaper than individual insurance?

Household contents and liability insurance can be taken out individually or as a combination insurance. However, a comparison of the premiums shows that the individual variant is often the better, because it is significantly cheaper than many package insurance policies.

Package insurance is often more expensive

Insurers like to suggest that package insurance is the better choice. If household contents and personal liability insurance are combined, this should have a positive effect on the premiums. Consumers shouldn't be blinded by this, however, because precise comparisons have shown that combined insurance can be up to 50 percent more expensive than individual insurance. 

However, the insurance benefits do not increase to the same extent, but are comparable to the individual insurance policies.
In order to find the best insurance for household effects and liability, however, a comprehensive and, above all, specific comparison is important. An example:

Household contents insurance with Smile Direct costs CHF 254.40 a year for a family. Private liability insurance for this target group costs 150 francs with the same insurance. Theoretically, this results in a total of 404.40 francs per year. Smile Direct offers its cheapest combination product for families for 407.60 francs per year. The difference is not great, but it is obviously there. 

If you take out the insurance as individual insurance and rely on Smile Direct and Mobiliar, you can buy both products for the mentioned 404.40 euros. But the insurers can also do something else and so Zurich offers combined insurance for 569.10 francs a year. A difference of at least 161.50 francs!

From this it can be concluded that the insurers by no means offer a cheap option as a combination insurance. They always add a few francs. Even if there are only a few, these add up due to the large number of insured persons.

Look carefully before you finish

Various insurers are trying to attract new policyholders with what appear to be bait offers. They offer combination insurance that is said to be particularly cheap. Discounts are to be granted that make things more attractive. Nevertheless: Despite the discounts, the insurance companies do not manage to catch up with the cheapest representatives in individual insurance.

Before taking out insurance, those willing to take out insurance should therefore take a close look. What does household insurance offer, what does personal liability insurance offer? The services differ depending on the provider, which is particularly evident in the coverage levels. With some insurers, certain benefits are not included; in many cases, deductibles are set per insured event. 

Under no circumstances should policyholders accept blindly following the recommendations of their insurance advisor. The recommended combination insurances may appear attractive at first glance, but of course they also have the advantage that only one policy has to be in place. Less effort, two insurances in one contribution? and yet this variant remains the more expensive and therefore the less recommendable one.

Comparison also with other insurers

Anyone who has decided to take out two individual insurance policies should look beyond the scope of one insurance policy. Because there is no obligation to keep household effects and personal liability with one provider. It is also possible to commission two different insurance companies or to manage policies with two companies. This has the advantage that the insured can choose the cheapest insurance in each case.

Conclusion: combined insurance as a worse choice

Insurance brokers like to recommend combined insurance for household contents and liability for various reasons: It would be cheaper, it would be easier, there would only be one settlement of the premiums. At least the latter points are true, but the decisive factor is the cost, which is by no means lower. In practice, it has been shown that individual insurance policies are significantly cheaper. 

These can also be taken out with two different insurers, which again enables savings. It is important that insured persons do not be blinded by apparent discounts for a combination insurance, because this usually does not make it cheaper than two individual products.


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These articles might also interest you: In a league with the big ones In a league with the big ones

The summer of 2019 was written when one of the budding stars entered the comparison portal landscape to catch up with the big ones in the shortest possible time. was born and rose within three quarters of a year to the same league as, and Here, users can easily find all important comparisons to health insurance premiums, car insurance tariffs and much more. is already mentioned in the KGeld with the four big players in the industry and proves to be just as reliable and trustworthy. is an industry size that no one in Switzerland can get past who wants to carry out a financial check. Now that also applies to, because the former start-up closed the test of Kgeld with only half a grade worse. 

The very good results achieved within this short time make us confident and it can be assumed that the half mark that still separates neotralo from the competition will not be a permanent result. Such a good result can easily be topped! Especially since will have an ever wider reach: Tools in ten different languages can be used to compare life insurance policies. 

This means that not only relies on its customers from Switzerland, but will also build a portal that goes well beyond national borders, with which new users can be reached, who in turn can benefit from the advantages of the comparison portal.

Satisfaction with

Not only the testers of the financial magazine are satisfied with itself provides feedback. ?We are very happy with the result. Already after half a year we are perceived as a Swiss comparison portal and stand next to the big names in the industry in Switzerland. 

It is agreed that the efforts have really paid off since the portal was launched, because right from the start great emphasis was placed on customer friendliness, service, comprehensive results and the ability to contact the providers directly. 

Everything at should be as clear and transparent as possible and that just pays off! In contrast to many other comparison portals that try to make up for missing content with a big name or to hide the receipt of remuneration for mediated insurance, wants to offer an actual overview. 

This gives the user the chance to get an idea of the individual offers and to choose the one that best suits them.


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10 tips for the best household and personal liability insurance

10 tips household and personal liability insurance

10 tips for the best household and personal liability insurance

The following tips will help you find the best household and personal liability insurance for you!

10 tips household and personal liability insurance

1. Define insurance requirements

If you do not live in one of the cantons of Jura, Nidwalden, Vaud or Freiburg, you do not have to take out household contents and personal liability insurance. However, it is recommended if you own high-quality furniture or cannot or cannot afford to pay the damage yourself if the glass breaks or is stolen. It is always advisable to take out private liability insurance anyway, because this insurance protects against high financial burdens due to damage that you have inflicted on third parties.

2. Optimize premiums

Adjust the possible additions to your insurance needs. Do not insure anything that you definitely do not need and save premiums. By agreeing a higher deductible in the event of damage, you reduce the premium burden again. Do not underestimate the guaranteed amounts in the event of a claim, because if you are underinsured, you will have to bear the remaining damage yourself. You can also optimize the premiums by paying annually and by combining household and liability insurance in one product.

3. Do not select any unnecessary blocks

Don't pay for anything you don't need! Add-ons such as simple theft abroad or elementary insurance are important. If you live in a rented apartment on the upper floor, have no children and no furniture with glazing, it is not worth taking out glass breakage insurance. This will save you premiums if you adjust the insurance exactly to your needs and check this adjustment regularly.

4. Change insurance

Check your insurance coverage regularly. You should also check out the deals with the help of a Home contents and liability insurance comparison filter out so that you always find the cheapest provider. When choosing a new insurer, be sure to pay attention to its benefits, which have to match your claims, and observe the notice periods. But be careful: Those who change too often are often viewed with skepticism by the insurers and are not always accepted.

5. Use discounts

Many insurers offer discounts to their customers. For example, the annual payment method, which comes with a few percent less premium, is possible. A monthly payment method is up to five percent more expensive on average. Multi-year contracts can also be worthwhile, because discounts are also granted here. However, it is disadvantageous that the termination is only possible after the long contractual relationship has expired.

6. Observe notice periods

Many insurers offer their customers notice periods of up to three months at the end of the insurance year. This time is quickly missed! Therefore, if you want to switch, be sure to send the cancellation in good time. However, in the short term you can terminate a claim after it has been paid (or not paid) and after an increase in the premiums.

7. Make short-term contracts

Don't tie yourself to an insurer just because of the lower premiums. With a contract of three or even five years, there is a chance that significantly better offers will open up in the meantime. You should therefore only conclude contracts for one year in order to remain flexible. Alternatively, you can negotiate an annual right of termination.

8. Avoid underinsurance

With underinsurance, you benefit from lower premiums. However, in the event of damage, you will not be granted adequate coverage by the household insurance! Your damage will then be greater than the sum insured that will be paid out to you, and the difference is usually significantly more than the previous savings from lower premiums. Overinsurance is also not sensible, because you pay unnecessarily high premiums. In the event of damage, you will only get the replacement value of your household items and no more.

9. Report damage directly

Insurers generally set certain deadlines within which damage must be reported. Anyone who gives notice later can expect to see reductions in benefits, even if these cannot be fully withheld. Especially if you have already had the damage repaired by the insurance company before it can be assessed, there may be problems in settling the damage. In general, insurance companies decide how to proceed in the event of a claim.

10. Pay premiums on time

If premiums are not paid on time, many insurers respond quickly with reminders or even exclude the insured. In this case, it can be difficult to find new insurance, because other insurance companies do not like the termination of an insurance policy. To avoid penalties and annoyance, it is therefore advisable to always pay the premiums on time.


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Without home insurance, it can be very expensive

Without home insurance, it can be very expensive

Without home insurance, it can be very expensive!

The Household insurance is in Switzerland not mandatory to complete. This means that it is theoretically possible to get by without this insurance, unless you live in a canton that at least requires fire damage insurance. Landlords can also ask for household insurance or proof of the existence of such insurance in order to be protected against damage typical of tenants. Just think of the overflowing bathtub with the damage it caused!

Without home insurance, it can be very expensive

If household insurance does not exist, it can be very expensive.

If, for example, the entire furniture is destroyed in a fire and the fire does not stop at assets and electrical appliances, all of these must be replaced. The costs for this are usually in the five-digit range. Household insurance has the advantage that it insures at replacement value. This means that you can expect to get equivalent devices or their value replaced. 

The insurance covers damage caused by fire and water, theft and elementary influences. Burglary damage is also insured.

Protection outside the home

Insurance companies are all too often concerned with replacing the value of stolen bicycles. Anyone who travels by bike more often and also connects it to a public place would do well to use the building block - simple theft abroad? to be included in the insurance. Because: With this it is possible that the carefully connected but stolen bike is replaced in terms of value. 

Many bike owners have bought a new bike after theft, which was immediately stolen from them. This could get expensive!
Protection outside the home also applies to handbags and notebooks or other devices and valuables.

Burglaries are increasing

Police and insurance companies complain equally that the damage caused by break-ins continues to increase. Such cases occur again and again in places or areas that were previously considered to be very safe. Nobody is really protected against burglary! In the event of a break-in, there is often great damage. The perpetrators have no regard for the furniture and are often extremely ruthless when looking for valuables. They willfully destroy everything that gets in their way. 

The financial and personal damage is thus much higher and cannot be quantified by the amount of the goods actually stolen.
In view of the fact that such crimes are on the rise, household insurance is almost mandatory. In the event of an emergency, it protects against the costs of burglary and partial vandalism and at least offsets the financial loss.

Conclusion: It is better not to do without household insurance!

Understandable if someone wants to save on insurance costs. However, it is completely incomprehensible when it comes to household insurance! Anyone who has ever experienced such a damage event and was not insured will agree to it. After all, household insurance also protects against lightning and the risk of damage due to a lightning strike grows in view of the constantly increasing weather phenomena. 

However, you should first look at the offers for household and personal liability insurance in the Compare household and liability insurance comparisonbefore you contact an insurer and are asked to sign the contract.


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Without personal liability insurance, it can be very expensive!

Without private liability, it can be expensive

Without personal liability insurance, it can be very expensive!

Anyone who thinks that private liability insurance is completely unnecessary is making a huge mistake and hopefully will never be able to pay for damage caused to a third party. It can be quick: in winter, the sidewalk is smooth and a passerby falls as he passes. He breaks his leg and has to be treated for a long time or a lengthy rehabilitation follows the treatment. During this time, the person concerned cannot work and has to accept a high level of financial loss. A case for personal liability insurance, if there is one!

Without private liability, it can be expensive

Bankruptcy without personal liability insurance?

Many underestimate the danger that non-existent personal liability insurance poses. Because: Personal injury and financial loss can cost many thousands of francs, whereby five to six-digit amounts have to be assumed. However, anyone who is liable must pay for all of their current and future assets. It can actually be threatened by personal bankruptcy, even if this may sound strange at first. The person causing the damage is liable with all his belongings and, if necessary, is even forced to sell valuables and pledge his salary. With a private liability insurance, such considerations are superfluous, because it protects against such claims.

Adequate coverage is important

It is important that the amount of cover is calculated accordingly. At least five million francs should be agreed for personal injury and financial loss, and in some cases the insurers even recommend increasing it to ten million. It is always the insurance sums that are paid for each claim. Other amounts are assumed for individual liability cases. Damage to a rented vehicle is only covered with CHF 100,000, and a loaned and used horse is covered by some insurers with CHF 10,000. It is advisable to check the coverage levels from time to time and to determine them according to the current recommendations.

Reasons for personal liability insurance

The following reasons speak in favor of taking out private liability insurance:

    • Protection against claims of injured parties
    • Assumption of property damage, personal injury and financial loss
    • Defense against unjustified claims
    • worldwide protection

Experts say that personal liability insurance is absolutely necessary, especially for pedestrians and cyclists. A little carelessness often causes an accident for which they are liable. Such damage can be expensive without appropriate insurance! Therefore always one Carry out liability insurance comparison.

Conclusion: Better not to do without private liability insurance!

Anyone who does not literally swim in the money should take out private liability insurance. The reason is that a damage event that may involve personal injury or financial loss can be very expensive. This can go so far that the entire existence is threatened because the person causing the damage is liable with his entire assets. The injured party is entitled to the settlement of his claims, therefore the future income must be used to settle the debt. If you want to avoid this, you should definitely take out private liability insurance!

Here you can see the offers in household items and Assess liability insurance comparison. Find out more, because the individual providers differ greatly in terms of services and the amount of premiums.


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10 good reasons why you should take out household contents and personal liability insurance

Reasons for home insurance

10 good reasons why you should take out household and personal liability insurance!

The recommendation is clear: take out household contents and personal liability insurance and you are protected against numerous claims and high costs.

Reasons for home insurance

These reasons speak for taking out household contents and liability insurance:

1. Financial protection

Claims for damages, appraisal costs, compensation for loss of assets and many other costs can come to you if you do not have personal liability insurance. The insurance, however, offers protection against third party liability claims.

2. New purchases possible

Imagine your house or apartment is on fire or there is tap water damage. All the furniture has been destroyed! There are high costs here, because a complete basic installation of a medium-sized apartment can amount to tens of thousands of francs. If there are personal valuables in the apartment that significantly increase the asset, the damage is even greater. Home contents insurance replaces damage caused by fire, robbery, theft, water or elementary influences.

3. Protection against additional costs

Home insurance also covers the costs that arise as a result of an insured event. If locks have to be exchanged because a thief destroyed them when attempting to break in, or if damage prevention measures are used (extinguishing with powder instead of water), this entails costs. The insurance takes over this as well as the replacement of the destroyed belongings.

4. Special aspects of life can be insured

Protect yourself by taking out household contents and personal liability insurance even in special cases. Do you borrow other horses to use them? Do you borrow? albeit rarely? a foreign vehicle to get from A to B? In these and other cases, household and liability insurance applies, which can also be taken out as a combination product and thus offers very good all-round protection.

5. Protection against lightning strikes

The annual freak weather is getting stronger and more difficult to predict. With home contents insurance, you protect yourself from high costs that can come to you due to a lightning strike. A single flash is enough to destroy all electrical devices in the house. Thanks to the household contents insurance, these are replaced at their new value, so that you can purchase equivalent devices.

6. Be secured on the way

The normal household contents insurance only protects the household contents that are in the household or that are temporarily out of the house (for example when moving house). With the addition of simple theft (abroad), bicycles, handbags and notebooks as well as other objects are protected. In the event of damage, these will also be replaced at their replacement value.

7. Unjustified claims are blocked

Anyone who has ever received a letter asking for costs from an allegedly injured party and who had no insurance could only prevent worse from going to the lawyer. On the other hand, if you have private liability insurance, you hand over the case. It checks existing liability claims and fends them off if they are not justified. Legal protection insurance would not even take on this task!

8. Protected worldwide

Protection from private liability insurance exists worldwide. This means that you are protected against third-party claims even when traveling. If you accidentally cause damage to another person on vacation, private liability insurance will step in and ensure that the claims are met. You are protected from the financial consequences.

9. Protection of the whole family

The household contents insurance relates to the specified household and the people registered in it. Private liability insurance can also protect several people if it is taken out as family insurance. Claims against co-insured persons cannot be made.

10. Protection possible with a low deductible

Most insurers require a deductible for each insured event from the insured. It is enough to agree on the lowest possible deductible. Depending on the provider, it is also possible to completely waive the deductible. But the premiums will be higher.

Would you like to check the relevant household and personal liability insurance? With the household items and Liability insurance comparison Is that possible! Here you have the chance and receive comprehensive information on the subject.


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These articles might also interest you:

What does private liability insurance cover?

What does private liability insurance cover?

What does private liability insurance cover?

Private liability insurance protects you and all persons included in the contract against third party liability claims. This means that if you cause damage to a person or an object, you are liable for it and have to pay for the damage. If necessary, your income will even be seized for this, since you are liable for such damage with all current and future income.

What does private liability insurance cover?

Personal liability insurance is not compulsory, but everyone should be protected by this insurance.

Both individuals and families can take out insurance; children are covered differently depending on the insurance provider. In addition, concubinates are covered differently in the individual insurance companies.

Private liability insurance covers things at their current value, which means that the items that are to be replaced are valued at the current value at the time of the damage. Incidentally, this also applies to personal injury: A person's lost income can be claimed if he or she is unable to work or even incapacitated due to the damage suffered. The following are therefore insured:

    • Damage to people and things
    • Costs related to loss prevention
    • financial losses

Various costs are included in the insurance. For example, the costs for a lawyer and for the appraiser are covered, court costs are paid and compensation payments are made.

Important: Regular driving of third-party vehicles is not insured. Anyone who borrows a vehicle and uses it only once can rely on private liability insurance, because this point is insured. The issue here is simply the regular loan of vehicles that cannot be secured. To do this, the additional component of third-party driver insurance must be included in the private liability insurance.

Another important point concerns real estate.

In general, the damage that is asserted against you as the owner of a building you live in is covered by private liability insurance. Nevertheless, insurers differ on this point and also partially exclude related services.

Damage suffered by a person living in the same household as the policyholder is also not insured. Damage due to wear and tear, contractual liability and deliberate crimes cannot be covered by private liability insurance, in addition to some other exclusions.

In order to achieve comprehensive protection through private liability insurance, various points can be included. The gross negligence is one of these points, furthermore the use of foreign horses, the activity as a teacher or the participation in hunting sport events can be insured.

Conclusion: This is how you are insured through private liability insurance

Personal liability insurance is not mandatory, but should be taken out by everyone. It protects against high claims on the part of injured third parties, because the party causing the liability must be liable for all of its assets.

Important point: Private liability insurance includes passive legal protection. This means that unjustified claims are warded off, which would otherwise have to be done by a lawyer in many cases and would therefore be expensive. It's still worth it Liability insurance comparison-Switzerland perform. The private liability insurance includes damage to property, people and financial loss and can be combined with the household insurance to a low-priced combined product.

If you want to find out more about personal liability insurance, we recommend that you take out household contents and Liability insurance comparison or to make such a comparison yourself. You protect yourself from unpleasant (because expensive) surprises!


Find household and personal liability insurance

Compare all providers in Switzerland quickly and free of charge.

These articles might also interest you:

What does household insurance cover?

What does household insurance cover?

What does household insurance cover?

Household insurance covers the damage caused by various damage events to personal things and objects, which in turn are in the self-inhabited household.

What does household insurance cover?

Basic insurance, which covers the following damage, can be seen as fundamental:

Damage from fire

Not only pure fire damage is insured here, but also damage caused by fire and smoke or by implosion and explosion. This point also includes damage caused by lightning or meteorites, as well as falling aircraft and spacecraft, as well as parts of these vehicles.

natural hazards

Damage caused by flooding or flooding is also covered by the household contents insurance, as are storm, hail and avalanche damage. There is also damage from landslides, rockfalls, snow pressure and rockfalls. The deductible is usually higher for this damage and is set at at least 500 Swiss francs per claim.

Water damage

Various water damage fall under this point: melt and groundwater damage, damage from snow, rainwater and similar liquids are covered here. The damage can be caused, for example, by a backwater, it can also occur due to leaking aquariums and water beds or due to a line break and is insured accordingly. However, if water enters the house through the windows or through open skylights and causes damage there, this is not insured.

Theft in the house

This item includes damage caused by burglary and robbery or simple theft at home. The theft abroad can be included in the home contents insurance with an additional product.

glass breakage

Insurance against broken glass is only possible in addition and is therefore not automatically included in the household contents insurance. Damage to broken glass on the furniture as well as on the windows or doors of the building is insured. However, screens of electrical devices, lighting fixtures, fluorescent tubes and light bulbs are not insurable.

The household insurance is calculated according to the values of the household and can therefore vary depending on the equipment of the apartment. The insurer will use a general calculation to calculate the sum insured, taking into account, for example, the number of square meters of the apartment and the number of people living in it. In addition, the values are determined which influence the amount of the insurance sum through special assets, jewelry and other things.

Conclusion: This covers household insurance

The general insurance conditions define the scope of household insurance for individual providers. In general, damage from fire, water and theft as well as natural hazards are included in the insurance. This damage can be supplemented by various additional options so that, for example, broken glass must also be insured. However, every household insurance has its limits and so the services of the insurance providers vary in scope. In principle, the entire contents of the home are insured, which also includes clothing and shoes as well as food. Particularly high-quality items should be reported separately to the insurance company so that there is sufficient insurance protection.

Here you can find the offers for household and personal liability insurance in household and Check liability insurance comparisonbefore you decide on a provider. Please check the services as well as any performance restrictions!


Find household and personal liability insurance

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Household and personal liability insurance: Swiss providers in comparison

Household and personal liability insurance compared to Swiss providers

Household and personal liability insurance: Swiss providers in comparison

The following table shows some of the best-known Swiss providers of household and liability insurance. Important: We recommend that you take out the offers for the insurance company before concluding an insurance policy Compare household and personal liability insurance and especially pay attention to the differences between the individual products or product combinations.

Household and personal liability insurance compared to Swiss providers

All Swiss providers at a glance:

insurance carrier
Grade after customer surveys
Allianz Suisse
Allianz (household contents insurance) Allianz (private liability)
Allianz Suisse Insurance Company Ltd
SMALL (household insurance) SMALL Plus (household insurance) SMALL (private liability) SMALL Plus (private liability)
AXA Insurance Ltd
Basler insurance
younGo M (household insurance) younGo L (household insurance) Small (household insurance) Medium (household insurance) Large (household insurance) younGo M (personal liability) younGo L (private liability) Small (private liability) Medium (private liability) Large (private liability)
Basler Versicherung AG
CSS insurance
Private customer insurance (household insurance) Private customer insurance (private liability)
CSS Versicherung AG
standard (household insurance) small (household insurance) standard (private liability) small (private liability)
Allianz Suisse Insurance Company Ltd
Minima (household insurance) Optima (household insurance) Minima (private liability) Optima (private liability)
Generali Allgemeine Versicherungen AG
Youth insurance (household insurance) Private customer insurance (household insurance) Youth insurance (private liability) Private customer insurance (private liability)
Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company Ltd
The furniture
Minima (household insurance) Classic (household insurance) Minima (private liability) Classic (private liability)
Swiss Mobiliar Insurance Company AG
smile direct
smile.home (household insurance) smile.home (private liability)
direct insurance; Branch office of Helvetia Schweizerische Versicherungsgesellschaft AG
Household and personal liability insurance
Vaudoise Allgemeine Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG
Directa (household contents insurance) Directa (private liability)
Visana Insurance Ltd.
Basic (household insurance) Optimum (household insurance) Premium (household insurance) Basic (private liability) Optimum (private liability) Premium (private liability)
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd


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